[試題] 102-1 左正東 國際經濟與貿易議題 期末考

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課程名稱︰國際經濟與貿易議題 課程性質︰政治系國關組大四必修 課程教師︰左正東 開課學院:社科院 開課系所︰政治系 考試日期(年月日)︰103/1/9 考試時限(分鐘):130 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 一、名詞解釋(Explanation of Terminology) (30%) 1.進口替代政策(Import Substitution Policy) 2.悲慘成長(Immiserizing Growth) 3.義大利麵鍋效果(Spaghetti Bowl effects) 二、簡答題(Short-answer question, using the simple words of sentence(s) to answer questions) (40%) 1.WTO將服務業貿易分為四種樣態(mode),請問下列教育服務的貿易各屬於什麼貿易樣 態? (10%)(WTO divides trade in services into four modes. Please indentify the mode that the following trade in education service belongs) (1)大陸學生到台灣大學念碩士學位。 (Students from Mainland China take their master degrees in Taiwan) (2)Monash University在馬來西亞設立分校,招收馬國學生。 (Monash University set up a branch school in Malaysia and enrolling Malaysians) (3)臺灣大學與早稻田大學簽訂合作協議,由早大派教授來臺授課。 (Under the Cooperative Agreement with NTU, Waseda University sends its professors to teach in NTU.) (4)教育部「千里馬」計畫補助我國博士生到國外大學寫論文。 (Taiwanese doctoral students are able to write their dissertation in universities in other countries under the ''Graduate Student Study Abroad Program'' sponsored by the Education Department.) (5)大陸國務院選派教師到泰國教授中文。 (The State Council of Mainland China selects some teachers to give Chinese courses in Thailand.) 2.下列哪些措施違反「最惠國待遇」?哪些違反「國民待遇」原則?哪些兩者皆無違反? (10%) (Please point out which regulations violate the most favored nation treatment; which regulations violate national treatment; which violate neither of them.) (1)准予美國稻米進口,但不准大陸稻米進口。 (Permit rice imported form USA, but prohibit imported rice from Mainland China.) (2)對進口車要求更高的環保標準。 (Improted cars are required higher standard on environmental protection) (3)陸資銀行在臺灣不能接受吸收活期存款,只能吸收定期存款。 (Chinese-invested banks in Taiwan are not permitted to offer a Current Account but only a Time Account.) (4)美國進口牛肉關稅為30%,澳洲進口牛肉關稅為20%。 (The imported duty for USA beef is 30%, while that for Australia Beef is 20%) (5)禁止任何人進口外國生產的糖,但台糖公司例外。 (Anyone is prohibited from improting sugar, but with exception of one campony--that is, Taiwan Sugar Corportion.) 3.南韓國內對布的供給和需求分別如下:Qs=100p-50 Qd=1500-100p。假設日本每一碼布 的價格為$3,世界其他國家為$2,又令南韓為小國,無法影響日本或世界其他國家的價 格,且南韓對進口的布課徵100%的關稅。(20%) (The supply of and demand for fabric in South Korea can be expressed by the following equation: Qs=100p-50 Qd=1500-100p. Suppose that price for fabric per unit is $3 in Japan whereas that in the rest of the world is $2. Note that South Korea is a small country whose demand cannot change price in Japan and the rest of the world. South Korea imposes a duty of 100% on impo -rted fabric.) (1)試問南韓布的均衡價格、國內生產量、總消費量、進口量和關稅收入為何? (What are the equilibrium price, gross domestic production, gross domestic consumption, import quantity, and customs duty revenue for farbic in S.Korea?) (2)假設南韓和日本形成自由貿易區,則南韓新的均衡價格、國內生產量、總消費量、 進口量和關稅收入為何?) (If there is a Korea-Japan Free Trade Area(KJFTA), what will be the NEW equilibrium price, gross domestic production, gross domestic cosumption, improt quantity, and customs duty revenue for fraric in S.Korea?) (3)此一自由貿易區之形成是否會產生貿易創造或貿易轉向效果呢? 若有的話,其幅度 為何? (Does the above FTA cause Trade Creation and Trade Diversion effects? If yes, what is the scope?) (4)形成自由貿易區對南韓福利的影響為何? (What is the welfare effect of the above FTA on S.Korea?) 三、問答題 (Essay Questions) (30%) 1.許多台灣的中小企業跑到海外投資,但看不出來有什麼特別的能耐,而投資時連老闆 也一起移往投資地居住。從對外投資理論來看,如何解釋這種現象? (15%) (Small and medium sized enterprises in Taiwan are frequent exporters of capital, despite that it seems that there is no special niche in their businness. When they do that, usually the owners of these enterprises go with the company to move abroad. Is there any theory in foreign direct investment that can explain such phenomenon?) 2.過去二十年,台灣對美國出口比重不斷下跌,但對中國大陸的出口則不斷上漲,中國 大陸已取代美國成為台灣最大的出口市場,為什麼? (15%) (In the past two decades, export form Taiwan to U.S. has decreased in proportion wheres that to China has increased. In fact, China has surpassed U.S. as the largest market hosting Taiwan's exprot. Please explain.) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/10 07:35, , 1F
01/10 07:35, 1F
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