[試題] 101下 陳家揚 環境衛生要論 期中考

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課程名稱︰環境衛生要論 課程性質︰公衛系必修 課程教師︰陳家揚老師(與劉貞佑合開) 開課學院:公共衛生學院 開課系所︰公共衛生學系 考試日期(年月日)︰ 考試時限(分鐘): 120 分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:是,謝謝您 =) (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 作答說明:試題卷共一張兩面。問答題(PartⅠ)請書寫於另外分發之答案紙,可 不依題號順序答題,請以正體中文或印刷體英文書寫;務必標明題號,字跡需清 晰可識。單選題(PartⅡ)與是非題(PartⅢ)請直接填寫於試題卷,夾於答案紙一 併繳回。 PartⅠ. Eight essay Questions(94%) 1. Please contrast the features of ambient air pollution in Taipei (臺北) to that in Kaohsiung (高雄) in terms of primary pollutants and emission sources. What are crucial climatic conditions that may make the differences between these two areas? How would you suggest on improving the air quality for them? (16%) 2. Water shortage is a serious concern recntly in Taiwan. Please provide three measures that you may take to significantly increase water resources or reduce water consumption, and why they will take effect? How about the needed cost and time? Please also comment on the feasibility to increse the scale of hydroelectric power in Taiwan. (16%) 3. What are the primary solid waste from coal-fired, solar, and nuclear power plants, respectively? What are the suitable waste disposal methods you may suggest? (12%) 4. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a class of compounds mainly from low-temperature and incomplete combustion, such as use of charcoal or biomass, diesel engines, and in petroleum. (1) What would be the major target organs for explosing to PAHs from inhalation and ingestion, respectively? (2) What is bioactivation? If bioactivation is required for forming protein adducts, what are the differences of this endpoint between neonatal weight increases as well, what do you expect to the changes on the absorption rate? (12%) 5. Concerning food safety, please contrast the recent incidence of avian flu H7N9 in China with that of melamine in infant milk in 2008 based on the food supply chain. (10%) 6. Comparing with hepatitis A, what are the features of Norovirus to be a significant identified cause of foodborne illness outbreak? (10%) 7. Regarding renewable energy sources, which one would be the most potential in Taiwan from your perspective? What are its advantages over other options , and what is the weakness? (10%) 8. *Bonus quetion.* To reduce the release of toxic chemicals, what is so called "Waste Management Hierarchy"? Please list the management technique priorities. (8%) PartⅡ. 單選題 (multiple-choice quetions),兩題,每題三分。 1.( ) 假設同學們目前正在進行文獻回顧,了解暴露於危險因子 x 是不是跟疾 病y 的發生有關,文獻回顧後認定沒有辦法確定 x 會造成 y 的發生。可能原 因是:(a) 不同研究團隊的 epidemiology studies 都發現危險因子 x 跟疾病 y 發生有關;(b) 探討時間發生先後時確認疾病 y 的發生在危險因子 x 出現 前就已經存在;(c) 動物實驗發現動物暴露到 x 後會出現疾病 y 的早期病灶 ;(d) 以上皆非。 2.( ) 在危險因子 x 跟疾病 y 的發生關係探討上,同學們討論發現疾病 y 的 一個危險因子 z 常伴隨 x 的發生。在考慮 z 會是 confounder 干擾 x 跟 y 的關係時需要考慮的條件很多,下列哪種情況不能排除是 z 是 xy 關係上可  能的 confounder:(a) z 跟疾病 y的發生無關;(b) z 的存在會增加危險因子   x 的存在量;(c) z 是暴露到 x 後會出現疾病 y 的早期病灶;(d) 以上皆非。 PartⅢ. 是非題 (true/false quetions),四題,每題兩分。 Envitonmental epidemiology 的研究進行常以 case-control study 及 cohort study 了解暴露與疾病關係。以下各敘述請以 T(正確)或 F(錯誤)代表該敘述是 否正確: 1.( ) Cohort study 的進行是針對一群有可能有特殊暴露的人做研究,以了解  這群人的疾病發生狀況。 2.( ) Cohort study 的進行可以是 prospective 或 retrospective,亦即研究  進行時可以是疾病已發生或尚未發生的狀態。 3.( ) 進行 case-control study 相關的問卷調查時,病人或其家屬可能會因為  比較在意過去曾暴露於有害物質而產生比較強烈的記憶,因而在研究上造成  recall bias。 4.( ) Environmental epidemiology 研究進行時可能的困難在於環境問題對健 康的影響不大,民眾或政府不需要擔心環境議題,研究需求及重要性不大。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/20 05:05, , 1F
06/20 05:05, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1HmWeEpf (NTU-Exam)