[外絮] 從無家可歸到全明星的Jimmy Butler

看板NBA作者 (E N O U G H is enough)時間3年前 (2020/09/10 12:22), 編輯推噓319(323471)
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無意間看到去年的外絮,覺得是個可以了解士官長為何會是士官長的故事。 查了一下沒看到有發過,不知道有沒有op,若有op我會刪掉。 Jimmy Butler’s Story: From a Homeless Kid to an NBA All-Star 從無家可歸到全明星的Jimmy Butler https://reurl.cc/GrEdkA Jimmy Butler, born in the outskirts of Houston, had the support of his loving family that lead him to become an NBA All-Star. But, not by his birth parents. 吉米在休士頓的郊區誕生,因為他摯愛的家人的支持讓他如今成為NBA全明星。 但,這些愛,不是來自他的親生父母。 Butler never knew his father growing up, and his biological mother wasn’t the most nurturing either. At only 13 years old, she had these final words for her son: 從出生就不知道自己的生父是誰,他的生母也沒有善盡養育的責任。在吉米他13歲時,他 媽媽對他說的最後一段話就是: “I don’t like the look of you. You gotta go.” Imagine hearing your mom speak those words… 「我不喜歡你的長相,你滾吧!」想像一下從你媽媽口中聽到這話時候的心情吧 For Jimmy Butler, this was a harsh reality. However, he chose to never be a victim of his circumstances. During his late middle school and early high school years, he went couch hopping from one friend or teammates house to the next. 對他來說,這是個殘酷的事實,但是他絕不妥協。在國中晚期到高中初期,他在朋友及隊 友家輪流借宿。 It was a life Jimmy got accustomed to and served him well for the time being. This was also the same time in his life when Jimmy Butler decided to quit football. 那時的他已經習慣當年這樣的生活方式,也造就了他。 而同一段時間,他也決定放棄美式足球。 According to Jimmy, he hated practicing football in the hot summer weather, plus he was only about 5’3” when he was 13 years didn’t want to “get crushed” by the bigger guys on the field. Basketball was his next sport of choice, marking the birth of Jimmy Buckets. 據他所說,他討厭在炎熱的夏季裡練習足球,而且他在13歲那年才只有5尺3吋左右,不 想被球場上的大個子衝撞。籃球是他的下一個選擇的運動,標誌著士官長的誕生。 Jimmy continued bouncing from one house to another throughout high school until the summer before his senior year. A freshman, Jordan Leslie, now a Wide Receiver for the Denver Broncos changed his life. The two hit it off and became friends, and soon after, family. 直到高三夏天之前,他都在不同人家裡借宿,直到Jordan Leslie(現為丹佛野馬隊球員)的 出現,才改變了他的人生。這兩位一見如故,並成為了朋友,最後成為了家人。 It all started when Jordan told Jimmy he could spend the night over his house. One night led to a couple, a couple nights to weeks, weeks to months, & the rest is history. Jordan’s mom, Michelle Lambert, accepted Jimmy with open arms. There were already 7 children in the family, but Michelle was able to give Jimmy the home he deserved. 。 一切開始於Jordan告訴吉米你可以一整晚待在自己的房子,從一晚變幾晚,從幾晚變幾周 從幾周變成幾個月,後來的事大家都知道了。Jordan的媽媽Michelle Lambert展開雙手接 納了吉米,儘管當時她們加已經有了7個孩子,但Michelle還是給吉米他應當獲得的。 “They accepted me into their family, and it wasn’t because of basketball… She was just very loving. She just did stuff like that. I couldn’t believe it.” -Jimmy Butler on Michelle Lambert and his new family 「他們接納了我加入他們的家庭,而這並跟籃球無關,她只是非常愛。她就是那樣做的。 我完全不敢相信。」 Michelle continued supporting Jimmy when he went off to play college basketball at Marquette University in Wisconsin, the first time Jimmy Butler stayed outside of Texas. Michelle持續支持他,直到他離開,去威斯康辛州的馬奎特大學打籃球,這是他第一次離 開德州。 Fighting homesickness, Butler considered leaving Marquette and moving back home to Texas, but his mom Michelle insisted that he should see the opportunity through. And her advice didn’t disappoint. 因為太想家了,吉米一度想要離開馬奎特回到德州,但他媽Michelle堅持他必須在那等待 機會,而這份建議最終沒讓人失望。 Jimmy Butler lit up Marquette his junior year and declared for the NBA draft soon after. He’d be the last pick in the first round, selected by the Chicago Bulls. Undoubtedly the sleeper of his draft. 大三時吉米離開馬奎特投身到nba選秀,他成為第一輪最後一順位被公牛選中,無疑地爆 了那時樂透的大冷門。 After being homeless as a child, Jimmy Butler not only became an NBA Star (a very rich one too), he had a loving family to experience and share the memories of his success and dreams. 從一開始無家可歸的孩子,吉米最終不只成為了nba明星(也非常富有了),同時他還有一 個熱愛的家庭,可以一同分享他的經歷與回憶。 As he told ESPN: “Please, I know you’re going to write something. I’m just asking you, don’t write it in a way that makes people feel sorry for me… I hate that. There’s nothing to feel sorry about. I love what happened to me. It made me who I am. I’m grateful for the challenges I’ve faced. Please, don ’t make them feel sorry for me.” 他告訴ESPN,「我知道你要寫些甚麼,我只希望你不要把我寫的很可憐,我討厭那樣,那 沒甚麼需要覺得可憐的,我愛我的過往經歷,他們造就了現在的我,我很感激我面對過這 些人生挑戰,拜託,別讓人們覺得我可憐。」 So, let us be clear. The purpose of this story isn’t to ask sympathy for what Jimmy Butler went through, it’s to acknowledge how far he’s come. To acknowledge anything is possible, especially when you’re not alone. 所以囉,讓我們搞清楚,這個故事的目的不是為了吉米博取同情,這是為了瞭解吉米一路 上是怎樣走過來的,是了解當你並不孤單時,一切都有可能。 https://i.imgur.com/vxO7c0O.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1599711766.A.B41.html

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09/10 12:26, 3年前 , 10F
確定不驗DNA 現在只要用他喝過的開特力杯子口水就能
09/10 12:26, 10F

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09/10 12:26, 3年前 , 15F
靠 照片有夠像MJ
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09/10 12:27, 3年前 , 23F
頭髮一根也可以 雖然那個人現在沒頭髮了
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09/10 12:27, 3年前 , 29F
等他奪冠 神會頒獎給他 同時滴血認親
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09/10 12:27, 3年前 , 32F
等等 倒數第二張太像了吧
09/10 12:27, 32F

09/10 12:28, 3年前 , 33F
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09/10 12:28, 3年前 , 34F
真的是籃球版的 攻其不備
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09/10 12:28, 3年前 , 35F
籃球版的攻其不備 超感人
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09/10 12:28, 3年前 , 37F
有可能 那種生母看到小孩跟原本爸爸長很像就討厭的
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09/10 12:28, 3年前 , 38F
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09/10 12:28, 3年前 , 39F
09/10 12:28, 39F
還有 319 則推文
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09/10 17:57, 3年前 , 364F
欸不是 你生父不就是...
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之前沒看過完整版 看完有點想哭QQ
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09/10 18:27, 3年前 , 369F
推 一路走來確實辛苦了 希望可以發光發熱
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首先 國家要有個能改變人生的頂級聯賽
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光頭踹共 QQ
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09/11 00:31, 3年前 , 389F
好感人 國中就開始寄住生活 朋友媽媽真的了不起
09/11 00:31, 389F

09/11 01:47, 3年前 , 390F
被公牛隊選走 被喬丹牌簽約 到灰狼76改穿23號
09/11 01:47, 390F

09/11 01:48, 3年前 , 391F
因為公牛熱火23號球衣都退休了 巧合ㄇ
09/11 01:48, 391F

09/11 04:50, 3年前 , 392F
就巧合啊 還真的以為他爸是MJ嗎?
09/11 04:50, 392F

09/11 05:02, 3年前 , 393F
馬的 有夠像
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