[轉錄]Re: [影片] TNT Fundamentals - Shane Battier

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA_Film 看板] 作者: airworm ( ㊣天空之蟲㊣) 看板: NBA_Film 標題: Re: [影片] TNT Fundamentals - Shane Battier 時間: Sun Jan 21 18:52:37 2007 First thing, you gotta have VISION. you have to know where the basketball is on the court at all times. next thing you need is great ANTICIPATION, you have to know, in a split second, when that LeBron James, Paul Pierce or Allen Iverson is driving to the basket and at a nano second you have to think in your mind, is he out of control at a point where if I came over and took the charge, would I get the call? thirdly, probably the most important thing you need to take the charge, is COURAGE, because they hurt as much as they look like on TV. 1.視線 2.好的預測 3.勇氣 when you're taking a charge, especially around the basket, that you're aware of where your feet are, (衝撞區: 線外=撞人 線內=阻擋) when you see an offensive player is out of control when he's driving to the basket, first reaction: get in front of the rim, and get squared, the most important thing is, to protect yourself (for obvious reasons) and take the shoulder into my chest as square as possible and with the contact, you fall over. 保護自己的小老弟 when you fall, you wanna let your *屁屁 absorb most of the impact, and you want to use the sweat on your back and sort of slide across the floor instead of just going down with the thumb. 用屁屁落地 滑行 小心拇指哥 if I'm playing a player and I know that he has a great first step going to his right hand, so if he has the ball on the wing I'm gonna shade his right hand a little bit, and on occasion, I can guess that he's gonna go really hard to the right and I'm gonna step in and beat him to the spot and hopefully if I guessed right and he hits me square in the chest and I'll go down and take the charge. 抓對方切入球員習性 (習慣切右or左 讓他切 然後比他早站定位) A charge is a weapon that although doesn't get a lot of press, you won't see them on many highlights. It's something that can cast out into the mind of the offensive player and keep them off-balance. It's a great basketball play, for those who can't jump, like the superstars in our league, like ME XDDD 製造撞人是不錯的武器 對跳不高的明星球員(我)來說 XDDD ※ 引述《airworm ( ㊣天空之蟲㊣)》之銘言: : Shane Battier 教你怎麼製造對方進攻犯規的技巧 : Shane is pretty funny. =) : 原網址(長): : http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/nba/nbacom/tnt/fundamentals/ : nba_fundamentals_battier_11807.asx : 縮一個: : http://0rz.tw/0b2lw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/21 19:29,
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01/21 19:42,
好文 借轉
01/21 19:42
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