Fw: [花邊] 灰狼超海盜成美國運動界最爛的隊伍

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1WFQ-DVs ] 作者: pneumo (超☆冒險蓋) 看板: NBA 標題: [花邊] 灰狼正式成為美國運動界最爛的隊伍 時間: Tue Mar 2 11:22:47 2021 來源: GolfDigest 網址: https://tinyurl.com/3wca6bjr America has a new worst sports franchise 美國最新最爛運動隊伍 Wow, the difference a couple of weeks can make. Back at the start of February, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were, statistically speaking, the worst franchise in the history of American sports. Sure, the team was headed to its second Super Bowl of the yet-young century, but their creamsicle failings were still so utter and absolute that they could not be overcome. With an all-time regular-season record of 278-429-1, the Bucs remained owners of the worst active win percentage in American sports at .39321, Tom Brady be damned. But according to a reddit user by the handle “TheRatPatrol,” that all changed on Sunday, when the Minnesota Timberwolves dropped their 28th game of the 2020/2021 NBA season 118-99 to the Phoenix Suns. The T-Wolves’ new all-time win percentage following the loss? 哇嗚~~幾個禮拜真的有差。在二月初的時候,統計上來講,美式足球坦帕灣海盜是美國運 動史上的最爛隊。沒錯,他們才二度剛打進超級盃,但是他們以前的爛是爛到無以復加, 勝率拉不回。正規賽季累積是278勝,429敗,1和,在美國運動界以勝率39.321趴敬陪末 座,Tom Brady要哭哭了。但是Reddit鄉民TheRatPatrol在NBA版的文章,這最後一名在星 期天的時候換人坐坐看了,星期天灰狼以118-99輸給太陽,本季第28敗。灰狼的累計正規 賽季的勝率在輸掉這場之後是多少呢? .39307 39.307趴。 There’s no sugar-coating that. It’s beyond bad. It’s worse than the Arizona Coyotes, the NHL’s worst at .480. It’s worse than the suddenly world-beating Padres, long the MLB’s lowliest at .462. You may remember Stephon Marbury and Kevin Garnett, but they are ancient history and the recent history has been abysmal, to be generous. 這沒有辦法講出好聽的話的,這是爛到爆,比冰上曲棍球亞利桑那土狼的48趴爛,比大聯 盟棒球教士的46.2趴還爛。大家或許還記得Stephon Marbury跟Kevin Garnett,但是他們 已經是古老的歷史了,最近的灰狼一直是糟糕透頂,這還是客氣的說法了。 -- 就是講Reddit這篇: https://tinyurl.com/fvcn6nex Reddit鄉民表示: "Bucs have 2 titles since I've been alive" 「海盜在我還活著的時候已經拿下兩座冠軍了。」 "Tampa Bay also has two Super Bowl Championships on their resume while the Timberwolves only have two playoff series wins in their 32 year history." 「海盜已經拿下兩座冠軍了,但是灰狼在他們32年隊史只有贏過兩次季後賽系列。」 "Both in the same run by Kevin Garnett which we made it to the conference" 「那兩次贏的系列戰都是Kevin Garnett率領的,最後打進分區冠軍賽。」 "Hey Lebron want to take your talents to Minneapolis?" 「我說LBJ,你要不要帶你的天賦到明尼蘇達呢?」 "He prefers his Lakes in a city without lakes." 「LBJ喜歡他的"湖"是在一個沒有湖的城市。」 "So is Lebron going to join and win them a chip? Maybe he can talk Wade out of retirement too.." 「所以LBJ會加入灰狼,幫他們拿下一座冠軍嗎?或許他也可以說服Wade重出江湖。」 "If we draft Bronny Jr we get the Sr too, right?" 「若我們灰狼選秀選了小姆斯,我們也會得到老姆斯,對吧?」 "Glen Taylor is the worst owner in the league that's not talked about" 「沒提到的是Glen Taylor是聯盟最爛的老闆。」 "Meh it's aight. We have KAT and D'lo" 「沒問題的啦~~,我們灰狼有KAT跟D'lo。」 "Just never at the same time." 「只是他們從不會一起在場上。」 -- 搶下小姆斯 好得到老姆斯 計畫通 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1614655373.A.7F6.html

03/02 11:23, 3年前 , 1F
03/02 11:23, 1F

03/02 11:24, 3年前 , 2F
03/02 11:24, 2F

03/02 11:24, 3年前 , 3F
03/02 11:24, 3F

03/02 11:24, 3年前 , 4F
都已經拿過這麼多狀元了 怎麼還想要坦啊?
03/02 11:24, 4F

03/02 11:25, 3年前 , 5F
03/02 11:25, 5F

03/02 11:25, 3年前 , 6F
03/02 11:25, 6F

03/02 11:25, 3年前 , 7F
NFL海盜勝率最低 但也贏了兩次超級盃 但灰狼還是0冠
03/02 11:25, 7F

03/02 11:25, 3年前 , 8F
03/02 11:25, 8F

03/02 11:26, 3年前 , 9F
just never at the same time lol
03/02 11:26, 9F

03/02 11:26, 3年前 , 10F
坦王 No Good Team
03/02 11:26, 10F

03/02 11:26, 3年前 , 11F
03/02 11:26, 11F

03/02 11:26, 3年前 , 12F
湖人以前就從萬湖之洲明尼蘇達出來的 現在的湖人真
03/02 11:26, 12F

03/02 11:26, 3年前 , 13F
03/02 11:26, 13F

03/02 11:27, 3年前 , 14F
就爛啊 雖然有組團之嫌 但KG Love 這些前狼王哪個
03/02 11:27, 14F

03/02 11:27, 3年前 , 15F
不是離隊後就奪冠的 KAT想贏的話也趕快跑一跑吧
03/02 11:27, 15F

03/02 11:27, 3年前 , 16F
灰狼只有贏過兩次季後賽系列喔? 那還真夠爛的= =
03/02 11:27, 16F

03/02 11:28, 3年前 , 17F
03/02 11:28, 17F

03/02 11:29, 3年前 , 18F
03/02 11:29, 18F

03/02 11:29, 3年前 , 19F
灰狼就只在04年贏兩次系列賽到西冠輸湖人 沒了
03/02 11:29, 19F

03/02 11:29, 3年前 , 20F
03/02 11:29, 20F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: dragonyy ( 臺灣), 03/02/2021 11:30:07
文章代碼(AID): #1WFR50xY (NFL)