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FUN4海大師生聯誼競賽活動----詩歌朗誦 時間:12月16日(四)下午15:20 地點:夢泉廣場 評分方式:   口齒:30%   儀態:30%   韻味:40% 朗誦詩選:(由以下15首,自由選擇一首朗誦) 01 鄉愁四韻 余光中 給我一瓢長江水啊長江水   酒一樣的長江水   醉酒的滋味   是鄉愁的滋味 給我一瓢長江水啊長江水 給我一張海棠紅啊海棠紅   血一樣的海棠紅   沸血的燒痛   是鄉愁的燒痛 給我一張海棠紅啊海棠紅 給我一片雪花白啊雪花白   信一樣的雪花白   家信的等待   是鄉愁的等待 給我一片雪花白啊雪花白 給我一朵臘梅香啊臘梅香 母親一樣的臘梅香   母親的芬芳   是鄉土的芬芳 給我一朵臘梅香啊臘梅香 02   江湖上 余光中 一雙鞋,能踢幾條街? 一雙腳,能換幾次鞋? 一口氣,嚥得下幾座城? 一輩子,闖幾次紅燈?   答案啊答案   在茫茫的風裡 一雙眼,能燃燒到幾歲? 一張嘴,吻多少次酒杯? 一頭髮,能抵抗幾把梳子? 一顆心,能年輕幾回?   答案啊答案   在茫茫的風裡 為什麼,信總在雲上飛? 為什麼,車票在手裡? 為什麼,惡夢在枕頭下? 為什麼,抱你的是大衣?   答案啊答案   在茫茫的風裡 一片大陸,算不算你的國? 一個島,算不算你的家? 一眨眼,算不算少年? 一輩子,算不算永遠?   答案啊答案   在茫茫的風裡 03 吾鄉印象/序說 吳晟 古早古早的古早以前 吾鄉的人們 開始懂得向上仰望 吾鄉的天空 就是那一付無所謂的模樣 無所謂的陰著或藍著 古早古早的古早以前 自吾鄉左側綿延而近的山影 就是一大幅 陰鬱的潑墨畫 緊緊貼在吾鄉人們的臉上 古早古早的古早以前 世世代代的祖公,就在這片 長不出榮華富貴 長不出奇蹟的土地上 揮灑鹹鹹的汗水 繁衍認命的子孫 04 履歷表  梅新 籍貫: 這一欄空著先別填 因我一時想不起來 但我確定我是有籍貫的 只是暫時忘了 出生年月日: 那年中國黃曆是閏十月 當兩個十月疊在一起時 也正是我誕生的時候 那年的天氣 母親的話竟成了傳說 她說,剪下的臍帶 立即被凍成了冰塊 落在地上還會擊出點點寒光 學歷: 私塾老師的戒尺下 現今仍壓著我一份證件 經歷: 荷槍持望遠鏡 蹲在一棵百年的榕樹上 為一個新興豪華的賭場把風 出於寂寞 對空放了一槍 震驚了賭場內的人 我也就因此失了業 這份履歷表 我還沒有貼照片 你要也可以是你的 05 一棵開花的樹 席慕蓉 如何讓你遇見我 在我最美麗的時刻 為這 我已在佛前 求了五百年 求祂讓我們結一段塵緣 佛於是把我化作一棵樹 長在你必經的路旁 陽光下慎重地開滿了花 朵朵都是我前世的盼望 當你走近 請你細聽 那顫抖的葉是我等待的熱情 而當你終於無視地走過 在你身後落了一地的 朋友呀 那不是花瓣 是我凋零的心 06 回首 席慕蓉 一直在盼望著一段美麗的愛情 所以我毫不猶疑地將你捨棄 流浪的途中我不斷尋覓 卻沒料到 回首之時 年輕的你 從未稍離 從未稍離的你在我心中 春天來時便反覆地吟唱 那濱江路上的灰沙炎日 那麗水街前一地的月光 那清晨園中為誰摘下的茉莉 那渡船頭上風裡翻飛的裙裳 在風裡翻飛 然後紛紛墜落 歲月深埋在土中便成琥珀 在灰色的黎明前我悵然回顧 親愛的朋友啊 難道鳥必要自焚才能成為鳳凰 難道青春必要愚昧 愛 必得憂傷 07 回答 北島 卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行証, 高尚是高尚者的墓誌銘, 看吧,在那鍍金的天空中, 飄滿了死者彎曲的倒影。 冰川紀過去了, 為什麼到處都是冰凌? 好望角發現了, 為什麼死海裡千帆相競? 我來到這個世界上, 只帶著紙、繩索和身影, 為了在審判前, 宣讀那些被判決的聲音。 告訴你吧,世界 我--不--相--信! 縱使你腳下有一千名挑戰者, 那就把我算作第一千零一名。 我不相信天是藍的, 我不相信雷的回聲, 我不相信夢是假的, 我不相信死無報應。 如果海洋注定要決堤, 就讓所有的苦水都注入我心中, 如果陸地注定要上升, 就讓人類重新選擇生存的峰頂。 新的轉機和閃閃星斗, 正在綴滿沒有遮攔的天空。 那是五千年的象形文字, 那是未來人們凝視的眼睛。 08 摘星的少年 紀弦 摘星的少年, 跌下來。 青空嘲笑他。 大地嘲笑他。 新聞記者 拿最難堪的形容詞 冠在他的名字上 嘲笑他。 千年後, 新建的博物館中, 陳列著有 摘星的少年像一座。 左手擎著天狼。 右手擎著織女。 腰間束著的, 正是那個射他一箭的 獵戶的嵌著三明星的腰帶。 09 孤獨 楊牧 孤獨是一匹衰老的獸 潛伏在我亂石磊磊的心裡 背上有一種善變的花紋 那是,我知道,他族類的保護色 他的眼神蕭索,經常凝視 遙遙的行雲,嚮往 天上的舒卷和飄流 低頭沉思,讓風雨隨意鞭打 他委棄的暴猛 他風化的愛 孤獨是一匹衰老的獸 潛伏在這亂石磊磊的心裏 雷鳴剎那,他緩緩挪動 費力地走進我斟酌的酒杯 且用他戀慕的眸子 憂戚地瞪著一黃昏的飲者 這時,我知道,他正懊悔著 不該貿然離開他熟悉的世界 進入這冷酒之中,我舉杯就唇 慈祥地把他送回心裏 10 O Captain! My Captain!  Walt Whitman O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done, The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won, The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red! Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. O Captain! My Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Rise up -- for you the flag is flung -- for you the bugle trills, For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths -- for you the shore croeding, For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager face turning; Here, Captain! dear father! This arm beneath your head; It is some dream that on the deck, You've fallen cold and dead. My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still, My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will; The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won; Exult, O shores! and ring, O bells! But I, with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. 11 Sea Fever  John Masefield I must go down to the seas again,  to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship  and a star to steer her by, And the wheel's kick and the wind's song  and the white sail's shaking, And a grey mist on the sea's face  and a grey dawn breaking. I must go down to the seas again,  for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call  that may not be denied; And all I ask is a windy day  with the white clouds flying, And the flung spray and the blown spume,  and the sea-gulls crying. I must go down to the seas again to the vagrant gypsy life, To the gull's way and the whale's way  where the wind's like a whetted knife; And all I ask is a merry yarn  from a laughing fellow rover, And quiet sleep and a sweet dream  when the long trick's over. 12 An Irish Airman Foresees His Death  W.B.Yeats I know that I shall meet my fate Somewhere among the clouds above; Those that I fight I do not hate, Those that I guard I do not love; My country is Kiltartan Cross, My countrymen Kiltartan's poor, No likely end could bring them loss Or leave them happier than before. Nor law, nor duty bade me fight, Nor public men, nor cheering crowds, A lonely impulse of delight Drove to this tumult in the clouds; I balanced all, brought all to mind, The years to come seemed waste of breath, A waste of breath the years behind In balance with this life, this death. 13 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud  William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand way I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparking waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed--and gazed--but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dance with the daffodils. 14 THE ROAD NOT TAKEN  Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. 15 Fish - poetry reading  by D. C. Berry Before I opened my mouth they sat as orderly as frozen fish in a package. Though I didn't notice it until it reached my ears, water began to fill the room. Then I heard sounds fish make in an aquarium. Though I had tried to drown these students with my words, they had opened up for them like gills and let me in. as frozen fish in a package. Though I didn't notice it until it reached my ears, water began to fill the room. Then I heard sounds fish make in an aquarium. Though I had tried to drown these students with my words, they had opened up for them like gills and let me in. Together we swem around the room until the bell rang, puncturing the door, where we all leaked out. They went to another class, I suppose, and I went home, where Queen Elizabeth, my cat, met me and licked my fins till they were hands again. 加油叭:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 11/30, , 1F
百百..我們會去幫你加油的...呵呵..乾巴爹 11/30, 1F 12/01, , 2F
未演先轟動 12/01, 2F 12/01, , 3F
百...我們支持妳!! 12/01, 3F 12/02, , 4F
喔喔 拼了阿 12/02, 4F 12/02, , 5F
跟他拼了~~~ 12/02, 5F 12/02, , 6F
百百衝了拉,要展現最佳功力喔 12/02, 6F 12/11, , 7F
百.朗誦I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud吧.. 12/11, 7F 12/11, , 8F
因為是以前ㄉ課文...XD..加油加油囉 12/11, 8F
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