[外絮] LeBron及魔獸於暫停中偷聽Malone戰術

看板NBA作者 (p p)時間3年前 (2020/09/19 15:08), 3年前編輯推噓141(144334)
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原文標題: LeBron James spying on Mike Malone and Nuggets’- Lakers star eavesdrops on Nuggets huddle in Game 1 內容: Dwight Howard isn’t the only Laker trying to eavesdrop on the Denver Nuggets as LeBron James tries to as well. 魔獸不是唯一偷聽金塊的湖人球員,喇叭也曾嘗試同樣的行為 The Los Angeles Lakers faced off against the Denver Nuggets for Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals. The Lakers blew the Nuggets out behind Anthony Davis’s 37 points. Though the Lakers were in the driver’s seat for the entirety of the bout between the 2 teams, the Lakers players hilariously tried to gain even more of an advantage by invading the Nuggets huddles. 雖然湖人隊在比賽中完全處於一個絕對優勢的情況,然而一些湖人球員仍然滑稽的嘗試 藉著偷聽金塊的暫停討論來取得優勢 First it was Dwight Howard who stepped right into their huddle at mid-court and when asked about it, Dwight simply replied, “I’m just standing here.” 首先是魔獸直接整個人直挺挺地站在金塊的討論群中,當他被問起這件事情時,魔獸只簡單的 的說: "我只是站在這裡啊" https://tinyurl.com/yyua29f5 LeBron James must have taken inspiration from Dwight’s and decided to follow suit. 喇叭一定也從魔獸的行為獲得了靈感 With less than a minute to go in the first half, Denver Nuggets Head Coach, Mike Malone called Monte Morris and Gary Harris over to talk some plays. 在半場剩不到一分鐘時,Malone叫回Morris還有Harris來討論一些戰術 This prompts LeBron James to very nonchalantly ‘pass’ by this conversation and listen in on what Malone was trying to tell his players. Alex Caruso was in the vicinity too, trying to catch as much information, along with LeBron. 這個情況引發喇叭開始了漫不經心的"經過"並聽取Malone跟金塊球員的對話。同樣在附近 的卡禿也跟喇叭一樣嘗試著聽到最多的訊息。 https://tinyurl.com/yxk7de8a There was no retaliation from the Nuggets this time around as they probably did not see James as he leaned in to listen for perhaps, only a couple of seconds. 或許因為喇叭只有聽個幾秒鐘而已,所以這次金塊並沒有發現也沒有任何報復的行動 (編按:下面原文的內容就跟主題比較無關,有興趣的自己看看吧) LeBron James’s relationship with Michael Malone Michael Malone and LeBron James have been acquainted with one another as Malone was on the Cavs coaching staff back in the 2000s. However, when asked about his relationship with LeBron, Malone responded,”I never tried to be his buddy.” https://tinyurl.com/yy5apxp6 This was a very cold response from Malone, directed towards LeBron. James has yet to respond, if he plans to. 原文網址:https://tinyurl.com/y6mcqnc3 備註: 不愧是洛杉磯的球隊XDDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1600499326.A.E55.html

09/19 15:09, 3年前 , 1F
the 探
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09/19 15:09, 3年前 , 2F
09/19 15:09, 2F
※ 編輯: silencepap ( 臺灣), 09/19/2020 15:10:12

09/19 15:10, 3年前 , 3F
the 竊聽
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09/19 15:10, 3年前 , 4F
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09/19 15:10, 3年前 , 5F
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09/19 15:10, 3年前 , 6F
the試探 the竊聽 有完沒完==
09/19 15:10, 6F

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09/19 15:11, 3年前 , 8F
豆總:抗議 他學我
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09/19 15:12, 3年前 , 11F
the 聽
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09/19 15:12, 3年前 , 12F
哈哈哈 一群老人 真逗
09/19 15:12, 12F

09/19 15:12, 3年前 , 13F
the 路過
09/19 15:12, 13F

09/19 15:13, 3年前 , 14F
竊聽 還是之前那個誰 直接融入比較好笑
09/19 15:13, 14F

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the 聽
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09/19 15:13, 3年前 , 20F
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09/19 15:13, 3年前 , 21F
豆總直傳 - The 偷聽
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09/19 15:14, 3年前 , 27F
THE 刺探
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09/19 15:16, 3年前 , 33F
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09/19 15:16, 3年前 , 34F
Rondo 魔獸 LBJ 卡魯獸 下次可能會全部過去聽
09/19 15:16, 34F

09/19 15:17, 3年前 , 35F
真 THE 試探
09/19 15:17, 35F

09/19 15:18, 3年前 , 36F
之前Trevor Booker偷聽騎士的最好笑吧xD
09/19 15:18, 36F

09/19 15:19, 3年前 , 37F
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09/19 15:19, 3年前 , 38F
09/19 15:19, 38F
還有 103 則推文
09/19 18:48, 3年前 , 142F
the 裝熟
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09/19 19:07, 3年前 , 146F
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09/19 19:08, 3年前 , 147F
以前KG還直接指導對手球員 他們都沒發覺KG球衣不對
09/19 19:08, 147F

09/19 19:11, 3年前 , 148F
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09/19 19:16, 3年前 , 150F
the 調皮
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09/19 19:25, 3年前 , 151F
THE 經過
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09/19 19:27, 3年前 , 152F
The 純粹走錯
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the 調皮
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09/19 19:56, 3年前 , 156F
The wire
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09/19 21:09, 3年前 , 165F
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09/19 21:31, 3年前 , 166F
Rondo不是偷聽 是光明正大的聽XDDD
09/19 21:31, 166F

09/19 21:37, 3年前 , 167F
詹酸有啥毛病www 這篇也在發作
09/19 21:37, 167F

09/19 21:42, 3年前 , 168F
幹 笑死
09/19 21:42, 168F

09/19 21:47, 3年前 , 169F
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09/19 22:20, 3年前 , 170F
當初也沒罵爆吧 多半也是覺得好笑XDD
09/19 22:20, 170F

09/19 22:50, 3年前 , 171F
Rondo怎麼沒一起? 三個人一起偷聽
09/19 22:50, 171F

09/19 23:07, 3年前 , 172F
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09/19 23:25, 3年前 , 173F
智將 輸入AI 大數據晶片立刻分析
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09/19 23:41, 3年前 , 174F
The 剛好站在那
09/19 23:41, 174F

09/20 00:27, 3年前 , 175F
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09/20 00:29, 3年前 , 176F
而且鬍子還是自己主動走掉的= =
09/20 00:29, 176F

09/20 00:55, 3年前 , 177F
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09/20 01:51, 3年前 , 178F
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09/20 02:16, 3年前 , 180F
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09/20 08:50, 3年前 , 181F
這樣好嗎? 不會被認為在嘲諷什麼的嗎??=_=
09/20 08:50, 181F
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