[2K12] Slashing SF

看板NBAGAME作者 (戴特希爾三三)時間12年前 (2012/02/22 01:23), 編輯推噓3(308)
留言11則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
不知道字有沒有打錯 MP的slashing SF到底要怎麼養啊 = = 感覺不像體能型 可以切進去爆扣 也不像射手型 中距離三分都慘不忍賭 更不是全能型 因為各項素質都不是很高... 切不進去 外線又投不進 是要我砍掉重練嗎 O_Q 6"9 被溜馬選去...溜馬真的超愛選SF的 四隻MP都被他們選到 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/22 02:19, , 1F
02/22 02:19, 1F

02/22 09:40, , 2F
還是scoring最好用 ㄎㄎ
02/22 09:40, 2F

02/22 19:02, , 3F
02/22 19:02, 3F

02/22 19:03, , 4F
A slasher can score in more ways than just one.
02/22 19:03, 4F

02/22 19:03, , 5F
Slashers are proficient in driving to the lane,
02/22 19:03, 5F

02/22 19:03, , 6F
using crossover moves, speed and strength to
02/22 19:03, 6F

02/22 19:03, , 7F
get through the lane and to the rim
02/22 19:03, 7F

02/22 19:04, , 8F
with or without the ball.
02/22 19:04, 8F

02/22 19:04, , 9F
They can score near the basket,pass out to an
02/22 19:04, 9F

02/22 19:04, , 10F
teammate, and sometimes most importantly draw
02/22 19:04, 10F

02/22 19:04, , 11F
fouls and get to the free throw line.
02/22 19:04, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1FGzCCGk (NBAGAME)