看板NCTU_ITL作者 (小鳴)時間17年前 (2007/07/30 15:45), 編輯推噓1(101)
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前言:學校在今年暑假有與美國John Marshall Law School合作,請該校的教授 來台教授二門課程,其中一門是「LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING」,是由Hopkins 教授講授的,他的資料在http://www.jmls.edu/directory/hopkins_kevin.shtml (本人比照片福態一點…) 所以就把他上課內容的大綱po上來供大家參考,因為明年他還是有可能會來開課~ LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING PART 1:LEGAL WRITING The text book for this portion of the class is: DIANA V. PRATT, LEGAL WRITING: A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH(4th ed. Thomson/West). 6/25/07 Review of the Sources of American Law, the U.S. Courts, and (日期) Civil Trials. Read: Pratt, pp. 2-35(reviewing the sources of law, the court system, and civil cases). 6/26/07 Cases and Legal Analysis Read: Pratt, pp. 36-52("Understanding Cases"); and pp.52-58( State v. Haley and State v. Dugger for practice in locating the elements of a case brief). Prepare a case bried for Webster v. Blue Ship Tea Room, Inc. and be prepared to discuss your case brief during class. 6/27/07 Statutes and Legal Analysis Read: Pratt, pp. 64-82(down to Exercise 5A); (In-class Exercise on Statutory Analysis). 6/28/07 Legal Reasoning Read: Pratt, pp. 88-107(down to Exercise 6A);Read Exercise 6B (p. 118-120);and pp. 120-124(Messa v. Sullivan), 125-126(Dobrin v. Stebbins). Prepare case briefs for Messa v. Sullivan and Dobrin v. Stebbins. We will discuss the dog bite problem in class. 6/29/07 Legal Reasoning(Continued) Read: Pratt, pp. 127-133. Prepare case briefs for Siewerth v. Charlestion and Nelson v. Lewis. We will continue to discuss the dog bite problem in class. 6/30/07 The Office Memorandum Read: Pratt, pp. 165-177(down to Exercise 7A);203-210(Statement of Facts). Review Appendix A(Basic Memoranda)pp. 352-357(for an example of a legal memorandum). 7/2/07 The Writing Process Read: Pratt, pp. 178-193;211-220(down to "information and check- list for Memo Writing"). PART II: LEGAL RESEARCH The text book for this portion of the class is: Roy M. MERSKY AND DONALD J. DUNN, LEGAL RESEARCH ILLUSTRATED(8th ED. 2002). The reading assignments below are taken from this book. 7/3/07 Introduction to Legal Research: Brief review of sources of American Law, legal citation, and research strategies. 7/4/07 Creating a Research Vocabulary: Research Vocabulary and Issue Spotting Read: Mersky, pp. 14-20; *In-class Exercise(To Be Distributed). 7/5/07 Primary Sources of Law: Court Cases Read: Mersky, pp. 21-51, &62-70(down to Section F:"Illustrations") 7/6/07 Case Law Research: Using Digests to Find Case Law Read: Mersky, pp. 74-101(down to Section N. Illustrations). 7/9/07 Secondary Sources: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and other law- finding tools. Read: Mersky, 318-328(Legal Encyclopedias);392-402(down to "Section G. Jury Instructions and Verdict...");pp.370-379(illustrations); 329-342(legal periodicals and indexes). 7/10/07 Statutes: Constitutions, Codes(Annotated and Unannotated) Read: Mersky,pp. 120-133(Constitutions);pp. 134-155(down to "Section F. Tables for Fdedral Laws");pp. 164-176(down to "Section E. How to identify/Find Citations to Documents...");pp. 192-199( Finding legislative history documents);pp. 203-216(State Legis- lation);pp. 104-114(American Law Reports("A.L.R.")) 7/11/07 Administrative Law and Citations Read: Mersky,pp. 231-249 & pp. 281-310(down to: "Section H. Keycite on Westlaw"). *Wrap-up and Review of Research Strategy 7/13/07 *Final Examination -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/30 20:59, , 1F
我沒別的意思 但看到是黑人讓我有點訝異
07/30 20:59, 1F

08/07 20:21, , 2F
08/07 20:21, 2F
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