[閒聊] 好冷清

看板NTUF-96作者 (honda)時間16年前 (2008/07/04 20:25), 編輯推噓8(803)
留言11則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
版上超冷清的耶 我來發篇文吧 雖然沒內容 哈哈 XD~~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/04 20:41, , 1F
07/04 20:41, 1F

07/04 21:36, , 2F
07/04 21:36, 2F

07/05 00:21, , 3F
都在外面 不在家
07/05 00:21, 3F

07/05 14:26, , 4F
Malaysia cannot type chinese =_=|||
07/05 14:26, 4F

07/07 13:03, , 5F
07/07 13:03, 5F

07/09 16:14, , 6F
buy a keyboard with chinese on it and buy the
07/09 16:14, 6F

07/09 16:15, , 7F
chinese version of XP at the computer center
07/09 16:15, 7F

07/09 16:15, , 8F
these two stuff won't cost you more than 1000 NTD
07/09 16:15, 8F

07/09 22:24, , 9F
no la... i type chinese from msia will show uncoded
07/09 22:24, 9F

07/09 22:24, , 10F
in ptt...
07/09 22:24, 10F

07/11 11:15, , 11F
ptt hate foreign ip... T_T
07/11 11:15, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #18RXQuDo (NTUF-96)