[外絮] 太陽老闆被指控(6)

看板NBA作者 (上邪!我欲與君相知)時間2年前 (2021/11/17 11:22), 2年前編輯推噓46(482100)
留言150則, 52人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/32440987/phoenix-suns-robert-sarver-allegations-racism-misogyny AFTER A GAME in the 2018-19 season, Sarver fumed that rookie center Deandre Ayton -- the 2018 No. 1 pick -- had failed to record a block or a foul. Sarver slammed a stat sheet on the table in front of assistant coach Corliss Williamson, who had been working with Ayton. 一場18-19賽季的賽後,沙佛為他們的新秀中鋒發怒 - 他們18年的狀元 - Ayton ,因為錯誤的記載火鍋與犯規次數。沙佛在助理教練Williamson面前憤怒的敲打桌上的數據報告. 因為Ayton沒人在比賽中留下火鍋或是犯規的紀錄, 他認為負責Ayton的這位助理教練並沒有完成到他的職責 (感謝27樓更正) "In all my years, that's the first time I've ever seen an owner come in there and act like that with the coaching staff," Williamson said. 「在我的生涯第一次看到老闆在教練面前做這種事。」Williamson說 Williamson was a 6-foot-7, 245-pound former NBA champion with the Detroit Pistons whose NBA nickname was "The Big Nasty." Williamson, who grew up in Arkansas, said an older, white male owner aggressively confronting him -- a Black man from the South -- carried racial connotations for him. "That's exactly where my mind went," Williamson told ESPN. Williamson 6-7有245磅,是活塞的冠軍成員。「大惡棍」是他的外號。對於在阿肯色州長大的他來說,一位白人老闆這樣與黑人員工- 一位來自南方的黑人 - 對峙,就是有種族歧視的意思 。Williamson對ESPN說「我就是這麼覺得的。」 He sought out Sarver in the subsequent days, including visiting his office. Eventually, the two spoke briefly, and the tension subsided. 幾天後他找到沙佛,像是拜訪了沙佛的辦公室,他們透過簡單的交談 ,而氣氛也逐漸緩和。 "I really wanted to make sure he didn't do something like that to someone else who didn't have a cooler head," Williamson said. 我找他談話的原因,是因為我希望他別對其他無法保持冷靜的人做同樣的事。Williamson說 "That's why I went looking for him." It was far from the first time members of the coaching staff felt like Sarver had marginalized them. Watson remembers Sarver drawing up plays that didn't exist in the locker room. "He was asking [players] to set up a pick-and-roll in the middle of the paint. How is that even possible with three seconds and no spacing?" 這已經不是沙佛第一次對教練指手畫腳。他曾在休息室想佈置戰術,像是在油漆區打擋拆卻忽視籃下三秒。 On March 30, 2019, the Suns were home against a short-handed Memphis Grizzlies team. Center Richaun Holmes was out due to a migraine and Ayton had rolled his ankle late in the third quarter. In their absence, Grizzlies center Jonas Valanciunas dominated, scoring 14 of his 34 points in a decisive fourth quarter for a 120-115 Memphis win. The loss dropped the Suns to 17-60. 19年3月30 ,一場迎戰因為傷兵面臨人手不足灰熊的比賽中。Richaun Holmes因傷缺陣,而Ayton在第三節傷了腳踝 ,並讓Valanciunas34分導致120-115輸給灰熊 ,而當時是太陽第60敗 (其實我找了當時的game log ,看不出來灰熊哪裡short-handed了 康利打了快38分鐘,甚至CP25都打了6分鐘 , 但的確因為Ayton缺陣導致第四節被灰熊打爛 ) https://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/201903300PHO.html Immediately after the game, according to staffers, Sarver marched into the coaches locker room and unloaded, berating head coach Igor Kokoskov and his assistants, demanding answers as to why they didn't "make any adjustments" to stop the burly Grizzlies center. 賽後沙佛衝進休息室,質問教練Igor與他的團隊,為什麼沒有做任何調度來阻止灰熊的中鋒在場上予取予求。 Veteran assistant Joe Prunty, who did not respond to a request for comment, spoke up, saying the short-handed Suns had made several in-game adjustments -- fronting Valanciunas, doubling him on the catch, explaining other basketball minutiae. 資深教練Joe回覆了沙佛,他們在人手不夠的情況做了幾種調度,像是在他接球時包夾他 ,並解釋了相關細節。 "Joe starts throwing all the s--- at him, [and] the guy has no idea what any of that means," said one former coach, details that others in the room confirmed. Sarver, livid, marched toward the door and screamed "No adjustments!" on his way out. 「Joe開始把全部狗屎扔向他,而沙佛卻毫無概念」在場的教練說。 而沙佛臉色鐵青的走出去,並嚷嚷著「毫無作為」 The next month, Kokoskov, who declined to comment, and his assistants, less than a year into their tenure in Phoenix, were fired. 接下來不到一個月,執教不到一年的Igor與他的團隊就被開除了 One former longtime staffer said similar outbursts happened so often that he lost count. "He was constantly meddling and trying to coach himself or go into the coaches' office and start drawing X's and O's on the board at halftime and tell them they need to do this, they need to do that." 一位資深員工說,這已經不是第一次了,沙佛常常想要指導教練組,或是在終場試圖畫O或X表達戰術,並告訴他們要這樣做。 In another instance that season, Sarver went into the training room to talk X's and O's with rookie guard Elie Okobo. Veteran guard Jamal Crawford left the room. "He actually got up off the table and walked out of the room and said, 'I can't f---ing listen to this s---. I gotta get out of here,'" a second former staffer said. The former longtime staffer in the room confirmed the scene to ESPN. Crawford declined to comment. 另一個例子是沙佛與新秀畫O X討論戰術時,老將Jamal Crawford離開了房間 「事實上離開了桌子,並走出房間 還說著我不想聽這些狗屎。」一位工作人員說,並得到一位資深員工證明。而Crawford拒絕發表評論 One former Suns basketball operations staffer who interacted with Sarver regularly said he still deals with stress and anxiety from Sarver's verbal abuse and late-night phone calls -- to the point that the panic he felt still strikes anytime the phone rings late in the evenings. "I never felt comfortable there," the staffer said. "And I was there for a long time. ... I didn't even get fired. If that gives you any context -- I left on my own. There's no reason to be miserable every day anymore." 一位需要常與沙佛溝通的員工說,他需要面對來自沙佛的謾罵與深夜來電帶來的壓力。我從未在職場感到舒適,我甚至是自己離職的。因為沒有理由讓自己每天深陷水深火熱中 Sarver instituted unusual and frequent demands, former coaches and basketball operations staffers said, and during part of that 2018-19 season he told Kokoskov's staff that they shouldn't hold pens, papers, notebooks or anything in their hands on the sideline. They had to stand and cheer. 前教練說,沙佛以不尋常的頻率突出不合理的要求。18-19賽季,他告訴Igor與他的團隊不能在場邊拿紙筆或任何東西。他們被要求不得不起立歡呼。 ESPN asked Sarver about his interactions with the team; the questions went unaddressed. "It was a clown show," said one former basketball operations staffer. "Guys are jumping up and down looking ridiculous, and I'm getting texts from coaches around the league, like, 'What are you guys doing?'" Said another former basketball operations staffer, "It becomes more of a circus and, 'Let's stand up and clap and appease Robert as opposed to doing what our job actually is, which is trying to coach the basketball game.'" One clip of the coaching staff failing to fist-bump properly went viral. 「他把我們當小丑」 沙佛希望教練如他所想的表演 網路上流傳一段尷尬的擊拳影片 https://twitter.com/jasminelwatkins/status/1066448057888374784?s=21 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1637119345.A.99C.html

11/17 11:24, 2年前 , 1F
講真的 有沒有什麼新進度? 像是調查或是提告?
11/17 11:24, 1F

11/17 11:29, 2年前 , 2F
要把黑人當寶一樣疼 工作有疏失不能罵不然就是歧視
11/17 11:29, 2F

11/17 11:29, 2年前 , 3F
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11/17 11:30, 2年前 , 4F
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11/17 11:30, 2年前 , 5F
11/17 11:30, 5F

11/17 11:31, 2年前 , 6F
除非有實質證據 不然這種單方面指控
11/17 11:31, 6F

11/17 11:31, 2年前 , 7F
11/17 11:31, 7F

11/17 11:32, 2年前 , 8F
記錯不能不爽 BLM zzz
11/17 11:32, 8F

11/17 11:35, 2年前 , 9F
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11/17 11:36, 2年前 , 10F
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11/17 11:37, 2年前 , 11F
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11/17 11:37, 2年前 , 12F
你覺得沙佛亂發脾氣就算了 上綱到歧視幹嘛
11/17 11:37, 12F

11/17 11:37, 2年前 , 13F
11/17 11:37, 13F

11/17 11:41, 2年前 , 14F
笑死 這助教最好別去小牛工作
11/17 11:41, 14F

11/17 11:43, 2年前 , 15F
對峙就是種族歧視 XD
11/17 11:43, 15F

11/17 11:45, 2年前 , 16F
其實對太陽的發展還是會有差 這種指控多的話
11/17 11:45, 16F

11/17 11:45, 2年前 , 17F
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11/17 11:47, 2年前 , 18F
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11/17 11:47, 2年前 , 19F
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11/17 11:47, 2年前 , 20F
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11/17 11:49, 2年前 , 21F
職場上誰不會罵人啊 神經病 有本事尼哥們自創聯盟吧
11/17 11:49, 21F

11/17 11:51, 2年前 , 22F
第一段的 failed to record a block or a foul.應
11/17 11:51, 22F

11/17 11:51, 2年前 , 23F
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11/17 11:51, 2年前 , 24F
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11/17 11:52, 2年前 , 30F
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11/17 11:53, 2年前 , 31F
第一段 我看了只覺得 這不是很正常嗎?(教練團有疏
11/17 11:53, 31F

11/17 11:53, 2年前 , 32F
11/17 11:53, 32F

11/17 11:54, 2年前 , 33F
樓上這個解釋的話 沙佛罵也是正常啊
11/17 11:54, 33F

11/17 11:55, 2年前 , 34F
外行管內行這倒是很明顯 除了第一段以外基本上都是
11/17 11:55, 34F

11/17 11:55, 2年前 , 35F
11/17 11:55, 35F

11/17 11:55, 2年前 , 36F
不太正常 然後畫戰術那段其實也蠻扯的
11/17 11:55, 36F

11/17 11:56, 2年前 , 37F
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11/17 11:56, 2年前 , 38F
11/17 11:56, 38F

11/17 11:57, 2年前 , 39F
所以是指控太陽老闆是慣老闆? 這不用指控都知道吧..
11/17 11:57, 39F
還有 72 則推文
11/17 13:09, 2年前 , 112F
老闆必須精通會計 設計 行銷 技術...全部業務,不
11/17 13:09, 112F

11/17 13:09, 2年前 , 113F
然不能罵員工 罵了就是外行管內行?
11/17 13:09, 113F

11/17 13:16, 2年前 , 114F
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11/17 13:18, 2年前 , 116F
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11/17 13:18, 2年前 , 117F
s92大 沒人說外行管內行完全沒問題啊?
11/17 13:18, 117F

11/17 13:18, 2年前 , 118F
但是在要鬥沙佛下台的論點上 外行管內行 完全不是任
11/17 13:18, 118F

11/17 13:18, 2年前 , 119F
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11/17 13:19, 2年前 , 120F
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11/17 13:25, 2年前 , 125F
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11/17 13:26, 2年前 , 126F
11/17 13:26, 126F

11/17 13:35, 2年前 , 127F
聽說最內行的老闆在黃蜂隊 打進總決了嗎
11/17 13:35, 127F

11/17 13:35, 2年前 , 128F
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11/17 13:53, 2年前 , 129F
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11/17 13:53, 2年前 , 131F
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11/17 13:53, 2年前 , 132F
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11/17 13:55, 2年前 , 133F
沒啦 第一段原po翻錯了
11/17 13:55, 133F

11/17 13:56, 2年前 , 134F
助教根本沒做錯任何事 只是Ayton在某一場比賽沒火
11/17 13:56, 134F

11/17 13:56, 2年前 , 135F
11/17 13:56, 135F

11/17 13:56, 2年前 , 136F
笑死 真的是慣老闆的極致
11/17 13:56, 136F

11/17 13:57, 2年前 , 137F
11/17 13:57, 137F

11/17 13:57, 2年前 , 138F
11/17 13:57, 138F

11/17 14:15, 2年前 , 139F
老闆管理自己的資產要被說外行管內行 XD
11/17 14:15, 139F

11/17 14:17, 2年前 , 140F
嗯啊 你不相信他們的專業那你老闆請他們來幹嘛
11/17 14:17, 140F

11/17 14:18, 2年前 , 141F
11/17 14:18, 141F

11/17 14:19, 2年前 , 142F
11/17 14:19, 142F

11/17 14:24, 2年前 , 143F
11/17 14:24, 143F

11/17 14:27, 2年前 , 144F
反正他講那在他家鄉是種族歧視給他說啊 外界自有公
11/17 14:27, 144F

11/17 14:27, 2年前 , 145F
評 只是想表達是Sarver很靠北不是助教做錯事活該被
11/17 14:27, 145F

11/17 14:27, 2年前 , 146F
11/17 14:27, 146F

11/17 15:50, 2年前 , 147F
雇員工後就不准要求了 不然就是不相信專業 lol
11/17 15:50, 147F

11/17 15:53, 2年前 , 148F
隨便指控別人種族歧視叫還好 鄉民實在讓人開眼界XD
11/17 15:53, 148F

11/17 21:18, 2年前 , 149F
11/17 21:18, 149F

11/17 23:00, 2年前 , 150F
11/17 23:00, 150F
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