[徵人] H2H 12*12 10/17 23:00 競標型選秀 (暫滿)

看板NBA_Fantasy作者 (臣聞地廣者粟多國大者人)時間6年前 (2017/10/17 00:28), 編輯推噓0(000)
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聯盟網址: http://tinyurl.com/ybroum9k 選秀時間 [台灣時間]: 10/17 23:00 聯盟類型 [roto/H2H]: h2h 玩家隊數 [12/其他]: 12 選秀方式 [S型/拍賣]: 拍賣型 其他非預設之設定: 拍賣金額 210$ 聯盟長遊戲年資: 4 說明/其他: 有個朋友今年玩是第二年想玩  所以趕在比賽開季前開盟跟選秀 希望 有運動家精神 & 不死魚絕對會玩到底 的鄉民一起參與 採用則 4 分區 分區第一名是高順位種子 位置非常寬鬆 G x 3, F x 2, C x 2, Util x 3, Bn x 2 比項是 : Field Goals Made (FGM) Field Goal Percentage (FG%) Free Throws Made (FTM)  Free Throw Percentage (FT%) 3-point Shots Made (3PTM) Points Scored (PTS) Offensive Rebounds (OREB) Defensive Rebounds (DREB) Assists (AST) Steals (ST) Blocked Shots (BLK) Turnovers (TO) Assist/Turnover Ratio (A/T)  Personal Fouls (PF) Double-Doubles (DD) 有興趣的鄉民直接入盟謝謝 ~ League Scoring & Settings (請複製貼上聯盟完整設定) Max Acquisitions for Entire Season: No maximum Max Trades for Entire Season No maximum Trade End Date: March 1, 2018 Allow Draft Pick Trades: No Waiver Time: 1 day Waiver Type: Continual rolling list Waiver Mode: Standard Can't Cut List Provider: None Trade Review: League Votes Trade Reject Time: 1 day Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules Max Acquisitions per Week: 4 Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow Start Scoring on: Week 1 Playoffs: Week 21, 22 and 23 (8 teams) Note: Week 23 runs 7 days from Mar 26 to Apr 1 Playoff Tie-Breaker: Higher seed wins Playoff Reseeding: Yes Lock Eliminated Teams: Yes Divisions: Yes (4 divisions) Playoff Seeding Options: Division winners advance but seeded by overall standings -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA_Fantasy/M.1508171295.A.69C.html
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