Re: [外絮] Jordan:我不在乎連續得分紀錄已刪文

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※ 引述《Two4 ()》之銘言: : The next game MJ scored on first three possessions, and the opposing coach : called a timeout. He told Collins where he wants to get the ball and not to : take him out of the game until he tells him to. MJ finally asked for a sub with : two minutes left in the game. When Collins asked him what it was all about, : Jordan told him the guy that was guarding him said Jordan he was having back : problems. "Don't ever tell me you got a problem; I'll make you pay for that." : He finished that night with 51." : 下一場比賽,MJ 開場連續三個回合都得分,對手教練喊出暫停。Jordan 告訴 Collins 他 : 想要在哪裡拿到球,而且在 Jordan 自己說要下場之前不要換下他。之後 Collins 問他發 : 生什麼事的時候,Jordan 回答說防守他的人自己透露了背不舒服。「永遠不要讓我知道你 : 出了狀況,不然我會讓你付出代價。」終場,Jordan 攻下了 51 分,在下一場,得到了 : 45 分。 : Most players would take issue with the double digits streak. MJ just wanted to : know his coach still believed in him. : 大部分球員可能對這類連續紀錄都會有所介意。而 MJ,只要知道他的教練還相信他,就已 : 經足夠了。 這段好像翻錯了吧 When Collins asked him what it was all about, Jordan told him the guy that was guarding him said Jordan he was having back problems. "Don't ever tell me you got a problem; I'll make you pay for that." He finished that night with 51. 這邊的意思應該是防守MJ的球員拿他的年紀/健康開玩笑 說他(MJ)有背痛問題 然後MJ不爽爆氣砍分 賽後嗆說:不要說我有問題 不然你會付出代價 原本的翻譯只會讓MJ看起來像個欺負背痛傷患的霸凌仔... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
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