[花邊] Barkley跟Shaq贊同Jokic: 打人後別轉身

看板NBA作者 (超☆冒險蓋)時間2年前 (2021/11/10 10:46), 2年前編輯推噓180(185588)
留言278則, 200人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
來源: Uproxx 網址: https://tinyurl.com/4rz7hk52 Charles Barkley And Shaq ‘Liked’ Nikola Jokic Leveling Markieff Morris Because ‘You Can’t Hit Somebody And Turn Your Back’ Charles Barkley跟Shaq"喜歡"Nikola Jokic放倒Markieff Morris:「不能打了人之後 轉身就走。」 An end-of-game fracas on Monday night caught the attention of basketball fans, as Markieff Morris hip checked Nikola Jokic and the reigning NBA MVP responded by running up behind the Miami Heat forward and knocking him to the ground. Heat players were furious, Jokic was tossed, and Jokic’s brothers made a Twitter account so they could get into it with Morris’ twin brother, Marcus. 昨天晚上的鬥毆吸引了籃球粉絲們的注意,Markieff Morris撞了Nikola Jokic後,去年 MVP得主的Jokic衝向這位熱火前鋒,直接把他放倒在地。熱火球員們很生氣,Jokic被驅 逐出場,Jokic的兄弟們創了個推特帳號,好跟Morris的弟弟Marcus對嗆。 昨日影片: https://streamable.com/3l1e1z https://streamable.com/iydsor The Inside the NBA crew had some pretty strong thoughts on the whole thing, but you might be surprised to learn they were in Jokic’s corner here. Shaquille O’Neal and Charles Barkley both agree that there should be a one-game suspension handed out because that’s what the rule is, but both Hall of Fame inductees said they liked Jokic taking matters into his own hands like this. 節目The Inside the NBA主持人們對整件事很有意見,但是令人驚訝的是他們是站在 Jokic這邊的。Shaquille O’Neal跟Charles Barkley都同意應該要禁賽一場,因為規則 就是這樣,但是這兩位名人堂球星都說他們很喜歡Jokic靠自己來解決這件事。 節目影片: https://youtu.be/zpVupi8Osk8
“He gave him a shot in the back and whiplashed him,” Ernie Johnson said when Barkley asked what Jokic did to deserve some sort of slap on the wrist. 當Barkley問說到底Jokic做了什麼得要接受處罰,主持人Ernie Johnson說,「Jokic 從背後撞了Morris,讓他脖子受傷了,」 “Hold on, Ernie,” Shaq replied. “It’s called retaliation. First of all, when you hit me, don’t turn around.” 「等一下,」Shaq說。「那是報仇。首先,當有人打了我的時候,你不要轉身就走。」 Shaq then referenced his famous fight with Brad Miller of the Chicago Bulls before explaining what a big man does in this situation. 在解釋到底大個子在這樣的情況下要怎麼應對前,Shaq提到了那場跟公牛球員Brad Miller的打架。 “As a big guy, when a little guy hits you, you gotta touch him on back,” Shaq said. “I have no problem with what The Joker did, I actually like it as a big guy. You got these guys foulin’ ’em, hanging on. He hit him, intentional, unnecessary roughness, so what do you do as a big guy? You go hit him back. When you hit me, don’t turn your head, because it’s coming. You’re either gonna get it in the front, or you’re gonna get it in the back. ” 「身為一個大個子,當有小傢伙打你的時候,就得要碰回去。」Shaq說。「對於阿 肥做的,我完全沒意見,而且身為一個大個,我還很喜歡呢。這些傢伙犯規,而且, Morris打他,而且是故意且不必要的粗魯行為,身為大個,那要怎麼回應?當然是打回 去啊!當有人打我的時候,不要轉頭就走,因為我就要回擊了。要嘛從前面來,不嘛就 是從背後。」 Johnson then asked if it was “a dangerous and dirty play,” with everyone on set disagreeing. Barkley then explained why he shares Shaq’s sentiment. 當主持人Johnson問在場的人這是不是"危險以及骯髒的動作",大家都不同意。Barkley 解釋為何他跟Shaq有同樣的感受。 “Morris started it, let’s get [that] first,” Barkley said. “Joker retaliated, and then people say, ‘Well, he hit him in the back.’ Well, if you hit me, I’m with Shaq on this. Let me tell you something Ernie — if you hit me, you better not turn your damn back, because I’m coming back at you. You can’t hit somebody and turn your back.” 「大家要知道,是Morris先起頭的,」Barkley說。「阿肥回擊了,然後大家說,『喔~ 阿肥背後打人。』若是有人打我,我跟Shaq是一樣的。若是有人打我,你最好不要轉身 背對我,因為我會來找你算帳,不能打完人之後轉身就走。」 -- Reddit鄉民表示 "Glad the media is pushing the common sense side of all this." 「很高興媒體對這件事有比較有常識的立場了。」 "Shaq and Chuck is 100% right lmao. How you going to hit someone and just turn around acting all innocent and shit? Then act all surprise if they retaliate." 「Shaq跟Chuck百分之百正確。你怎麼能打完人之後轉身就走,然後裝無辜樣子?然後被 回擊之後裝的很驚訝?」 "Yeah, hit someone and turning his back and hope the guy doesn't hit you back was even a bitch in the 4th grade." 「是啊~~打了人之後轉身走掉,希望對方不會回擊,那就跟小學四年級的小__子一樣。」 "Exactly. Morris' bitch instincts kicked in. He couldn't help it." 「沒錯,Morris的__子直覺就上來了,他忍不住啦~~」 "Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it is. - Matt Barnes" 「Matt Barnes表示:暴力絕不是答案,但有時候就是。」 -- 下次對決不知道會是怎樣的狀況 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1636512392.A.B15.html

11/10 10:47, 2年前 , 1F
11/10 10:47, 1F
謝謝指正 已修

11/10 10:47, 2年前 , 2F
11/10 10:47, 2F
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 11/10/2021 10:48:18

11/10 10:48, 2年前 , 3F
兩個常識人 難得 沒說什麼打人就是不對這種智障話
11/10 10:48, 3F

11/10 10:48, 2年前 , 4F
不要以為好欺負 反擊
11/10 10:48, 4F

11/10 10:48, 2年前 , 5F
瘋狗就是要比他更瘋 不然不會乖
11/10 10:48, 5F

11/10 10:48, 2年前 , 6F
11/10 10:48, 6F

11/10 10:48, 2年前 , 7F
nba要多一點這樣的畫面 收視率一定暴增
11/10 10:48, 7F

11/10 10:49, 2年前 , 8F
合理 肥肥相惜
11/10 10:49, 8F

11/10 10:49, 2年前 , 9F
連老巴這種火爆幹架王都不挺MM MM你還是去道歉吧
11/10 10:49, 9F

11/10 10:49, 2年前 , 10F
這兩個人都是一樣想法 你敢打就不要跑 我會找你算帳
11/10 10:49, 10F

11/10 10:49, 2年前 , 11F
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11/10 10:51, 2年前 , 17F
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11/10 10:51, 2年前 , 18F
反正禁賽一場而已 不打回去別人還以為你好欺負
11/10 10:51, 18F

11/10 10:51, 2年前 , 19F
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11/10 10:51, 2年前 , 20F
才能打吧 笑死
11/10 10:51, 20F

11/10 10:52, 2年前 , 21F
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11/10 10:52, 2年前 , 22F
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11/10 10:52, 2年前 , 23F
M跑大老過去拐人 被打剛好
11/10 10:52, 23F

11/10 10:52, 2年前 , 24F
對面的Monte Morris跟MM有關係嗎
11/10 10:52, 24F

11/10 10:52, 2年前 , 25F
打人轉身就走有點霸凌的味道 要就要正面對決硬剛
11/10 10:52, 25F

11/10 10:52, 2年前 , 26F
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11/10 10:53, 2年前 , 27F
正常人都是這樣吧 被打是不能含扣喔
11/10 10:53, 27F

11/10 10:53, 2年前 , 28F
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11/10 10:53, 2年前 , 29F
不錯 也沒有因為膚色和國籍而偏頗
11/10 10:53, 29F

11/10 10:54, 2年前 , 30F
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11/10 10:55, 2年前 , 34F
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11/10 10:56, 2年前 , 35F
超好笑 I’ll Swinging
11/10 10:56, 35F

11/10 10:56, 2年前 , 36F
俠客的翻譯太多而且了 整段話一直而且看的很不通順
11/10 10:56, 36F

11/10 10:56, 2年前 , 37F
11/10 10:56, 37F
還有 201 則推文
11/10 13:59, 2年前 , 239F
下次要先拍他肩膀 等轉過來一拳尻下去
11/10 13:59, 239F

11/10 14:08, 2年前 , 240F
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11/10 14:19, 2年前 , 242F
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11/10 14:27, 2年前 , 243F
這才是正確的 M就活該
11/10 14:27, 243F

11/10 14:35, 2年前 , 244F
對啊 敢打我 就面對我啊
11/10 14:35, 244F

11/10 14:46, 2年前 , 245F
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11/10 14:47, 2年前 , 246F
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11/10 15:41, 2年前 , 249F
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11/10 16:00, 2年前 , 250F
讚啦 M先推人很大力這樣被推很正常
11/10 16:00, 250F

11/10 16:23, 2年前 , 251F
會打籃球的都會站阿肥這邊吧 那種沒品的動作該打啊
11/10 16:23, 251F

11/10 16:36, 2年前 , 252F
叫對方過來再幹? 你幹拐子前都沒先跟我講了
11/10 16:36, 252F

11/10 16:36, 2年前 , 253F
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11/10 17:04, 2年前 , 254F
打了還想逃 軟蛋
11/10 17:04, 254F

11/10 17:11, 2年前 , 255F
Oakley打人卻讓Brad Miller背鍋
11/10 17:11, 255F

11/10 17:16, 2年前 , 256F
11/10 17:16, 256F

11/10 17:29, 2年前 , 257F
廢物孬種MM 被打好爽喔
11/10 17:29, 257F

11/10 17:44, 2年前 , 258F
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11/10 17:58, 2年前 , 259F
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11/10 17:59, 2年前 , 260F
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11/10 18:30, 2年前 , 261F
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11/10 19:21, 2年前 , 262F
11/10 19:21, 262F

11/10 19:37, 2年前 , 263F
爽 對Jokic感到尊敬 這才是硬漢聯盟
11/10 19:37, 263F

11/10 20:17, 2年前 , 264F
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11/10 20:45, 2年前 , 265F
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11/10 23:19, 2年前 , 266F
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11/11 00:43, 2年前 , 267F
跟巴胖 大鳥相比 歐肥算是脾氣很好了
11/11 00:43, 267F

11/11 00:46, 2年前 , 268F
防守兇悍 和髒是不同的 有被人弄過腰 唉
11/11 00:46, 268F

11/11 01:04, 2年前 , 269F
11/11 01:04, 269F

11/11 02:04, 2年前 , 270F
正常 打了就跑 真的活該被撞
11/11 02:04, 270F

11/11 02:04, 2年前 , 271F
11/11 02:04, 271F

11/11 02:21, 2年前 , 272F
熱火一幫烏合之眾 娘炮
11/11 02:21, 272F

11/11 07:44, 2年前 , 273F
照這邏輯 台中插車大學生被開瑪莎的89打真的是剛好
11/11 07:44, 273F

11/11 07:44, 2年前 , 274F
11/11 07:44, 274F

11/11 08:34, 2年前 , 275F
11/11 08:34, 275F

11/11 09:25, 2年前 , 276F
剛好在哪裡?? 某樓腦袋怎麼了
11/11 09:25, 276F

11/11 09:28, 2年前 , 277F
11/11 09:28, 277F

11/11 10:42, 2年前 , 278F
11/11 10:42, 278F
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