[轉錄]國外網友看Henin Vs Serena比賽的心得

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※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: Coxon (I Love Tennis) 看板: Tennis 標題: 國外網友看Henin Vs Serena比賽的心得 時間: Sat Jun 7 20:37:26 2003 這位網友是rec.sport.tennis裡面我還蠻喜歡的作者 關於爭議球她用慢動作重看,提出了她的看法,我覺得還不錯 大家參考一下,也為這件事劃下句點。 From Wendy Grossman OK, I'm watching the tape of the third set. The crowd were not booing anyone until 3-2 in the third set, SW. Henin serving. First point, hits big angled forehand that SW thought was out. Very correctly, SW halted the point (you cannot challenge the call if you keep playing), pointed, circled the mark and walked away. Umpire came down, checked, call it out. Crowd making its using whistling etc. noise. 0-15. Henin hits wild shot way long. 0-30. SW hits a very deep shot that could have been in or out; crowd whistling, but Henin played it and the point went on, SW winning it. Henin did not question that call. 0-40. Henin hits one long. Game. 4-2, SW. At this point the crowd is noisy and whistling on very close balls, but not booing anyone. SW serving, 4-2. Henin hits one way wide. 15-0. SW nets first serve, good second, Henin hits a very deep shot, SW hits a wild shot and immediately points at the baseline. Line judge didn't call, but umpire has called out, Henin requests it be checked. Umpire gets down and firmly indicates it's out. Crowd whistling -- and now booing. 30-0. Crowd I think here is booing because SW is questioning calls and Henin is not (even though SW was right in both instances). Crowd noise is still quite loud as SW prepares to serve. With the TV camera on her face, it looks like she is focusing on serving and blocking out the crowd noise. It looks to me as though Henin's hand went up just as SW tossed the ball. Henin is standing in her usual spot, but she's upright rather than crouched to receive serve. SW nets the serve. It's all very quick. Slowing the action down to an absolutely crawl, it does look as though SW's gaze had shifted to to the ball before Henin's hand went up and the two events happened simultaneously: on the way slowed-down tape you can see SW's toss go up in tandem with Henin's hand going up and her backing away (that is, pulling herself up out of the ready crouch). The crowd was extremely noisy throughout this, so I can understand why Henin might have requested a wait. But the umpire said nothing. The serve went into the net. The crowd continues to whistle and jeer. The Eurosport commentator cricizes the crowd's behavior (for the first time in the match). SW requests a first serve and says Henin had her hand up. The umpire looks at Henin. Henin is just standing there. The umpire says, "I didn't see that," and declines the request. The Eurosport commentator thinks she's asking for a first serve because of the crowd interruption, but this is clearly incorrect. SW nets a forehand, Henin wins the point, and the crowd applauds. 30-15. SW nets another first serve. Henin attacks the second, SW atempts a backhand cross-court drop shot and misses. 30-30. SW's first serve hits the net cord and falls back. Henin hits a down-the-line forehand, then a down-the-line backhand to set up break point. So, a couple of points. 1) SW cannot have seen Henin's hand up until *after* she's netted her first serve because despite the TV cutting it's clear that her gaze shifted to the ball before Henin's hand went up and the ball toss and the hand went up simultaneously; 2) Henin *could* have told the umpire she had her hand up but just stood waiting and breathing heavily (she may have felt that since SW completed the service action she hadn't seen the hand); 3) Henin at that point (from post-match interviews) thought she was out of the match; 4) SW was netting a lot of first serves that game, so Henin might have gotten her second serve anyway even if SW had been awarded a second first serve -- but Henin had a much greater chance of winning the point off a second serve than a first; 5) that point, contrary to what SW said in her post-match interview, very likely *was* the most significant turning point of the set. However, there is no guarantee that SW would have won it with a *first* serve. After it, Henin, who had played a really poor game at 2-3, played much better in general. Had SW won that point at 4-2,30-0 and gone up 5-2, I think it's a lot less likely we'd be seeing this all-Belgian final. But SW might well have lost that point anyway. Throughout the match, she does not look comfortable with the footing. Nonetheless, from 4-2 to 4-4 does not *force* you to lose a match. At 4-4 and serving, SW still had a good chance to win the match by holding serve and breaking Henin. At 40-30 4-4 SW double-faulted. At deuce, she hit a forehand long. Henin at break point netted the return. SW's serve hits the net and goes long; 2nd serve is attacked, another breaktpoint. SW hits a very poor drop shot that lands midcourt, comes in behind it and gets passed. Game. And so on. The fact is, I think they were *both* trying it on a bit and they've both convinced themselves they weren't. That's why we have umpires. wg -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:

推 06/07,
謝謝你熱心提供外國友人的看法喔! ^^
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-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
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