[試題] 98上 林曜松 生物統計學 期中考

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課程名稱︰生物統計學 課程性質︰系訂必修 課程教師︰林曜松 開課學院:生命科學院 開課系所︰生命科學系 考試日期(年月日)︰2009/11/09 考試時限(分鐘):110分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : ============================================================================== 。作答需詳列計算過程 否則不予計分 。僅可使用"一般或工程計算機" 使用本身具統計或翻譯功能者視同作弊 。查表值均附於試卷背面 無法整除者取小數點以下三位 ============================================================================== 一 Explain the following terms (10%) (1) Type I error (2) Standard error (3) Power of the test 二 請說明度量尺的類別並舉例 (10%) (1) 名義尺度 Nominal Scale (2) 序列尺度 Ordinal Scale (3) 比例尺度 Ratio Scale (4) 區間尺度 Interval Scale 三 Discuss the relationship between "the Central Limit Theorem"                   __ and "the sampling distribution for "X". (5%) 四 Outline the factors affecting "Type II error" and "the power of a test" of the hypothesis that μ=10. (5%) 五 Given that μ=15 and σ=5, evaluate: (10%) (1) E((X-μ)/σ) (2) Var(4X-3) 六 As part of a larger study of the effects of strenuous exercise on human fertility and fecundity, the ages (in years) of menarche (the beginning of menstruation) for 10 Olympic female endurance athletes (runners and swimmers) who had vigorously trained for at least 18 months prior to menarche were recorded. Calculate the following descriptive statistics: (10%) 12 13 13 15 16 16 18 18 18 21 (1) Sample mean (2) variance (3) Standard deviation (4) mode (5) median 七 A plant pathologist studying fire blight (a bacterial disease of apple trees) surveyed a large population of commercial apple trees of a variety called Empire. She noted that 60% of the trees had pink-flowers and the remainder had white flowers. Twenty-five percent of the trees had some evidence of are blight infection and 10% were pink-flowered and infected. (10%) (1) What percentage of the trees was white-flowered and infected? (2) What is the probability that a white-flowered tree will be infected? (3) What is the probability that a pink-flowered tree will be infected? (4) Are flower color and disease resistance independent? Explain. (5) What kind of trees should she recommend to growers? Explain. 八 Suppose that you have read that the leopard frog, "Rana pipiens", has a sex ratio in most populations of 60% females and 40% males. If this is true, what is the probability that (10%) (1) in a random sample of 15 individuals fewer than 8 will be female? (2) in a random sample of 10 exactly 7 will be female? 九 In a pilot study, a public health survey of 10,000 people aged 40 to 49 in Boston revealed that 200 had AIDS. Estimate the population proportion and find a 95% confidence interval for the estimate. Express yours answer as a rate per 100,000. (10%) 十 In a study of the mating behavior of the tent cobweb weaver spider, "Tidarren sisyphoides", copulatory duration was one of the features studied. In this species the male dies during insertion and remains coupled to the female epigynum for a period of time. He is not consumed by the female as in many species but is instead eventually removed from the web by the fertilized female. Data from 16 copulations indicated an average copulation time of 120 min with a standard deviation of 20 min. From the information given construct 99% confidence intervals for the mean. (10%) 十 一 A particular drug company claims that its headache remedy stops the average headache in 14 minutes. Being skeptical, you randomly select 16 headache patients from the outpatient clinic, asking them to take one of these pills when they have a headache and record the length of time __ (in minutes) until it disappears. The results of your study are: X=17 minutes and s=4 minutes. Do your results disagree with the drug company's claim? Explain. (10%) -- Charlie ◢ Charlie ◢ ◣ Charlie Charlie ▁ ◥ Charlie . Charlie .◥. ⊙ Hey!Shut up! . δ φ . . ◣ㄟ 修改dajidali ˋ\///\/.▄▄ ./ㄨ \\/ˊ▄▄ \|/ㄑ \|▄▄ by Armour -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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