[試題] 106-2 江衍偉 電磁學一 期末考

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課程名稱︰電磁學一 課程性質︰電機系必修 課程教師︰江衍偉 開課學院:電機資訊學院 開課系所︰電機工程學系 考試日期(年月日)︰2018/06/29 考試時限(分鐘):110 試題 : 1. In Fig. 1, medium 3 extends to infinity so that no reflected wave exists in that medium. For a uniform plane wave having the electric field Ei = (E0‧cos(2π휱0^8t-2/3πz), 0, 0) V/m incident from medium 1 onto the interface z = 0, obtain the expressions for the phasor electric- and magnetic-field componenets in all three media. (20%) Medium 1 │ Medium 2 │ Medium 3 (μ0, ε0)│(μ0, 9ε0) │(μ0, 81ε0) │ │ →→→ │ →→→ │ →→→ x │ │ ↑ ←←← │ ←←← │ │ z = 0 z = 1/4 m y⊙─→z Fig. 1 for question 1. 2. In Fig. 2, there is a current sheet Js(t) = (-cos(2π휱0^8t), 0, 0) A/m in the z = 0 plane which is the boundary media 1 and 2. (Hint: Make use of the phasor electric and magnetic fields to satisfy the boundary conditions at z = 0 ) Medium 1 │ Medium 2 x (σ = 0, μ0, 9ε0) │ (σ = 10 S/m, μ0, ε0) ↑ ←←←←← │ →→→→→ │ ↓ y⊙─→z z = 0 Fig. 2 for question 2. (a) (10%) From the loss tangent, please show that medium 2 is a good calculato r with α = β~√(πfμσ), η~√(2πfμ/σ)‧e^(jπ/4) and calculate their values. (b) (10%) Find E and H for both sides of the current sheet. 3. In Fig. 3, there is a current sheet Js(t) = (-cos(2π휱0^8t), 0, 0) A/m in the z = 0 plane which is the boundary media 1 and 3. (Hint: Make use of the phasor electric and magnetic fields to satisfy the boundary conditions at z = 0 ) Medium 1 │ Medium 3 x (σ = 0, μ0, ε0) │ (σ = 10^(-3) S/m, μ0, ε0) ↑ ←←←←← │ →→→→→ │ ↓ y⊙─→z z = 0 Fig. 3 for question 3. (a) (10%) From the loss tangent, please show that medium 3 is and imperfect dielectric with α ~ σ/2√(μ/ε), β ~ ω√(με), η ~ √(μ/ε) and calculate their values. (b) (10%) If the current sheet in the z = 0 plane is modulated with the narrow-frequency-band signal envelope S(t) shown in Fig. 4(i.e., the modulated J(t) = S(t)脟s(t)), plot the signal envelope of E and H at z = 100m and -100m, respectively. https://i.imgur.com/V2wxiMS.jpg
Fig. 4 for question 3(b) 4. A point charge Q is situated at the origin surrounded by a spherical dielectric shell of uniform permittivity ε and having inner and outer radii a and b, respectively. (a) Find the D and E fields in the three regions 0 < r < a , a < r < b, and r > b. (12%) (b) Find the polarization vector inside the dielectric shell. (4%) (c) If the dielectric shell becomes lossy with finite conductivity σ but still with the original permittivity ε, what is the polarization vector inside the dielectric now? (4%) 5. Consider two large, plane, parallel, perfectly conducting plates (with area A) occupying the planes x = 0 and x = d and kept at potentials V = 0 and V = V0, respectively. Assume also that d << √A. The region between the two plates is filled with two perfect dielectric media having permittivity ε1 for 0 < x < t (region 1) and ε2 for t < x < d (region 2). (a) Find the potential distributions in the two regions 0 < x < t and t < x < d. (8%) (b) Find the capacitance of this system. (7%) (c) If the dielectric in region 2 becomes lossy with a finite conductivity σ2 but still with the orginal permittivity ε2, find the potential at the interface x = t. (5%) 6. A toroidal magnetic core has a cross-sectional area A and mean circumferenc e lc. (a) If a current I is passed through a filamentary wire of N turns wound around the toroid by connecting an appropriate current source, a magnetic flux Ψ is established in the core. Find the permeability μ of the core material. (7%) (b) Now an air gap of width lg (lg << lc) is introduced and the wire winding number N is unchanged. To maintain the same magnetic flux Ψ, find the required new current I'. Here the fringing of flux in the air gap can be neglected. (8%) (c) Does the accuracy of your answer for (b) increase or decrease when the magnetic flux Ψ increases (with all other parameters being fixed)? Explain briefly. (5%) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTU-Exam/M.1561252457.A.937.html ※ 編輯: misomochi ( 臺灣), 06/23/2019 11:11:49
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