招新組職務配置 (文宣尤其必看)

看板NCCU_S.A.作者 (A.C)時間18年前 (2006/04/06 14:19), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Hello SAs~ this is A.C, my first footprint here! 因為我們19號那週就要擺攤宣傳 了 比預期的提前了一週 所以我們的腳步需要趕快加緊 當然文宣組組員是得首當其衝啦 可是招新是全部SA的事?所以大家都要一起來 我把最近要完成的事分成下列部份 A. 攤位部份 B. 文宣張貼擺設部份 C. 社團櫥窗部份 D. 人力調動部份 E. 說明會PPT部份 然後我就SA文宣組的人力,各先暫配置一個總負責人力 A. 攤位部份 (Engo, Zoe) B. 文宣張貼擺設部份 (Janice) C. 社團櫥窗部份 (A.C) D. 人力調動部份 (Nina) E. 說明會PPT部份 (Violet)* A部份的話 Engo麻煩趕緊把企劃書生出來XD~ 然後攤位當天的一些技術事宜,例如借桌子,麥克風 ,這類的事請先計畫好確定好,需要支援立即說 關鍵的電能問題 麻煩先做Check 不行的話,我們的coffee提案可能就要取消另想花招 Zoe的話 麻煩可以構思一下 當天攤位的陳設及設計 還有照片板呈現的方式 攤位的表現之類的concept B部份 Janice麻煩負責一下文宣品(簡單板DM, 詳細板DM, 海報, 當日說明會資料夾,etc)的進 度掌握(確定誰要做哪些DM,宣傳品) 還有張貼事宜及確認 簡單來說這些宣傳品的管理 就是由你負責了 人力的配置有構思可以先想 待開會時確認 通過 C部份 我會在近期把社團櫥窗revive一番 概念上次於email中提過(忘了見此po尾) 所以確認下次開會時間後 請大家務必出席下次 的開會 不然板上沒有你囉 D部份 Nina麻煩向所有的SA調查當周排班的狀況 該周人力調動的管理就麻煩你了 請向各組組長確認 或發mail通知 E部份 Violet麻煩協調當周兩場說明會 接待組各要派哪兩位做簡報 每場要兩位 人可以重複沒關係 ppt這部份的一切就交給你了 PPT請於一週前先寄給Engo, A.C, Janice謝謝 IEE會提供說明會的資料夾,所以Engo這部份可以從預算表刪除。 總之,希望大家一起努力囉? Carry on, make it work! A.C C part Idea: Dear All: I just came up with a good idea about the way to kick off our promotion, which is using our idled "Club Window" on Feng-yu corridor. My idea is that the whole green background will be covered with English newspaper as the new background, the whole design will be littered by many SA solo photos, each photo will feature 1 (maximum 2) SA wearing our uniform in it. You can pose in your own style, be cute, be cocky, be edgy, be sweet, be cool, be Tyra Bank, be Donald Trump.... whatever you want! The premise is only one -- wear our uniform! The photo paper will leave a part of blank, where you will place one sentence of WHATEVER you wanna shout out~ and it actually doesn't has to relate to anything about your photo nor SA. Here are some examples: "The Emancipation of A.C.", "Ah~~~ my back is itching!" "you know I hate cute guys. (who got GF already)" stuff like that~ and it doesn't have to be in English, it could be written in any languages. The center of the whole design will be a banner, with the sentence of "ARE YOU ONE OF THESE KINDS? (學生大使招新即將開始) that's basically it. If you guys appreciate this idea, then you will find yourself a good reason not to absent from the next meeting --'CAUSE WE ARE GONNA TO TAKE THAT PHOTO! Tell me about your opinions~ or some suggestions~ let's get it started~ A.C -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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