[情報] NCIS 相關電影 (第一季)

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之前有看到有網友對六人行做電影索引,剛好最近在複習所以也順便做了些整理, 我只先對於有片名出現的地方做紀錄,附上出現的情節和台詞, 至於台詞有暗喻的地方,再麻煩請知識豐富的強者補充啦~~ 若有錯誤也歡迎指正哦~~ ^^ ---------------------- E01--空軍一號 Air Force One(1997) 哈里遜福特 在更換飛機後,Gibbs在找出兇手的目的時,想到電影中的激進份子所用的手法。 (第一個使用電影梗的竟然是老大呢!) Gibbs : You said the locks were different. Kate : Uh...29 has digital ones. This plane has keys. Gibbs : Armory......, the armory. They have keys to the armory. They copied the movie. They've vitted a reporter. E05--當真愛來敲門 Bounce (2000) 班艾佛列克、葛妮絲派特洛 Gibbs和Kate在和死者太太現任丈夫會面,由於他和死者是同事,但從沒跟太太說起, 他說自己也沒有料到,就像是電影"bounce"的情節。 E08-- The Maltese Falcon (1914) by Elisha Cook http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0033870/ Splat! (1999) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1531030/ Tony在酒巴和酒保聊天, bartender : Oh, you young people donpt know what good movies are. All thisviolence today, so sad. Tony : Splat isn't violent? 加勒比海盜 Pirates of the Caribbean 找尋線索中來到一間小屋,發現被綁在椅子上的死者和不知道何時會爆炸的炸彈, 躲過一劫後,在解剖室... Ducky: Well , I must say,you seem to have a rdmakably fine set of teeth. Tony: Yeah, for an extra from Pirates of the Caribbean. Ducky: I heard that was very good. Gibbs: The ride? Ducky: The movie. E17--絕配殺手 Gigli (2003) 在搜查被害人的寓所,發現被害人在燒錄dvd、有很多自拍的生活影片 Tony: Reminds me , I;ve got to return 'Gigli'. It's a week overdue. (later).... Tony: (貼心解釋) Punk'd is an MTV show where they play tricks on celebrities while secretly filming it. Gibbs: Like "candid camera". Punk'd 和 candid camera 都是電視劇,只是年代不一樣。 ---- E18--這裡可能有兩部電影,不過都說不出名字,請強者鑑定一下吧 ^^ Tony : You're that person in a horror movie that decides that since all your friends are dead, youreally need to check out the demonic breathing noise down in the basement?" Kate: Look, that beats being the girl who twists her ankle and gets everyone else killed. E19--Stakeout(1987) Richard dreyfuss、Emilio estevez 演出。 跟監時,Tony覺得他們的狀況跟電影中很像。 E22--HalloweenVIII (月光光心慌慌 系列) Kate: So what did youdo this weekend that left that smile plastered all over your face? Tony: I watched a great movie. Kate: Let me guess, a horror flick? Tony: HalloweenVIII.I think it's the best Halloween ever. Makes Halloween VII look like Halloween V. E23--邊城英烈傳 The Alamo [1960]約翰韋恩、李察威麥、勞倫斯哈威主演戰爭電影。 亡命天涯 The Fugitive(1993) 哈里遜福特、湯米李瓊斯 http://movie.mtime.com/12066/ 搜索者The Searchers (1956) 約翰韋恩、傑佛瑞哈特 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049730/ 危險人物 Payback (1999) 梅爾吉伯遜 http://movie.mtime.com/12080/ Kate: Tony, I'm worried about him. Tony: Gibbs? that's like worrying about Jim bowie in a knife fight. Kate: Bowie was killed at the Alamo. Tony: I know, I saw the movie. Kate: Tony, he's fixated on that terrorist. Tony: Not fixated, determined. Like Tommy lee jones in "the Fugitive", like the duke in "the Searchers", Mel gibson in "payback". ------------- 白鯨記 Moby Dick Tony: May I say something? Gibbs: Only if it has to do with me catching that bastard I'm chasing. Tony: It does. Gibbs: Then speak. Tony: Boss, you really need to see "Moby dick". ※ 編輯: leecgj 來自: (05/09 00:23)

05/09 00:34, , 1F
其實原本DPB想讓Gibbs當電影通的XD 但因為MW苦苦哀求才變成
05/09 00:34, 1F

05/09 00:34, , 2F
Tony的角色設定XDDD 整理辛苦啦 ^^
05/09 00:34, 2F

05/09 00:36, , 3F
05/09 00:36, 3F

05/09 00:58, , 4F
violent ?/ 等TV鬥嘴的時候原波會更辛苦XDDD
05/09 00:58, 4F

05/09 00:58, , 5F
不過後來好像電影哏就比較重複了 很常出現「唐人街」XD
05/09 00:58, 5F

05/09 01:03, , 6F
05/09 01:03, 6F
※ 編輯: leecgj 來自: (05/09 04:35)

05/09 09:08, , 7F
05/09 09:08, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1HYdiswM (NCIS)