[情報] 美國部落客3DS時之笛體驗

看板NDS作者 (有些話想說在老去之前~)時間13年前 (2011/01/10 20:10), 編輯推噓6(602)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
全文翻譯轉自電玩巴士 Within ten minutes of Nintendo World 2011 opening up for day two, the line for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D had extended to a sixty minutes. Luckily we were in one of the first batches let in to the hall (having arrived two hours early for the show) and managed to get our hands on the game fairly quickly. But that doesn’t make writing this preview any easier. Nintendo World 2011 第二天才僅僅開始10分鐘,Zelda的試玩隊伍就排到了60分鐘。很 幸運,我們是第一批進去的(代價是提前兩小時就去排隊了)並且很快就開始上手游戲。 但這並沒有讓寫這篇評測變得輕松起來。 It’s difficult to write this preview not just because the demo is quite short given that Zelda games can span dozens of hours, but also because given that it’s a remake there’s not a lot that is particularly new, and the stuff that is new is so intertwined with the stuff that is old. For that reason I’ll keep this preview short, and try to focus on what’s completely different about the game. 這篇評測很難下筆的其中一個原因是demo太短了,相對於Zelda整個游戲要幾十個小時而 言,另一個原因是這是一個復刻版,沒有什麼特別突出的革新,而那些比較新穎的元素和 舊的元素結合的又非常緊密。所以這篇評測會比較短,並且我會努力將重點放在跟原版比 不一樣的地方。 Ocarina of Time 3D is not a graphical stunner. It’s miles ahead of the original game, and you will be impressed when you lay your eyes on it for first time, but had I spent more time playing the game in 2D the updated art wouldn’t have had that much of a lasting impact. But this is more of a sign of Kid Icarus: Uprising and Resident Evil: Revelations looking amazing rather than Ocarina of Time looking bad. It’s very pretty, but just didn’t captivate me as much as those other games. 時之笛3D並不是靠畫面取勝的。相對於原版,畫面提升很大,當你第一眼看到你會很驚訝 ,但在2D模式下玩的時間越多,提升後的畫面就沒有那麼多持久的衝擊了。這很可能是由 於新光神話和生化啟示錄的驚艷的畫面使得時之笛顯得沒那麼好。畫面很美,只不過沒有 其他游戲那麼讓人著迷罷了。 This is probably irrelevant though because the 3D effects add a lot to the experience anyways. Kokiri village really pops out at you with the sense of depth and while the effects seemed more susceptible to subtle movements (this could have been my imagination though) they definitely weren’t the most difficult to work with. Given that the demo was only in a small part of the game though there weren’t enough instances where the advantages of 3D were hugely noticeable like they were in Kid Icarus. 這點可能並不是很重要,因為3D效果給游戲體驗加分不少。Kokiri村會伴隨著很強的縱深 感出現在你面前,這種效果死會對微小的移動很敏感(也很可能是我這麼認為)但這並不 是什麼嚴重的問題。由於Demo只是展現了游戲中很小的一部分,並沒有很多的證據表明, 3D的優勢像在新光神話中一樣明顯。 What shocked me the most was the controls. No, not the regular controls. They ’re fairly standard. But the aiming controls. You can aim with the analog stick, but when you go into the first-person view (and this includes when you ’re using a slingshot or a similar weapon) you can actually aim your shot by physically moving the 3DS. So, when I was ridding the Great Deku Tree of Skullwalltulas I raised the 3DS upwards on about a seventy-five degree angle towards where I imagined the enemies would be in the real world and started firing. It was a bizarre sensation. 最讓我震驚的操作。並不是指基本操作。基本操作是很普通的。我指的是瞄准。你可以用 滑杆瞄准,但當你使用第一人稱視角的時候(也包括使用彈弓或類似的武器時)你可以通 過移動3DS來瞄准。所以,當我在Skullwalltulas的Great Deku樹上時,我舉起3DS,大概 75度左右,衝著我覺得在現實世界中可能會出現敵人的地方開始射擊。這是一種很奇怪的 感覺。 But did it work well? Sort of. It was satisfying. But I had a lot of problems with losing the 3D effect because of all the movement. This may have been because the 3DS was tethered and made it more difficult to move the device properly, but I imagine the 3D would have to be disabled completely unless you want to deal with a blurry screen in the middle of a tense situation. Nevertheless, it made me smile, and I think that makes it worthwhile in itself. It’s easy to get caught up in the technical side of software, but when a simple action can just make you physically smile I think that’s a lot more powerful. 這種方式是否有效地?差不多吧。很讓人滿意。但由於移動致使3D效果消失給我帶來了很 多問題。這也可能是因為3DS 被繩子拴著,所以很難用適當的方式移動,但我覺得3D效果 可能應該完全關閉除非你想玩的正緊張的時候卻突然對著一個模糊的屏幕。盡管如此,游 戲的體驗讓我笑了,我認為這使得游戲本身更有價值。要想體會到軟件本身技術層面的特 色是很簡單的,但一個簡單的動作就能讓你真的笑了起來我認為這說明游戲是很棒的。 By this point you may be a little confused. Did I like the game? Yep. Was it the best game at the show? Nope. At least, not for me. I suspect hardcore Zelda fans would have loved it, but I would still have to place Kid Icarus as the game of the show. Ocarina of Time definitely comes in at a solid second though. It may have been difficult to appreciate the 3DS-specific features in the environment of the show floor, but I left the booth smiling, and that’s hard to complain about. 說到這兒,你可能有點迷惑。我喜歡這個游戲麼?答案是肯定的。這個游戲是整個體驗會 最棒的嗎?至少對我來說,不是。我覺得Zelda的核心玩家肯定會喜歡,但我仍要把新光 神話選為展覽中的冠軍。當然,時之笛肯定會是第二名。在展區的環境中可能很難贊揚 3DS的特色功能,但當我離開試玩區的時候是帶著微笑的,也就很難抱怨什麼了。 對於之前那個帖子中貌似不好的啟示錄的評價。個人覺得畫面方面是值得肯定的,在流出 的視頻中我們也能看出這點。至於為人詬病的操作問題,我想還是看個人吧。畢竟還有時 間,展會後,收集完試玩回饋,假如真有問題肯定會改的。所以大家也不用太糾結。新光 神話已經注定是佳作了。 對於最近的新聞,個人很不解的是,是任天堂首發出貨400W(3dsblog是這麼認為的), 還是說預計銷量達到400W?求解釋。 ==================================================== 我最感興趣的除了3D的感覺外 就屬可以拿起3DS 當瞄準器(弓 彈弓之類的) 陀螺儀似乎很精確 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/10 20:18, , 1F
01/10 20:18, 1F

01/10 20:48, , 2F
01/10 20:48, 2F

01/10 20:52, , 3F
啥 400W台不夠賣吧 怎麼可能只預計銷量達400萬XD
01/10 20:52, 3F

01/10 20:58, , 4F
01/10 20:58, 4F

01/10 20:58, , 5F
還有第二批 第三批阿XD
01/10 20:58, 5F

01/10 20:59, , 6F
01/10 20:59, 6F

01/11 14:05, , 7F
應是銷售目標400W 畢竟老任向來都弄銷售量 出貨量喔.左轉
01/11 14:05, 7F

01/23 16:43, , 8F
01/23 16:43, 8F
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