A Message from Prof. Lee, Yuan-Tseh

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以下的訊息是來自李遠哲教授。 /* 主要是說在 Berkeley University 有一門新課程 -- DIGITAL CHEM 1A --, 這門課在美國時間 8月17日下午3:00~4:00 可以透過網路在線上即時觀看。 有興趣的人可以到 Berkeley 網站上去看,上面已經有今年1月到5月的課程, 使用 RealPlayer 透過網路來觀看。 網址:http://media2.bmrc.berkeley.edu/bibs/archive.cfm?prog=39&group=16 */ College of Chemistry Faculty and Staff You are cordially invited to preview a new course we call DIGITAL CHEM 1A, on Thursday, August 17, from 3-4 p.m. in I Pimentel Hall. Digital Chem 1A is a technologically redesigned version of our largest service course, Chemistry 1A. This course serves 2100 students a year, and in its new format it will test the potential of technological enhancements designed to help manage high enrollment courses. The initial offering of Digital Chem 1A is especially timely because it coincides with one of the largest projected enrollment increases in the history of the University of California. Thus, the course itself is an experiment that will help determine whether digital technology is up to the task of improving the pedagogy of courses offered in the UC system, while increasing their outreach and cost effectiveness to meet increasing enrollment demands.. We hope this demonstration, and the offering of the course itself, will provoke lively ongoing discussion of how technology can help meet the goals of the University of California in the new millennium. Seating in Pimentel Hall (523 seats) will be on a first-come, first-served basis. We hope you will mark your calendars to witness and critique this new offering of digital teaching technology at UC Berkeley. THE COMPONENTS AND PLANS FOR DIGITAL CHEM 1A I. Lecture material will be presented in PowerPoint. The PowerPoint presentations will include established, pedagogically effective animation as well as our own original animationand interactive scripts designed to enhance learning in a lecture format. II. The lectures will be broadcast live, simultaneously over the world wide web using state-of-the-art digital streaming technology provided by the Berkeley Multimedia Research Center (BMRC). The live broadcast will be accompanied by an online version of the PowerPoint lecture material. III. A digital archive of the lectures will be available on the web through a custom lecture browser that will allow searching of the lectures by key word, topic or PowerPoint slide. IV. Digital ChemQuizzes a technological enhancement of the popular and pedagogically effective ChemQuiz will allow students responses both from the classroom and over the web to be captured and displayed in real time. The solutions to the ChemQuizzes will also be presented in animated PowerPoint format for enhanced impact and subsequent review by the students. V. A Virtual Laboratory Manual will include Pre-laboratory exercises that are completed by the students on the web. The prelab exercises will be graded automatically, allowing the TAs to use their time more productively. VI. Homework quizzes will also be completed by the students and graded online. This will free up laboratory and discussion time and allow the TAs to plan discussions based on their students performance on the weekly quiz. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: hercules.ch.ntu.edu.tw
文章代碼(AID): #vaql000 (NTUCH-90)