[外絮] 暴龍助教Adrian Griffin遭前妻指控家暴

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Raptors assistant Adrian Griffin denies ex-wife's domestic violence accusations https://es.pn/3fUx7A7 原文作者:Tim Bontemps, ESPN LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. -- Toronto Raptors assistant coach Adrian Griffin on Thursday denied a series of domestic violence accusations made by his ex-wife in a social media post. 多倫多暴龍隊首席助教Adrian Griffin,在今天稍早否認了前妻在社交網路Po出的 家暴前科指控文。 In a message posted to Twitter, Audrey Griffin said Adrian Griffin had repeatedly abused her, including choking her, throwing her into a wall with enough force to leave a hole and dragging her across a lawn while she was pregnant. A.Griffin的前妻Audrey,在自己的推特(sincerelyaud_)發了長文圖,稱AG曾經 頻繁地虐待她,其行為包括掐住她、把她用力甩到牆邊並撞出洞,甚至還在她 懷孕時,以拖住的方式陪她去家中的草坪。 "This morning, accusations were made against me on social media by my former wife that I vehemently deny," Adrian Griffin said in a statement released by the Raptors. "We are involved in a longstanding legal dispute over alimony and child support arrangements. I am disappointed to have to address false accusations in this way, and I apologize for any distraction this has potentially caused for our team at this important time." A.Griffin在暴龍隊的協助下,發布了以下的聲明︰「今天早上,我的我的前妻在 社群網站發布了一連串對我(形象不利)的指控,而我必須強烈地否認。我們兩人 目前捲入了一場與贍養費與兒童監護權安排的長期官司。我很遺憾必須用這種( 公諸於世)的方式,來處理這次的不實指控,所以我要為這場風波向我們球隊的人 抱歉,因為這事件有可能在這個重要時間點(季後賽),造成潛在的分心。」 The Raptors also issued a separate statement on the matter. "When we saw these allegations this morning, we were dismayed -- Adrian is a valuable member of our team," the team said in the statement. "Our leadership immediately spoke with him, and he flatly denied the allegations in the posts. We will support the process as he and his former partner settle these matters." 暴龍官方也發布了另一篇聲明文,表達對A.Griffin的支持︰ 「我們很遺憾在早上看到這些指控,因為Adrian是團隊內一名很有價值的成員。 我們的領導團隊立刻與他展開(有關這事件的)談話,而他也斷然地否認了那些 發文提出的指控;我們也支持他與他的原配偶,能妥善處理這場官司。」 Audrey Griffin had previously made similar allegations of abuse on social media. On Thursday, she wrote in part, "How can someone do ALL of this and get away with it. ... I will tell you how... just be in the NBA and win a game in the bubble. Cinderfella. That's how. Simple." Audrey在更早之前,就曾經在自己的網站發表類似的指控;但她在美國時間週四 的發文,才引起更高的媒體注意度,她寫道「怎麼會有人做出『所有的事』(指 虐妻),還能遠離被懲罰的命運...我會告訴你...只因為你現在正在NBA工作(當 教練),並還在迪士尼園區贏了一場球賽,就成了男生版的灰姑娘。這就是事情 的經過,就這麼簡單。」 (註︰Cinderfella這個詞在美國最經典的使用,是1960年已故喜劇演員Jerry Lewis主演的歌舞喜劇片,其字根當然跟經典童話灰姑娘有關,也讓這個詞有 了男版灰姑娘的代稱;此外電的下一段會更進一步說明Audrey會用這個詞暗酸 前夫的緣由) Adrian Griffin coached the Raptors to a 124-121 victory Wednesday night against the Philadelphia 76ers, after coach Nick Nurse chose to let him coach the game in his stead. Griffin, Nurse's lead assistant, has been an NBA assistant for more than a decade with the Milwaukee Bucks, Chicago Bulls, Orlando Magic and Oklahoma City Thunder before joining the Raptors prior to last season and helping them win a championship. 目前是暴龍首席助教的Adrian Griffin,在週三的比賽中,獲得了主帥Nick Nurse 的授權,擔任現場總教練,並且以124比121的比數贏了76人。Griffin的助教資歷 已經超過10年,在上個賽季加入暴龍之前,還曾受聘於以下球隊擔任助教—公鹿 (2008-10)、公牛(2010-15)、魔術(2015-16)與雷霆(2016-18)。他加入暴龍後, 也協助球隊在去年拿到隊史首冠。 He also played nine years in the league, appearing in 477 games with the Boston Celtics, Dallas Mavericks, Houston Rockets, Bulls and Seattle Super- sonics. A.Griffin在擔任教練之前,也曾經有9年累積477場比賽的球員資歷,他以球員 身分效力過的球隊包括賽爾提克(1999-2001)、獨行俠(分兩次,2001-03與2005- 06)、火箭(2003-04)、公牛(也分兩次,2004-05與2006-08)與超音速(2008)。 The defending champion Raptors are the second seed in the Eastern Conference for a second straight season and will face the Brooklyn Nets in the first round of the playoffs beginning next week. 目前是衛冕球隊的暴龍,今年在東區的排名跟去年一樣是第二,季後賽第一輪的 對手也確定是布魯克林籃網,並將在美國時間星期一展開系列賽首戰。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 補充一下Audrey Griffin的推特 https://twitter.com/sincerelyaud_ 讓暴龍公關團隊甚至NBA記者圈軒然大波的發文,就是這一篇 https://twitter.com/sincerelyaud_/status/1293888761508528130 https://ibb.co/1vRNKQW 心得︰很遺憾看到A.Griffin與前妻的糾紛變成了公眾議題, 也希望這場風坡能妥善解決 不過看到前夫當教練事業有成,從基層球員一路做到首席助教, 加上事件主角也坦承目前的確有贍養費的負擔..感覺有點越想越不對勁 從這外電也可以看出A.Griffin的教練功力, 已經獲得教練圈、球員、體育媒體,甚至球隊管理階層的肯定, 相信他未來有一天勢必能獲得總教練的職務 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1597419779.A.F62.html

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