[試題] 103-1 金必耀 普通化學甲上 期中考

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課程名稱︰普通化學甲上 課程性質︰必修 課程教師︰金必耀 開課學院:物理系 材料科學與工程學系 開課系所︰化學系 考試日期(年月日)︰103年11月21日 考試時限(分鐘):160分鐘 試題 : 1.In a reproduction of the Millikan oil-drop experiment, a student obtains the following values for the charges on nine different oil droplets. 6.653*10^-19 C 13.13*10^-19 C 19.71*10^-19 C 8.024*10^-19 C 16.48*10^-19 C 22.89*10^-19 C 11.50*10^-19 C 18.08*10^-19 C 26.18*10^-19 C (a)Based on these data alone, what is your best estimate of the number of electrons on each of the above droplets?(Hint: Begin by considering differences in charges between adjacent data points, and see into what groups these are categorized.) (b)Based on these data alone, what is your best estimate of the charge on the electron? (c)Is it conceivable that the actual charge is half the charge you claculated in (b)? What evidence would help you decide one way or the other? 2.Draw Lewis electron dot diagrams for the following species, indicating formal charges and resonance diagrams where applicable. (a)HNC (central N atom) (b)SCN- (thiocyanate ion) (c)H2CNN (the first N atom is bonded to the carbon and the second N) 3.(a)Predict the geometry of the SbCl5(2-) ion, using the VSEPR method. (b)The ion SbCl6(3-) is prepared from SbCl5(2-) by treatment with Cl-. Determine the steric number of the central antimony atom in this ion, and discuss the extension of the VSEPR theory that would be needed for the prediction of its molecular geometry. 4.The molecular ion S3N3- has the cyclic structure. All S-N bonds are equivalent. _ [ S ] [ / \ ] [ N N ] [ | | ] [ S S ] [ \ / ] [ N ] (a)Give six equivalent resonance hybrid Lewis diagrams for this molecular ion (b)Compute the formal charges on all atoms in th molecular ion in each of the Lewis diagrams. (c)Determine the charge on each atom in the polyatomic ion, assuming that the true distribution of electrons is the average of the six Lewis diagrams arrived at in parts (a) and (b). (d)An advanced calculation suggests that the actual charge resident on each N atom is -0.375 and on each S atom is +0.041. Show that this result is consistent with the overall -1 charge on the molecular ion. 5.An interesting class of carbon-containing molecules called conjugated molecules have structure that consist of a sequence of alternating single and double bonds. These chainlike molecules are represented as zigzag structures in which the angle between properties to be explored in later chapters indicate that the electrons forming the double bonds are "delocalized" over the entire chain. Such molecules absorb light in the visible and ultraviolet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Many dyestuffs and molecules with biological significance have these structures. The properties of these molecules can be described approximately by the particle-in-a-box model in which we assume there is no interaction between the electrons, the potential energy is constant along the chain, and the potential energy is infinite at the ends of the chain. Assume the length of the potential well is Nd, where N is the number of carbon atoms in the chain, and d = 0.14 nm is half the sum of the lengths of a C-C single bond and a C=C double bond. In a molecule of N atoms, there will be N electrons involved in the double bonds. The ground state n=N/2, the first transition n+1=N/2+1 (a)Write the equation for the energy levels of an electron in this potential well. (b)Write the equation for the wave function of an electron in this potential well. (c)Write the equation for the frequency of light that will cause the transition. (d)The molecule hexatriene has six carbon atoms with conjugated structure; thus, N = 6. Calculate the wavelength of light in the first transition of hexatriene. (e)The molecular structure of vitamin A is conjugated with N = 10. Calculate the wavelength of light in the first transition of vitamin A. (f)The molecule Beta-carotene has N = 22. Calculate the wavelength of light in the first transition of Beta-carotene. 6.When metallic sodium is dissolved in liquid sodium chloride, electrons are released into the liquid. These dissolved electrons absorb light with a wavelength near 800 nm. Suppose we treat the positive ions surrounding an electron crudely as defining a three-dimensional cubic box of edge L, and we assume that the absorbed light excites the electron from its ground state to the first excited state. Calculated the edge length L in this simple model. 7.Label the orbitals described by each of the following sets of quantum numbers (a)n = 3, l = 2 (b)n = 6, l = 3 (c)n = 7, l = 4 How many radial nodes and how many angular nodes does each of these orbitals have? 8.Photoelectron spectroscopy studies have determined the orbital energies for fluorine atoms to be epsilon(1s)= -689eV, epsilon(2s)=-34eV, epsilon(2p)=-12eV. Estimate the value of Zeff for F in each of these orbitals 9.The first ionization energy of helium is 2370 kJ/mol, the highest for any element. (a)Define ionization energy and discuss why for helium it should be so high. (b)Which element would you expect to have the highest second ionization energy? Why? (c)Suppose that you wished to ionize some helium by shining electromagnetic radiation on it. What is the maximum wavelength you could use? 10.Consider the vanadium atom with the ground-state electronic configuration [Ar](3d^3)(4s^2). Use the following interelectronic repulsion terms J and one-electron ionization energy terms W: J(3d,3d) = 17.36eV J(3d,4s) = 11.16eV J(4s,4s) = 8.68eV W(3d) = 65.21eV W(4s) = 46.86eV (a)Calculate the excitation energy: V(3d^3 4s^2)→V(3d^5) (b)Calculate the ionization energy for removal of a 3d electron: V(3d^3 4s^2)→(V^+)(3d^2 4s^2) + e- (c)Calculate the ionization energy for removal of a 4s electron: V(3d^3 4s^2)→(V^+)(3d^3 4s^1) + e- (d)From your results in parts (b) and (c), which electron, 3d or 4s, has the lower ionization energy? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTU-Exam/M.1416750264.A.775.html ※ 編輯: chopper594 (, 11/23/2014 21:54:21 ※ 編輯: chopper594 (, 11/23/2014 21:54:57

12/01 09:36, , 1F
12/01 09:36, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1KSUIuTr (NTU-Exam)