[試題] 98上 柯承恩 領導與管理概論 期末考

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課程名稱︰領導與管理概論 課程性質︰選修 課程教師︰柯承恩 開課學院:管學院 開課系所︰ 考試日期(年月日)︰2010/01/13 考試時限(分鐘):120分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:是!!!^^ (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 一、單選題(60分,每題3分) 1.Active leaders need self-confidence because: (A)followers will not cooperate if the leader is not confident. (B)they initiate changes and must make decision without adequate information. (C)leaders could be paralyzed into inaction without confidence. (D)all of the above. 2.Initiating structure describes the following leadership behavior: (A)A leader who is task-oriented and directs subordinates' work. (B)A leader who is sensitive to subordinates and respects their ideas, and feelings. (C)A leader who seeks input from subordinates regarding important decisions. (D)A leader who listens carefully to problems. 3.Contigency approaches can best be described as: (A)Leadership styles that seek to delineate the characteristics of situations. (B)Leadership stylea appropriate for one situation which may not work in another. (C)Leadership traits or behaviors that can improve performance in all situations. (D)both (A)&(B) 4.In the contingency approaches, all the situational variables are important to leadership style EXCEPT: (A)task. (B)structure. (C)culture. (D)environment. 5.Some researchers suggest that ____ more than cognitive ability drives our thinking and decision makinng, as well as out interpersonal relationships. (A)vision (B)neutralizers (C)education (D)emotion 6.Self-awareness refer to: (A)the ability to connect to others. (B)the ability toput oneself in some else's shoes. (C)being conscious of your own emotions. (D)the ability to be hopeful and optimistic. 7.Emotional intelligence is related to effective leadership because: (A)the emotional state of the leader affects the entire group. (B)emotional inteligence enables leaders to respect followers. (C)emotional abilities play a key role in technical expertise. (D)both(A)&(B). 8.Moral leadership is about all EXCEPT: (A)distinguishing right from wrong. (B)taking away from others to enhance oneself. (C)reward ethical conduct. (D)seeking the just and the honest in practice. 9.Pushing beyond the comfort zone is an act of: (A)courage. (B)vision. (C)goal setting. (D)ethics. 10.Intrinsic rewards: (A)are the internal satisfaction a person receives by performing a particular action. (B)are given by another person, typically a supervisor. (C)include pay raises and promotions. (D)are given to all people within an organization or a specific department. 11.How can leaders address the carrot and stick controversy? (A)leaders can understand a program's strengths and weaknesses. (B)leaders can acknowledge the positive but limited effects of extrinsic motivators. (C)leaders can assure that subordinates' work offers self-satisfaction and a yearly raise. (D)all of the above. 12.Reasons for empowerment do not include: (A)greater self-efficacy. (B)decreased job responsibility. (C)an understanding of how jobs are important to the organizational mission. (D)greater intrinsic satisfaction with the work. 13.Transformational leadership does NOT: (A)inspire followers to go beyond their own self-interests. (B)focu on the impersonal aspects of job performance. (C)paints a picture of a desired future state. (D)develops leaders into followers. 14.A charismatic leader does NOT: (A)creat an atmosphere of change. (B)maintain the status quo. (C)offer an idealized vision. (D)incur great personal risk. 15.When workers admire a supervisor because of her personal characteristics, the influence is based on: (A)legitimate power. (B)reward power. (C)expert power. (D)referent power. 16.The principles for asserting leader influence include: (A)make people like you. (B)remember the principle of scarcity. (C)extend formal authority with expertise and credibility. (D)all of the above. 17.Culture helps members develop a collective identity and know how to work together efficiently. This is called: (A)external adaptation. (B)internal integration. (C)levels of corporate culture. (D)culture gap. 18.The difference between actual and desired values and behaviors is called a: (A)ceremory (B)culture gap (C)visible behavior (D)clan culture 19.Cooperation, consideration, fairness are values associated with the: (A)adaptability culture. (B)achievement culture. (C)clan culture. (D)bureaucratic culture. 20.Innovation may come from: (A)diverse stimuli (B)unofficial activity (C)internal communication (D)all of the above 二、問答題(40分) 1.Suggest some personal traits of leader you have known. What traits do you believe are most valuable? Why?(請用中文回答並詳加分析論述,且內容不得少於三 百字)(20分) 2.(1)期末活動之心得分享(個人參與和小組分工情形,以及是否有如最初預期進行,活動 過程簡述、從中所習得之經驗或感觸、對個人之成長等)(內容不得少於三百字)(15分) (2)這堂課帶給您最大幫助或收穫為何?(字數不限)(5分) 3.【加分參考題,將視內容酌予加分,至多可加6分】 本課程所討論之各影片,請問哪一部影片對您啟發最多,為何?(內容不得少於二百字) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sparrow0806 來自: (01/13 23:15)
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