[花邊] 湖人記者:LBJ已經受夠龜龜了

看板NBA作者 (@wojespn)時間1年前 (2022/07/23 12:54), 1年前編輯推噓216(28468236)
留言588則, 367人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
On ESPN’s The Lowe Post podcast, NBA insider Dave Mcmenamin discussed the cur rent situation in Los Angeles. “It’s pretty darn clear that LeBron has seen enough and he has no interest g oing into another year with Russ as his teammate.” https://reurl.cc/W1ab09 根據湖人記者Dave Mcmenamin在和Zach Lowe的Podcast裡說到 情況已經很清楚,LBJ已經受夠龜龜了,明年不想再跟他作為隊友一起打球。 而另一位湖人記者Kyle Goon也在Podcast和Chris Mannix談到現在湖人的情況。 I think it’s pretty evident that LeBron and his camp think trading out, someh ow, Russ for Kyrie Irving gets you closer to what a championship team should l ook like, gives you more of a window than Russ does currently. LBJ和他的團隊認為用龜龜換KI會讓你更接近一支爭冠球隊應有的樣子,比現在的龜龜能 有更大的機會。 I also think it’s incredibly important to look at: Privately the Lakers basic ally since the trade deadline have been very protective of their first-round p icks and then even publicly Jeanie Buss says to NBA.com last week,oh, well, w e don’t want to do a deal that further hampers our future.And I think she’ss tarting to get a sense of, and perhaps the front office by extension, well,wha t comes next after LeBron? 我也認為這一點非常重要:自從上賽季交易截止日以來,湖人基本上一直在保護他們的首 輪選秀權,甚至珍妮上周也公開在NBA.com的採訪說:我們不想做一筆進一步阻礙我們未 來的交易。我想她已開始意識到,也許管理層也開始意識到,在LBJ離開之後會發生什麼 事? LeBron’s gonna turn 38 in December. Realistically, if we burn it all now and we don’t get there, what happens through 2027 or 2029, which are the two firs t-round picks they can still deal? So I think there’s a little bit of, let’s say misalignment there, where LeBron has short-term interest—it’s like,he t hink we can win now with me, AD and Kyrie—and the Lakers are sort of lookinga t the long-term interest of the franchise. And I think that is one thing that ’s complicating the deal. LBJ到12月就年滿38歲了。現實地說,如果我們現在就把所有的資產都燒了,而我們還沒 有達到那個水準,那麼到2027年或2029年會發生什麼?他們還能處理哪兩個首輪選秀權? 所以我認為這裡的情況可以說有一點錯位,LBJ有短期利益——比如,現在有我、AD和KI ,我們現在就可以贏——而湖人著眼於球隊的長期利益。我認為這是使交易複雜化的一件 事。 Mannix: Last thing for you. LeBron will be a free agent at the end of next sea son. On August 4, he’s eligible to sign a contract extension. How much do you think that looms over the rest of the Lakers offseason? Mannix:LBJ將在下賽季結束時成為自由球員。8月4日,他就有資格提前續約了。你認為 這對湖人休賽期的影響有多大? Goon:Oh, huge. Huge. You know, it’s really hard to know at this point where t hat lies. I mean, at one point it seemed pretty clear that LeBron was definite ly gonna re-sign here, finish a career here, retire a Laker. There's some big things coming up. He’s gonna be the all-time leading scorer in regular season history. And that's gonna be meaningful to have him in a Laker uniform whenhe passes Kareem, another Laker. I think there’s good things that the Lakers would want to come out of that. Goon:影響巨大。現在真的很難知道那件事的情況如何。我的意思是,LBJ一度看起來肯 定會在這裡續約,在這裡結束他的職業生涯,以一名湖人球員的身份退役。他會成為例行 賽歷史得分王,當他超越另一位湖人球員賈霸的時候,讓他穿著湖人球衣實現那一時刻將 是有意義的。我認為這是湖人希望從中得到的好處。 But LeBron kinda laid the tracks that maybe he could leave. I mean, he’s talk ed about it and he tried to pull back on it, but All-Star break this year, he ’s like,oh yeah, I'll go to whichever team has Bronny. And then he tried toro ll it back by saying that could be the Lakers, but that’s not what he saidatf irst. 但LBJ已經做好了他可能會離開的準備。我的意思是,他談到了這一點,他也試圖收回過 那些話,在今年的明星賽期間,他說:我願意去任何有Bronny的球隊,然後他試圖把話圓 回來,說這支球隊也可能是湖人,但他一開始並不是這樣說的。 So, I think, you’re seeing signs that the alignment is not where it needs to be. And I know for a fact that LeBron’s camp was very disappointed that the L akers didn’t make a move at last year’s trade deadline. And that was a huges ource of contention. So then right after that is All-Star break, that’s when LeBron is complimenting every GM that’s not named Rob Pelinka and doing allth is stuff. And so I think it’s definitely possible that he still holds it over them. 所以,我認為,你看到的跡象表明,雙方的步調不一致。我知道一個事實,因為湖人沒有 在上賽季的交易截止日前採取任何動作,這讓LBJ陣營感到非常失望。這是一個巨大的爭 議緣由。而明星賽期間,LBJ稱讚了每一個名字不叫Pelinka的球隊總經理,也是他做所有 這些事情的時候。所以我認為很有可能他仍然因此對他們感到失望。 I think maybe the best thing for all involved is to figure out at least, you k now, two more years where he can be a Laker until he’s 40. And then maybe all ow him to figure out what he’s gonna do with Bronny, whenever Bronny comes in the league. But it’s definitely less of a sure thing than it was, you know,s even months ago. 我認為對所有人來說,最好的前景是至少再合作兩年,讓他還能在湖人效力兩年,直到他 40歲。然後也許讓他想清楚他要怎麼處理Bronny的事情,無論什麼時候Bronny出現在聯盟 裡,但比起7個月前,這件事現在已經不那麼確定了。 And I don’t think that’s been resolved because this Russell Westbrook situat ion still isn’t resolved. And I think one has a lot to do with the other. I’ m not saying that will be for sure the reason that LeBron does extend or doesn ’t extend, but I think if they make a deal with Russ and if they figure out K yrie, I think that will go a long way to making sure that LeBron does have a l ong-term future with the Lakers. 我認為這個問題還沒有得到解決,因為龜龜的問題,這兩者之間有很大的關係。我並不是 說這一定會成為LBJ是否續約的原因,但我認為如果能達成龜龜的交易,如果能換來KI, 我認為這將確保LBJ在湖人有一個長遠的未來大有幫助。 來源: https://reurl.cc/vW3EGN 短評或心得: [情報] 湖人三巨頭通過電話宣誓爭冠的決心 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1658552050.A.583.html ※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 07/23/2022 12:56:11

07/23 12:55, 1年前 , 1F
07/23 12:55, 1F

07/23 12:55, 1年前 , 2F
皇上震怒 所以那個首輪簽到底會不會出呢
07/23 12:55, 2F

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07/23 12:56, 1年前 , 5F
喔 那你走 你比較能換資產
07/23 12:56, 5F

07/23 12:56, 1年前 , 6F
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07/23 12:57, 1年前 , 7F
你妹的38歲了 棒槌都知道要留龜
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07/23 12:58, 1年前 , 13F
38歲了 自己走啦 給你curry都不能奪冠啦
07/23 12:58, 13F

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07/23 12:59, 1年前 , 22F
每年都會受不了某某球員的新聞 但那些球員不都是你
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07/23 13:00, 1年前 , 25F
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07/23 13:01, 1年前 , 26F
輪耕仔又想榨乾球隊換刷自己數據 不愧恥力天花板
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07/23 13:01, 1年前 , 27F
閱 無八卦
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07/23 13:01, 1年前 , 28F
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07/23 13:02, 1年前 , 29F
Dave Mcmenamin是LBJ御用媒體喔 跟著他一起遷徙的
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07/23 13:02, 1年前 , 30F
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07/23 13:02, 1年前 , 31F
正面不回應 背後偷放話 這手法很常見
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07/23 13:03, 1年前 , 36F
以前是Lloyd 可是他後來好像被老詹拋棄了 現在這位
07/23 13:03, 36F

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還有 509 則推文
還有 1 段內文
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07/24 07:11, 1年前 , 557F
羌貼籤換KD阿 反正這個羌只想刷
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07/24 09:15, 1年前 , 563F
為什麼要說詹酸看球痛苦 怎麼看都是你詹打的痛苦
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07/24 11:52, 1年前 , 567F
人也你找的 受不了也是你
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07/24 12:02, 1年前 , 568F
具體情況也沒更新到 跟沒講一樣
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07/24 13:17, 1年前 , 570F
滾吧樂布朗 洛杉磯不需要你這諧咖
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07/24 13:28, 1年前 , 571F
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07/24 13:58, 1年前 , 572F
詹酸偷笑都來不及了 是要悲憤什麼啦
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07/25 07:54, 1年前 , 582F
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07/25 08:42, 1年前 , 583F
姆斯正常發揮 公關做滿 壞人給別人當
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07/25 11:02, 1年前 , 584F
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07/25 12:22, 1年前 , 585F
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07/25 18:46, 1年前 , 586F
對湖人最理智的做法 可能是乾脆放走LBJ
07/25 18:46, 586F

07/26 03:04, 1年前 , 587F
沾黃輪耕完 留下爛攤子拍拍屁股就閃囉
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07/26 15:57, 1年前 , 588F
快去抱curry的腿就有冠軍戒戴了 山羌
07/26 15:57, 588F
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