[轉錄][活動] 柏克萊海峽尋新論壇 Strait Talk Berkeley

看板NCHU-giip作者 (喵咪...)時間13年前 (2010/12/28 10:49), 編輯推噓7(8115)
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※ [本文轉錄自 China 看板 #1D1IADAv ] 作者: Dukedream (相信自己的方向感) 看板: China 標題: [活動] 柏克萊海峽尋新論壇 Strait Talk Berkeley 2011 時間: Mon Dec 13 03:29:13 2010 http://straittalk.org/?page_id=14 (請多多轉錄,要申請要快喔) 海峽尋新論壇為一立場中立,跨國跨校,創新求變,以青年與學者為主體之學術研討活動 。論壇為期一週,於加大校園內舉行。 本活動主要分為三部分:一為衝突解決會談 (ICR Sessions)。每年,我們跨海自台灣, 中國大陸與美國分別遴選五名青年學生為代表。採用在解決族群/區域衝突中著名的互動 式衝突解決方法 (Interactive Conflict Resolution),使青年學生共聚一堂、集思廣益 ,尋求海峽問題新解。並將所得於論壇成果發表暨記者會中,以「共識報告」 (Consensus Report) 型式共同簽署及發表。第二部分為專題論壇 (Panels)。每場專題都 將會邀請二至三位學者專家及各界人士,針對特定主題互相討論辨析。 第三部分則為大 會演講 (Keynote Speeches)。乃邀請美、中、台重量級、具代表性人士來校進行演講。 這一活動同樣開放給公眾及媒體。為整個大會的高潮與總結。 2011年第三屆柏克萊論壇代表招募 (UC Berkeley Strait Talk Symposium)正式啟動, 將通過書面申請和面試甄選來自中國大陸,台灣,美國共15名青年代表,於 2011年4月7 日-4月12日在世界名校加州大學柏克萊分校共聚一堂,集思集智,共同探求海峽問題新解 。這短短一周將會充滿智力與能力的挑戰,也會使每位與會者收穫全新的國際視野和真摯 的跨文化友誼。柏克萊論壇台灣代表正在招募中,從報名到參與所有項目不徵收費用(除 了部分旅費)。截止日期為台北時間 12月3日23:59[已經延期到12月17日,趕快報名]。 更多申請信息請參見如下英文介紹。歡迎同學抓緊時間報名! Introduction: Are you a student or young professional committed to international peace? Interested in conflict resolution, international relations, East Asia, or constructive dialogue? Ready to participate in an intensive. Skill-building week to invest in a future based on mutual understanding? Strait Talk is a non-partisan dialogue program that seeks to transform international conflict by connecting young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the United States and empowering them to strive for peace. We bring 15 students and young professionals to the Berkeley campus, where they work together in conflict resolution workshops and ultimately produce a Consensus Document. During the week, Strait Talk also organizes a series of public events, including panels that bring together scholars and experts to speak on the most salient issues of the cross-strait conflict. Strait Talk Berkeley is currently accepting applications for its 2011 Symposium, which will take place from April 7th to April 12th. The only cost the delegates will have to cover is their airfare, everything else from lodging to living expenses will be covered by the Berkeley Steering Committee. Due to the Rolling Process, early applications are encouraged! For more information, please refer to http://straittalk.org/ Qualification: We look forward to getting to know you! ICR is a power week-long workshop focused on creative solutions. We are looking for five students or young professionals from Taiwan who are passionate about Taiwan's future, especially in relations to the United States and mainland China. Qualities we look for include the ability to listen actively and respectfully, social skills, an open mind and a sense of humor. You must speak fluent English. It helps, but is not necessary, to have knowledge of Chinese society and history, international politics, and the society in China and Taiwan. Anyone currently in undergraduate, vocational, or graduate school, or recent college graduates are all eligible to apply. download http://straittalk.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/2011-Taiwan-Application.doc Applications are due on December 3(now December 17), 2010 11:59 PM Taipei time. This application must be completed and e-mailed to StraitTalk.Berkeley.TW@gmail.com. Since applications are accepted on a ROLLING BASIS, you should apply as early as possible! But do not feel discouraged if you get this information late, as we will try to read all the applications that come in. If you have questions or concerns, please email straittalk.berkeley@gmail.com or straittalk.berkeley.tw@gmail.com. Please finish the application in English, and write clearly and respond honestly. Your application will be evaluated based on your previous academic and personal experiences, as well as the quality of your essays. Please be aware you may be interviewed as part of the application process. Please read all information provided on our website http://straittalk.org before applying. All information WILL be kept confidential. -- 非常推薦這個活動,有興趣的人可以看我簡單的流水帳心得。 Strait Talk速記 http://chungenliu.blogspot.com/2010/11/strait-talk.html 今年參加同學的心得 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/c19870409/22586821 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/26 14:22,
12/26 14:22
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/28 10:50, , 1F
12/28 10:50, 1F

12/28 10:52, , 2F
12/28 10:52, 2F

12/28 10:53, , 3F
12/28 10:53, 3F

12/28 16:03, , 4F
12/28 16:03, 4F

12/28 17:53, , 5F
12/28 17:53, 5F

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12/28 23:02, , 11F
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12/28 23:07, , 13F
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12/28 23:08, , 14F
12/28 23:08, 14F

12/29 01:14, , 15F
我瞭解中國歷史但我英文不溜XD 學長好久不見了捏!
12/29 01:14, 15F

12/29 01:20, , 16F
12/29 01:20, 16F

12/29 01:21, , 17F
12/29 01:21, 17F

12/30 00:08, , 18F
12/30 00:08, 18F

12/30 15:25, , 19F
截止日是「今年」12 月 17 沒錯吧?
12/30 15:25, 19F

01/01 22:43, , 20F
這個活動去年有辦到台灣來 我有去參加~ 超讚的! 大推
01/01 22:43, 20F

01/01 22:43, , 21F

01/01 22:43, , 22F
01/01 22:43, 22F

01/03 21:06, , 23F
01/03 21:06, 23F

01/03 21:06, , 24F
01/03 21:06, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1D6L16yX (NCHU-giip)