[請益] continuity

看板NTPU-ECONM92作者 (silent all the years)時間14年前 (2009/11/05 04:19), 編輯推噓2(204)
留言6則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 Economics 看板] 作者: ninmit (silent all the years) 站內: Economics 標題: [請益] continuity 時間: Thu Nov 5 04:18:40 2009 關於連續 (continuity) , 看了很久還是不懂, 所以想請教各位先進. 在 Jehle and Reny (p.8, 2001), 定義 continuity 為 For all x belongs to R(n)+, the "at least as good as" set >= (x), and the "no better than" set <=(x), are closed in R(n)+. 然後, 在 Varian (p.95, 1992) 定義則是 For all y in X, the sets {x:x>=y} and {x:x<=y} are closed sets. It follows that {x:x>y} and {x:x<y} are open sets. 在 Open set 和 Closed set 方面我都懂. 我的問題是: 為什麼兩個 closed set 就會形成連續? 這是否在說明: 以 Jehle and Reny 的圖 1.2 (p.9) 來說明, 因為 x 是 better set 和 worse set 的交集, 然後 better set 和 worse set 都是 closed, 所以 x 所形成的集合 是連續??!! -- 發現自己對不起 H.C. Chen 與 T.C. Lee 兩位老師. 當年我是怎麼念這個部分的... Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/06 00:05, , 1F
the sets {x:x>=y} and {x:x<=y} are closed sets
11/06 00:05, 1F

11/06 00:06, , 2F
關鍵在"and" 表示要同時成立 both sets are closed set
11/06 00:06, 2F

11/06 00:07, , 3F
也就表示 both sets contain their boundaries
11/06 00:07, 3F

11/06 00:12, , 4F
this propostion does not imply X is differentiable
11/06 00:12, 4F

11/06 00:21, , 5F
以上為不負責說法 另外推簽名檔 感同身受
11/06 00:21, 5F

11/07 09:33, , 6F
同學呀, 好久不見... 我會好好看的 :)
11/07 09:33, 6F
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