[徵才] Recruitment for Research Assistant

看板NCCUcommerce作者 (Apple)時間9年前 (2014/06/09 12:06), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
MMA Pan Asia Fund Management We are a Pan Asia Long/Short Technology Fund that invested in Pan Asia (mainly Taiwan) and US with primarily focused on global technology analysis, industrial trends, and interconnection of supply chain. We are now looking for a research assistant to join our investment team. Job Requirements: - Strong financial modeling skills with excel - Experience covering technology preferred - Need to come in and build financial models within determined time limitation - Work from 4pm to 12am (Night shift) [Requirements] - Bachelor or Master's Degrees in Finance or Business related major - Strong motivation and proactive personality. Location: 10F-1,130, Nanjing E. Rd., Sec.4, Taipei If you are interested, please email your resumes to Mr.Wong at kw@mmafundmgmt.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NCCUcommerce/M.1402286778.A.B28.html

04/17 05:42, , 1F
04/17 05:42, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1JbJAwie (NCCUcommerce)