
看板NSwitch作者 (小海豹天堂)時間16年前 (2007/10/25 11:09), 編輯推噓6(600)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
卡普空在美國的官方論壇出現了一篇由Christian Svensson(senior director of strategic planning and research)寫的文章,針對許多粉絲對大神只是 單純移植到Wii平台上卻沒有新增要素的不滿做出回應。 全文重點摘譯: …… 我們選擇了Ready at Dawn來做這次的移植,成員包含了前Naughty Dog 和前Blizzard的員工,而他們自己的遊戲也都獲得非常高的評分和銷量。 他們對細節和技術的追求是我合作過的隊伍中數一數二的。 如果我們想做一個草率便宜的移植,我們可以隨便選一個小組來做這次 移植,而且可以做得又快又便宜。可是這顯然不是我們想採取的方式。 最後,如果這是為了撈一票,讓我們面對現實吧,在別的平台有成千上 萬的遊戲都擁有比大神更高的銷量,我們大可以選那些遊戲來移植。又 快又便宜。大神,雖然真的是一個偉大的遊戲,可是它在PS2上的銷量 表現並不理想,也不是那種隨便快速移植之後就可以保證在新平台上會 大獲成功的遊戲。…… …… 到目前為止我們做出的移植就是惡靈四,而它獲得了90分以上的評分, 而且在新平台上創出了驚人的銷售成績。這難道就是這些瞄準我們的不 實指控所謂的「卡普空樣版劇」?寶島Z得到了比今年所有遊戲都要高 的分數(大概會輸銀馬啦…XD)。我們不做根據紙本圖形、圖像、文本 或其他資料原封不動製作而成的軟體。 就像我在之前的訪問中所講的,我們要先讓這個遊戲能運作。這是一個 龐大的遊戲。如果在我們確定所有東西都運作良好,並且不破壞原來的 大神的美好遊戲經驗的情況下,我們才會考慮可能的強化。既然我們現 在還沒有走到那個階段,我們很不想去提任何可能的新增要素,以免讓 媒體和粉絲失望。 所以現在如果你往最壞去想,你至少會有40-60小時可以用全新的方式 玩這個經典大作,如果往好處想,或許我們在未來的幾個月能有更多資 訊可以提供,但現在我們只能請大家耐心等待。 A few points here... I get the issues, I really do, but people seem to be missing a few things. We selected Ready at Dawn to do the port. These guys are all ex-Naughty Dog and ex-Blizzard, and they have already shipped their own titles that have ridiculously high review scores and sales (and have more on the way). Their attention to detail and technical prowess is among the best of any team I've ever worked with. If we wanted a cheap and dirty port, I could have turned around and picked any one of 50 houses and gotten it done for less and perhaps more quickly. Clearly, that wasn't the approach we sought for a variety of reasons (for the fans, for the reputation of our company, for the potential of the product, etc.). Lastly, if this were a quick cash in, let's face it, there's TONS of other products that had higher sales on other platforms we could have chosen to port, quickly and cheaply. Okami, as great as it was, wasn't a huge seller on PS2 such that its quick and dirty port would be assured "sales success" on a new platform. We picked a huge game (read: expensive, especially on testing costs), with a ton of moving parts. So, on the contrary, we have a lot to prove with this game and I know we, and RAD are up to the task. I apologize if I bristle at the accusation that this is a cheap port, but I do. Given that the only port we've done to date was RE4, which has a 90+ gamerankings score and provided AMAZING value for the platform, has this really been Capcom's modus operendi such that this allegation should be leveled at us? Zack & Wiki is getting better reviews than just about anything you'll see this year on Wii, except possibly Galaxy. Shovelware is not what we do. As I've said in prior interviews, we're getting the game up and running first. The game is enormous. If after we have everything working correctly, cleanly and as desired so as not to "break" the amazing experience that is Okami, we will worry about potential enhancements. As we are NOT at that point in the process yet, we are loathe to even mention any potential changes or enhancements for fear of disappointing the fans/media. So for now, if you MUST assume the worst, assume that you will have an amazing 40-60 hour adventure that is one of gaming's most impressive pieces of art to play in fantastic new ways. If you want to hope for the best, well, perhaps we'll have more to say in a few months, but for now we're going to have to ask for your patience. -- 那團紅火焰又沒亂裏春情難遣熊熊的冒了起來了燒得那兩道飛揚的眉毛發出了青濕的汗光 兩張醉紅的臉又漸漸的靠攏驀地裏懷人幽怨在一處一起咧著白牙笑了起來笛子上那幾根玉 管子似則為俺生小嬋娟的手指上下飛躍著那襲嫋嫋的身影兒在那檔雪青的雲母屏風上隨著 隨著燈光仿仿佛佛的搖曳起來笛聲愈來愈低沉愈來愈淒咽揀名門一例一例裏神仙眷好像把 杜麗娘滿腔的怨情都吹了出來似的甚良緣把青春拋得遠杜麗娘快要入夢了柳夢梅也該上場 了可是吳聲豪卻說驚夢裏幽會那一段最是露骨不過的俺的睡情誰見然而他卻捧著酒杯過來 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: bois 來自: (10/25 11:14)

10/25 12:06, , 1F
10/25 12:06, 1F

10/25 13:08, , 2F
10/25 13:08, 2F

10/25 16:14, , 3F
10/25 16:14, 3F

10/25 21:26, , 4F
10/25 21:26, 4F

10/25 21:49, , 5F
10/25 21:49, 5F

10/27 12:31, , 6F
40~60小時耶... ps2我第一輪19小時 份量來多一點吧
10/27 12:31, 6F
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