[外絮] JR說他有挑戰LBJ 處理LBJ暴怒的能力

看板NBA作者 (超☆冒險蓋)時間3年前 (2020/07/07 11:12), 編輯推噓212(2231160)
留言294則, 266人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
來源: Yahoo Sports 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y8xnqpwe J.R. Smith says ability to challenge LeBron James, and handle his fury, helps Lakers JR Smith說他在挑戰LBJ跟處理他的暴怒的能力可以幫助湖人 J.R. Smith sat in front of a Lakers backdrop, pulled a purple and gold bandana off his face and grinned at a screen to begin his first (remote) press conference as a Laker. J.R. Smith坐在湖人背景布幕前,拿下頭上紫金頭帶,對著螢幕微笑,開始第一次以湖人 身分的遠端記者會。 It has been almost a year since Smith was on an NBA team and he’s determined to enjoy every moment. 距離JR還是在一支NBA球隊打球已經快一年了,現在他下定決心要享受每一刻。 “Being somebody who has been around the league predominately for most of their adult life, when that’s kind of taken away from you, it kind of gives you that culture shock and you obviously don’t understand what you lost until it’s gone,” Smith said. “So, for me more than anything, I just want to appreciate the moment.” 「身為一個在成年時期大部分時間都待在聯盟打球的人,當那個部分被拿走了,那很讓人 震驚,要等到失去了才能了解到這件事,」Smith說。「所以,對我來說,比任何東西都要 來得重要的,就是要珍惜這個時刻。」 After not playing in nearly 20 months, Smith is getting another opportunity — one he wasn’t sure would come. Last week, the Lakers signed the 34-year-old guard for the remainder of the season, which will be played in Florida, as a replacement for Avery Bradley. 將近20個月沒打球後,JR有了另外一個機會--一個他不確定會不會抓的住的機會。上星 期,湖人簽下這個34歲的後衛直到本季結束,他將會取代Avery Bradley到佛州打球。 Will this last beyond this season? Smith doesn’t know. And in some ways he doesn’t care. 為湖人打球在本季結束後會繼續嗎? JR不知道,某種程度上他也不在乎。 “I just take it a day at a time,” Smith said. “Literally a breath at a time. Because I’ve been out for a while. Being around and being in that environment is so refreshing and much needed.” 「我就只是順其自然,」Smith說。「就是順其自然。因為我已經離開球場有段時間了,重 新適應這個環境讓我耳目一新,也很需要。」 Smith spent 4½ years in Cleveland and was with the Cavaliers for four consecutive Finals appearances alongside LeBron James. They won a championship in 2016. Their run ended after the 2018 Finals, when the Cavaliers were swept by the Golden State Warriors after a late blunder by Smith drew James’ ire in Game 1. JR在騎士待了4年半,跟LBJ連續闖進四次總冠。他們在2016年拿下冠軍,他們的總冠賽在 2018年後就終止了,那年的Game 1末段,Smith一個莫名的動作引發LBJ的怒火,最後那年 騎士被勇士給擊敗。 Smith and James had a long history predating their time together. It’s why when they became teammates, Smith felt comfortable challenging James. He feels that ability will help his transition onto this new team so late in the season. 在他們一起在騎士打球之前,他們就已經是好朋友。那也是他們成為隊友的原因,JR對於 要挑戰LBJ覺得很舒服,而且他認為這樣的能力可以幫助他很快融入新球隊,即使現在是球 季末段。 “I know how 'Bron can get pissed and people are not gonna know how to deal with it. So it gives that gap of understanding," Smith said, insisting James is "still all about winning" while drawing a parallel with the way Michael Jordan dealt with teammates in "The Last Dance" documentary. 「我知道LBJ會怎樣不爽的,其他人不知道要怎麼面對這樣子的狀況。那是大家不了解的部 分,」Smith說。他很堅持LBJ"只是要求勝",他把最近MJ紀錄片"The Last Dance"裡面MJ 處理的方式拿來比對。 "Because as we’ve all seen in the MJ doc ... he was so hard on his teammates and stuff like that. But we got a case like LeBron, it’s different," Smith said, "because obviously he does everything he wants to do to win, and everything else. It kind of comes off in the wrong way sometimes. And you need that bridge as a player to be posted to the next player, like ‘Hey look man, it’s nothing personal.' ” 「大家都看了MJ的紀錄片...他對隊友很嚴厲之類的。但是LBJ是不一樣的,」Smith說。 「因為他是為了求勝去做所有的事情,所有的事。雖然有時候會有些狀況出了差錯,這時 就會需要有個球員當作橋梁去跟另一位球員講說,『嘿,兄day~這不是針對你的~~』」 The Lakers worked out Smith in March but opted to sign Dion Waiters instead. Smith has been participating in individual workouts at the Lakers’ facility since he signed and the team has been impressed. 湖人在三月的時候有跟JR試訓,但是最後選擇跟Dion Waiters簽約。在這次簽約後JR有參 加過幾次在湖人場館單獨的訓練,球隊很滿意。 “This is really a great story,” coach Frank Vogel said. “When you look at a guy who could potentially be out of the league and was a starter on a Finals team a couple years back, a champion, for him to have the perseverance to stay ready and give himself this opportunity, I think, is to be commended. ” 「這是個很棒的故事,」教練Frank Vogel說。「大家看到的是一個很有可能就要離開聯盟 的球員,之前幾年是在總冠隊伍裡,拿到過冠軍,而且這樣的毅力就是把自己準備好,讓 他自己拿下這次機會,我認為這是要被嘉許的。」 That wasn’t always easy. There were moments when Smith wondered if his career was over. 這並不簡單,有些時候JR也懷疑過是不是他的職業生涯就要中止了。 “I went through a very depressed state for a long time. And it lasted for a few months, where I just didn’t — I’m a big video gamer, I didn’t even play '[NBA] 2K' anymore,” Smith said. “I don’t wanna hoop, I don’t wanna work out, I don’t wanna play '2K,' I don’t want do anything with basketball. ” 「我經過了一段很沮喪的時期,有幾個月吧,我甚至不行--我很愛打電動--我甚至沒辦法 打2K,」Smith說。「我不想碰籃球,我不想訓練,我不想打2K,一切跟籃球有關的我都不 想碰。」 His parents helped him work through that, he said. 他說他的父母幫他走過這段時期。 “My dad is always on me and on me and on me about what I accomplished and what I still have left in the tank and stuff like that,” Smith said. “So ... if it wasn’t for them, I probably would still be in that situation.” 「我的爸爸總是一而再,再而三的提醒我,說我已經做到的部分,然後提醒我說我還有 能力可以打,」Smith說。「所以,要不是有他們,我可能還處在那樣子的狀態。」 -- 這.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1594091553.A.3DC.html

07/07 11:13, 3年前 , 1F
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07/07 11:14, 3年前 , 3F
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07/07 11:14, 3年前 , 4F
替身術 原來你以為是JR的地方 瞬間換成了一塊白板
07/07 11:14, 4F

07/07 11:15, 3年前 , 5F
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07/07 11:15, 3年前 , 6F
上次都挺過了 這次也沒問題啦
07/07 11:15, 6F

07/07 11:15, 3年前 , 7F
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07/07 11:16, 3年前 , 8F
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07/07 11:16, 3年前 , 9F
能夠讓lbj在賽場上崩潰 我JR可是第一人選= =
07/07 11:16, 9F

07/07 11:18, 3年前 , 10F
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07/07 11:22, 3年前 , 16F
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07/07 11:22, 3年前 , 17F
不要讓詹皇暴怒就不錯了 還講這些....
07/07 11:22, 17F

07/07 11:23, 3年前 , 18F
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07/07 11:23, 3年前 , 19F
很會處理啊 用出一個更讓人暴怒的 上一個鳥事就忘記
07/07 11:23, 19F

07/07 11:23, 3年前 , 20F
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07/07 11:23, 3年前 , 21F
讓詹牧師變成暗影牧師 金價某甘丹
07/07 11:23, 21F

07/07 11:23, 3年前 , 22F
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07/07 11:23, 3年前 , 23F
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07/07 11:24, 3年前 , 24F
我人生第一次看到有NBA球員打球會回場 丁尺是多想去
07/07 11:24, 24F

07/07 11:24, 3年前 , 25F
打big 3
07/07 11:24, 25F

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07/07 11:25, 3年前 , 27F
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07/07 11:25, 3年前 , 28F
不要生氣 不要生氣
07/07 11:25, 28F

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07/07 11:30, 3年前 , 37F
丁尺:暴怒的人挑起爭端,忍耐的人止息紛爭 LBJ:...
07/07 11:30, 37F

07/07 11:30, 3年前 , 38F
看完最後一舞就知道喇叭詹脾氣真的很好 MJ這種直接
07/07 11:30, 38F

07/07 11:31, 3年前 , 39F
絕交 要繼續待在球隊就三餐噴垃圾話
07/07 11:31, 39F
還有 215 則推文
07/07 23:49, 3年前 , 255F
JR 永遠不會檢討
07/07 23:49, 255F

07/08 00:51, 3年前 , 256F
當初這麼智障都能讓姆斯再次揪團了 不得不說在這部
07/08 00:51, 256F

07/08 00:51, 3年前 , 257F
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07/08 08:13, 3年前 , 266F
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07/08 08:20, 3年前 , 267F
應該也不會有比2018那次更大的怒火了 JR的確有一套
07/08 08:20, 267F

07/08 08:40, 3年前 , 268F
這張為什麼很有嗨過的感覺 XD
07/08 08:40, 268F

07/08 09:35, 3年前 , 269F
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07/08 09:46, 3年前 , 270F
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07/08 09:52, 3年前 , 271F
嘿兄弟 有我在他就不會針對你了
07/08 09:52, 271F

07/08 10:01, 3年前 , 272F
我相信你 兄die!
07/08 10:01, 272F

07/08 10:06, 3年前 , 273F
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07/08 12:31, 3年前 , 275F
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07/08 13:26, 3年前 , 276F
LBJ : X 還不都你害的 (投籃啊~~~~~)
07/08 13:26, 276F

07/08 13:39, 3年前 , 277F
應該是真的很會處理 如果我是LBJ 還不把他打死
07/08 13:39, 277F

07/08 13:43, 3年前 , 278F
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07/08 14:27, 3年前 , 279F
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07/08 16:59, 3年前 , 280F
JR:LBJ暴怒的時候給他白板 他就會想起白板的恐懼
07/08 16:59, 280F

07/08 17:11, 3年前 , 281F
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07/08 23:42, 3年前 , 286F
經歷18年 已經沒什麼事能再讓LBJ生氣了
07/08 23:42, 286F

07/09 00:16, 3年前 , 287F
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07/09 10:11, 3年前 , 289F
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07/09 17:01, 3年前 , 290F
挑戰者 極意
07/09 17:01, 290F

07/09 21:07, 3年前 , 291F
你這樣姆斯還不離不棄 我信了
07/09 21:07, 291F

07/09 22:12, 3年前 , 292F
咖哩是背傳金盃 丁尺是傻拋一勝
07/09 22:12, 292F

07/09 23:26, 3年前 , 293F
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07/10 12:38, 3年前 , 294F
07/10 12:38, 294F
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