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看板NTU-Juggling作者 (誇飾法)時間13年前 (2011/05/01 23:05), 編輯推噓4(404)
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事情既複雜又單純 我就把原文弄上來好了 事情的經過是這樣的 有一天我突然收到一封信 Hi, sorry for bothering you but I have a question. At the moment I'm in Taipei and I'm looking for a store with a juggling balls and similar equipment, so far I'm unlucky. I've googled it with no success. So, what I'm asking is do you know where I could buy this sort of stuff in Taipei? Thank you. kind regards, XXX 我看了看 於是就回 Hi, As far as I know, there is only one store where you can buy juggling balls. The store is called 三鈴, and it is located in No.30-3, Ln. 81, Sec. 7, Zhongshan N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111. Here I give you its website : http://www.sundiasports.com and its phone call : 02-2872-7770 Many jugglers from all over the world in Taipei drop in on this store often. I think you must love it, too. By the way, I’m wondering why you know my e-mail address? Have we met before? But I don’t know who you are! Best regards 社長大人 然後他竟然回 社長大人, thank you for your help, I'll surely visit it in the following days! No, no we haven't met. As I already said I was just googling the terms Taipei and juggling when I found the web page of, what I believe to be, your's juggling club in Taipei. Since the main topic was the same and I've noticed your email on the page, I've decided to ask you for your directions and help. And it seems it has paid of :) Once more, thank you. kind regards, XXX 我納悶至極! 光是搜尋"Taipei" 和 "juggling"就能找到我? 於是我google了 然後就找到 Taiwan Juggling Club Location: Taipei, Day/Time: TBA Contact: Brian Funshine (brianfunshine@hotmail.com) tel: 886-921863891 www.brianfunshine.com Come join us and learn or teach how to juggle. Come have fun! This juggling club is open to everyone and anyone!! Let's all learn from each other!! Find our group on facebook - Taipei Jugglers Club http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=19779843292 明明就沒有阿 還被我搜到看似很厲害又常在台北出沒的雜技臉書 還是我會錯意了? 囧rz 這到底是怎麼一回事!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/02 00:01, , 1F
05/02 00:01, 1F

05/02 10:32, , 2F
恩 我也覺得是樓上說的
05/02 10:32, 2F

05/02 14:06, , 3F
IJDB 很重要地……所以當年我就很重視那東西就是這樣
05/02 14:06, 3F

05/02 18:18, , 4F
社長大人英文不錯耶,我沒看過drop in~
05/02 18:18, 4F

05/02 18:20, , 5F
另外,哪有人自稱社長大人的啊,叫「 」還差不多
05/02 18:20, 5F

05/02 18:44, , 6F
05/02 18:44, 6F

05/02 23:19, , 7F
回四樓 但是我文法還是有錯 而且你舉的例應是drop in on
05/02 23:19, 7F

05/02 23:21, , 8F
回6樓 社長大人和XXX一樣是改過的 信裡不是這樣寫啦 XD
05/02 23:21, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1DlNQVAx (NTU-Juggling)