[公告] 外文系學術演講

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DFLL Faculty Colloquium 台大外文系學術演講 Title:National Identity and Contemporary British Writing Speaker:Dr. Pao-I Hwang 黃寶儀助理教授 Date:Wednesday, Dec 24, 2003 Time:3:30pm~5:00pm Venue:DFLL Conference Room (1st floor Liberal Arts Building) 台大文學院一樓外文系會議室 Abstract: To look at national identity in some contemporary British writing is to ask a series of questions: Who are the English? What does it mean to be Scottish, Irish or Welsh? What is the meaning of Britishness? And, now that the world is increasingly multi-cultural, can there really be a place for the "hyphenated” British-Asian or British-African? Although national identity is largely related to politics, its concepts can be seen to be all-pervasive. Many different kinds of writing attempt to trace the development of nation formation, but this study focuses on the fictional works of some twentieth-century British writers because it seeks to understand the representation and the value of national identity in a more literary context. By exploring the different perspectives held by writers such as D. H. Lawrence and George Orwell; Peter Ackroyd and Julian Barnes; Clare Boylan, Andrew O’Hagan and Iain Sinclair; David Dabydeen and Hanif Kureishi; and Kazuo Ishiguro, it is possible to see that nationhood is a cause for both unity and fragmentation. Hence the most pressing question today: How relevant is the perpetuation of national identity as a concept? As reality offers one answer, so the fictional world offers another. 聯絡人:林助教 Department Office 聯絡電話:23630231 ext2286 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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