[NFL!] 近況欠佳,黑豹開除進攻總監Joe Brady

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Carolina Panthers fire offensive coordinator Joe Brady with team sitting at 5-7 https://es.pn/3lANYxG 原文作者︰ESPN The Carolina Panthers have fired offensive coordinator Joe Brady with five games left in their season, the team announced Sunday. 卡羅來那黑豹隊在例行賽還剩5場的情況下,於昨天招開記者會,宣布開除進攻總監/ 協調員(OC)Joe Brady。 Panthers coach Matt Rhule said in a statement that he met with Brady on Sunday morning and "informed him that I have decided to make a change." 黑豹隊總教練Matt Rhule在記者會中,表示他已經在周日賽前與Brady會面,並告知 他「我已經做出一個會造成改變的決定(指開除)」。 "I'm very grateful to him for his time and effort in helping us get established over this past year and a half," Rhule said. Rhule補充「我很感謝他在過去這一年半以來,願意奉獻時間與精力,幫助我們球團 的實力提升上」。 Senior offensive assistant Jeff Nixon will take over the offensive coordinator duties with the rest of the offensive coaching staff for the remainder of the season. 資深進攻助教Jeff Nixon即日起將頂替空缺成為OC,進攻教練團的其他人也將留守 直到球季結束。 The Panthers, who are on their bye this week, are ranked 28th in the NFL with 308.7 yards per game and 23rd in scoring at 19.7 points each game. 本周輪休的黑豹,今年在碼數累積與場均得分兩項指標上都位在聯盟後段班,前者 #28、後者#23。 In October, Rhule said he was sticking with Brady but wanted him to commit more to the running game. Brady, however, never committed to the running game to the level Rhule preferred (at least 30 attempts per game). 十月時,Rhule曾表態力挺Brady,但也希望/要求他的部下更加致力於跑陣戰術上。 然而直到Brady被開除前,都沒有達到上司期望的標準(至少單場30次)。 The Panthers started the season 3-0 but are currently 5-7. Star running back Christian McCaffrey is out for the season with an ankle injury while the team has started three different quarterbacks. Sam Darnold struggled after a strong start in the first three games and is on injured reserve with a shoulder injury. Cam Newton is now starting at quarterback in his second stint with the franchise. 儘管曾開出開季三連勝的高潮,黑豹目前勝率卻反而不到五成(5-7)。陷入低潮的 主要原因包括1.明星級RB Christian McCaffre腳踝傷勢過於嚴重而整季報銷、 2.球隊至今已動用3名QB–季前透過交易盤來的Sam Darnold儘管在開季三連勝中 也有突破性的強開局,但因肩膀的傷勢而仍在傷兵名單中。目前接下先發QB職責 的球員,是曾經率隊打進超級盃的回鍋老將Cam Newton。 Brady joined the Panthers in January 2020 after helping LSU win a national championship as the Tigers' passing game coordinator. Brady在2000年1月加入黑豹前,曾經以傳球戰術協調員的角色,協助LSU拿到大學 聯賽的全國冠軍。 ESPN's David Newton contributed to this report. ESPN的黑豹隊派駐記者David Newton雖然沒有實質掛名,但對這篇報導仍有相當的 貢獻。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 心得︰當年曾經幫LSU拿冠的功臣之一,結果轉職業聯賽卻有點水土不服... 不過我相信他在未來幾周,應該還會成為想在季外做調整的大學/職業隊, 積極詢問甚至挖角的熱門對象 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1638813197.A.137.html

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