[情報] Aliens:Colonial Marines可能會出Wii U版

看板NSwitch作者 (Cpl.Dwayne Hicks)時間13年前 (2011/06/09 03:42), 編輯推噓1(105)
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SEGA 跟 Gearbox Software 表示已經在替任天堂新主機 Wii U 打造 Aliens: Colonial Marines 這款遊戲的 Wii U 版本原型並考慮推出 Wii U 版本 而且從 Gearbox Software 總裁 Randy Pitchford 的發言看來, 個人不負責任認為 Wii U 版本 Aliens: Colonial Marines 遊戲中應該有項儀器會很適合 搭配 Wii U 的新型控制器來呈現 有看過異形第二集(ALIENS)的人應該都對電影裡那個動態感應器不陌生吧? 個人認為 Wii U 版應該可以考慮把那個東西作到 Wii U 的新型 gamepad 上才是? http://goo.gl/D7XiF 這次 E3 新發表的圖似乎暗示這款遊戲還有 Power Loader 可以操縱? http://goo.gl/LKXmi * 看到某站有網友自貼新聞把這款遊戲翻成"異形戰場"然後底下還有其他人在講終極戰士 我都快昏倒了,這款是正宗 Alien 電影系列的改編電玩作品 不是 AvP 系電影改編電玩來著的....................... * 之前正式宣佈會發行的版本有 PC、PS3 跟 Xbox 360 版,當時是說預計 2012 春季上市 另外 IGN 跟 GameSpot 則是很有默契直接幫這款遊戲作了 Wii U 版的頁面出來 因此推出 Wii U 版的機率應該是相當高才是 ==== 消息來源 SEGA Europe blog http://goo.gl/X29TF LOCK AND LOAD ! ALIENS: COLONIAL MARINES SHOWS OFF NINTENDO'S WII U Gearbox Software and SEGA Support Announcement Presentation at Nintendo's E3 Press Briefing LOS ANGELES (June 7, 2011) – SEGA of America, Inc., SEGA Europe Ltd. and Gearbox Software today revealed that Aliens: Colonial Marines, is being prototyped and considered for the Nintendo Wii U. In partnership with Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products and developed by critically acclaimed studio Gearbox Software, Aliens: Colonial Marines for this new gaming console is currently under construction by a dedicated research and development branch within the studio. "We are extremely thrilled about the potential of the Nintendo Wii U and are honored to be a part of the earliest efforts for research and development on the platform with the Aliens: Colonial Marines project that is so perfectly matched with the platform's unique and exciting new capabilities," said Randy Pitchford, President of Gearbox Software. "As more details about the Nintendo Wii U emerge, Gearbox Software is equipped and motivated to engage and support the platform and its customers." "With such a recognized brand as ALIENS and a renowned developer in Gearbox Software, this really is exciting news for everyone," said Mike Hayes, CEO at SEGA of America and SEGA Europe. "The Nintendo Wii U opens up an impressive amount of new opportunities for publishers and developers alike and SEGA are fully supportive of this new platform." Aliens: Colonial Marines is the highly anticipated first person shooter set after the events of ALIENS and is designed to provide an exhilarating and engaging new chapter in the Aliens universe. Players will blast their way through hordes of Xenomorphs on the USS Sulaco, the surface of LV-426 and Hadley's Hope, using weapons inspired by the film series. For more information about the game, please visit www.sega.com For assets, please visit www.sega-press.com 最後附上在其他討論版已經發表過跟這款遊戲有關的文章 作者 DwayneHicks (Cpl.Dwayne Hicks) 看板 Shooter-game 標題 [情報][A:CM] 異形:殖民地陸戰隊2012春季上市 時間 Thu Jun 2 09:32:43 2011 ─────────────────────────────────────── ※ [本文轉錄自 PlayStation 看板 #1DvkUYYM ] 作者: DwayneHicks (Cpl.Dwayne Hicks) 看板: PlayStation 標題: [情報] ALIENS: COLONIAL MARINES 預計明年春季上市 時間: Thu Jun 2 09:30:07 2011 用我這 ID 來發 ALIENs 遊戲相關情報似乎是再貼切不過了 遊戲官網:(未成年禁止) http://www.sega.com/alienscolonialmarines/ Sega 發行、Gearbox Software 開發的正宗"異形續集/異形第二集(ALIENS)"電影改編遊戲 "Aliens: Colonial Marines(異形:殖民地陸戰隊)"預計將在 2012 年春季上市 Aliens: Colonial Marines 將會推出 PS3、PC 以及 Xbox 360 版本 玩家將在這款遊戲中扮演美軍殖民地陸戰隊(United States Colonial Marines / USCM) 的隊長,率領訓練精良的 USCM 隊員登上被遺棄在 LV-426 惑星軌道上的 U.S.S. Sulaco 星艦探索其艦上乘組員未知的命運..... (不過看新聞稿內文還包含當年電影第二集裡那個LV-426上的太空殖民地"Hadley's Hope" 場景,因此應該是會有登陸 LV-426 作戰的關卡) 話說這款第一人稱射擊遊戲開發也耗時不少年去..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliens:_Colonial_Marines#Development 途中還經歷了更換遊戲開發商、發行商異動、移植平臺的轉換等艱辛歷程 (原本最早是打算在 PS2 上推出的) (後來又砍了 NDS 版本) 不過開發商換成經驗豐富的 Gearbox Software 對玩家來說算是好事一件 個人認為這款打著正宗"ALIENs"名號的改編遊戲或許會比 AvP 系列更吸引原本的異形粉絲 才是? ◎ 如果真的要耍龜毛跟認真的話,ALIENS 其實是指 James Cameron 執導的第二集, 因此遊戲名稱要叫作"異形2:殖民地陸戰隊"或"異形續集:殖民地陸戰隊"也不為過? ◎ 不過 SEGA 還是欠玩家一款 Aliens RPG 就是了 當年都已經講好跟 20 世紀福斯簽約要作三款異形電影改編遊戲還特地發佈新聞稿, 結果 AvP 續作已經上市,接著是這款 Aliens: Colonial Marines 也要推出, 就獨缺被臨時喊卡的 Aliens RPG ◎ SEGA 跟 Gearbox Software 這次在 E3 展前為了宣傳這款遊戲作了一些事 像是把第二集裡那把有名的 M41A1 脈衝步槍玩具寄到 OPM 雜誌編輯部去 還把太空殖民地裡獲救小女孩所把玩的洋娃娃人偶頭寄到某電玩網站去嚇人..... XD SEGA AND GEARBOX'S ALIENS: COLONIAL MARINES TO DEPLOY SPRING 2012 http://www.sega.com/news/?n=5146 Press Release June 01, 2011 Catch a First Look at E3 2011 of the Game That Pits You and Your Friends Against the Deadliest Killers in the Galaxy "It'll be dark soon, and they mostly come at night… mostly." LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (June 1, 2011) – SEGA® Europe Ltd. And SEGA of America, Inc. today announced that the highly-anticipated first-person shooter, Aliens: Colonial Marines, will be launching in spring 2012 on PC, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. In partnership with Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products and developed by critically acclaimed studio Gearbox Software, Aliens: Colonial Marines will bring new levels of bone-chilling suspense and adrenaline-filled action to the renowned franchise. The game pits players against the universe's ultimate alien killing machines, the Xenomorphs, in claustrophobic environments guaranteed to produce blood curdling thrills that the movie is renowned for. A first look of the game is presented in the South Hall at SEGA's booth #2023, at this week's E3 in Los Angeles. "To Gearbox Software and its peers throughout the industry, ALIENS is one of the most influential science fiction properties of all time," said Randy Pitchford, President of Gearbox Software. "Aliens: Colonial Marines, designed as an interactive successor to the landmark films from Twentieth Century Fox, is a dream project about which our studio is deeply committed and passionate." "Aliens: Colonial Marines will be THE definitive ALIENS gaming experience," said Gary Knight, Senior Vice President of Marketing at SEGA Europe and SEGA of America. "Gearbox Software are doing a brilliant job translating the thrill and horror that ALIENS stands for into an action-packed shooter experience with co-operative gameplay at its core." Gary Rosenfeld, Senior Vice President of New Media for Fox Consumer Products added, "It’s no easy task to take on one of the most influential films of all-time, but SEGA and Gearbox are not going to disappoint. This game will be a must-have for fans of the ALIENS franchise and gamers around the globe." Aliens: Colonial Marines begins with an ostensibly abandoned ship, the U.S.S. Sulaco, recovered in orbit around LV-426. Players lead a group of highly trained United States Colonial Marines as they board the deserted craft to uncover the fate of the crew. They will have to fight to survive unspeakable horrors and their own anxieties as they chase down the truth behind a galaxy-spanning deception that places humanity at the mercy of the most murderous and deadly species in the universe. Aliens: Colonial Marines features authentic environments, such as the surface of LV-426 and Hadley's Hope, weapons inspired by the film series and is designed to provide an exhilarating and engaging new chapter in the Aliens universe. Aliens: Colonial Marines will be available spring 2012 on PlayStation 3 system, Xbox 360 and PC. The game is also on display in the South Hall at SEGA's booth #2023, at this week's Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DwayneHicks 來自: (06/02 09:47)

06/02 10:19,
未成年禁止、小女孩 (點網址 (?)
06/02 10:19

06/02 10:34,
1F 選的關鍵字似乎怪怪的.....
06/02 10:34

06/02 10:45,
帥哦 小弟現在才認出您的id
06/02 10:45

06/02 12:44,
06/02 12:44

06/02 14:02,
樓上肯定有看展示影片 XD
06/02 14:02

06/02 14:17,
我也有看啦TAT 可是看不太懂orz
06/02 14:17

06/02 14:17,
06/02 14:17

06/02 15:43,
好想玩( ̄﹁ ̄ )
06/02 15:43

06/02 22:05,
06/02 22:05

06/04 03:24,
成年禁止、小女孩(點網址 (?)
06/04 03:24
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/09 05:03, , 1F
06/09 05:03, 1F

06/09 06:44, , 2F
http://goo.gl/4IAwX 偏偏比較擔心獨缺M56 Smart Gun
06/09 06:44, 2F

06/09 06:45, , 3F
06/09 06:45, 3F

06/09 06:46, , 4F
也有自動炮塔,但希望最後正式版本有加入M56 Smart Gun
06/09 06:46, 4F

06/09 07:07, , 5F
(不過這是 2008 年底釋出的舊圖就是了)
06/09 07:07, 5F

08/18 21:08, , 6F
08/18 21:08, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1Dxz2vla (NSwitch)