[花邊] Joe Ingles講過最狠的垃圾話

看板NBA作者 (超☆冒險蓋)時間4年前 (2020/01/16 11:34), 編輯推噓132(136417)
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來源: FoxSports 網址: https://tinyurl.com/r59wcoy Aussie NBA cult hero Joe Ingles’ most brutal piece of trash talk has been revealed — and it’s all time NBA球員Joe Ingles講過最狠毒的垃圾話 Joe Ingles has quickly become one of the most beloved players in the NBA and has grown a reputation as one of the premier trash talkers in the league. Joe Ingles很快的成為NBA裡面受人喜愛的球員,但是在聯盟裡他也有著很會噴垃圾話的名 聲。 The 32-year-old Aussie has made a name for himself with his go-slow style of game as he plays a key role with the Utah Jazz. 這32歲的澳洲球員以他沉穩的打球方式打響名聲,成為爵士的主要球員之一。 His journey to the NBA has been unique, starting out in the NBL in Australia before playing for a long time in Europe before he made his way Stateside. 他進入NBA的過程也很特別,先是在澳洲的NBL打球,之後在歐洲打了很長的一段時間,最 後才進入NBA。 But since Ingles has been in the league and starred for the Jazz, his profile has only continued to grow. 但是在為爵士打球之後,他的表現就是扶搖直上。 A three-point marksman, Ingles put his name on the map during the NBA Playoffs in 2018 when he duelled with then Oklahoma City Thunder star Paul George. 他在2018年季後賽跟當時雷霆明星Paul George的對決打響了三分射手的名號。 Sledging is a fine art and it’s one Ingles has mastered and George hasn’t been the only player to fall victim to Ingles. 噴垃圾話是一種精緻的藝術,那也是Ingles的幾項專長之一,而PG則是Ingles噴垃圾話的 幾位受害者之一。 But now the most ruthless sledge of the loveable Aussie’s NBA career has been revealed by ESPN’s Zach Lowe on the latest Lowe Post podcast. 而在ESPN Zach Lowe的Podcast節目上,這位受人喜愛的澳洲NBA球員最狠毒的垃圾話在節 目上被公開了。 Lowe: “Have you ever hurt someone’s feelings do you think?” Lowe問:「你認為你有沒有傷害到某人的感覺過?」 Ingles: “Nah. I don’t think anyone is going home like, ‘Damn that Australian kid really hurt my feelings’.” Ingles回:「沒,我不認為有人回家時會想說,『可惡,那個澳洲屁孩真的傷了我的 心。』」 Lowe: “I have one example.” Lowe說:「我有例子喔~」 Ingles: “There’s no way you have an example.” Ingles說:「你不可能會有例子的~」 It’s then that Lowe goes into detail over the sledge Ingles delivered to a player who Lowe later says “isn’t in the league anymore”. Lowe接著就講出Ingles噴垃圾話的細節,並且說被噴垃圾話的那位"已經不在聯盟裡了"。 “I have an example, the player I will protect. One of your coaches told me, ‘Joe can get biting, Joe knows how to try and get under your skin’,” Lowe said. Lowe說:「我有個例子,但是姓名我要保留不講。你的教練之一跟我說,『Joe很會,他知 道怎樣讓你很不舒服,』」 “I’ll protect the player. Bench player was getting into the game, this is the story I heard — you do the thing where you ingratiate yourself and you act like you’re going to be his buddy. 「我要保護這位球員,他是板凳球員準備上場,故事是這樣的--你先是表現出跟他很好, 像是跟他是兄弟這樣。」 “You say, ‘Hey man I notice team X — they’re not playing you hardly at all ’. 「你先說,『ㄟ,我注意到你們隊幾乎都沒讓你上場打球耶。』」 “And so here’s the story I heard. The guy goes, ‘Yeah they’re not playing me’ and you go, ‘That’s tough’, kind of implying the team is really blowing it by not giving this guy more of an opportunity. 「接下來,那球員說,『是阿,他們都不讓我打球。』然後你回他說,『那真的很糟 ㄟ。』講的像是他的隊伍都不給他打球機會真的很讓人失望的樣子。」 “Then the guy says back to you, ‘They’re not playing me, I don’t know what to tell you, I’m puzzled by it’ and you just say, ‘Well it’s because you’re trash’ right in his face.” 「然後那球員回你說,『他們不讓我上場,我也不知道該怎麼說,我也搞不懂。』然後你 就只說了,『嗯~那是因為你就是個垃圾。』 It’s then that Ingles jumps in to correct the story, stating he never called the player in question “trash”, instead calling him “terrible”. Ingles跳起來澄清說,他從沒說過他是"垃圾"(trash),他只說他"打得爛"(terrible) Despite the clarification Lowe went on to explain that hearing that story “ hurt my feelings” but Ingles says he delivered the brutal line “with a smile on my face”. 當Lowe繼續說那個"傷人感覺"的故事時,Ingles說當他講那句狠毒的話的時候,「臉上是 帶著微笑的。」 “I don’t think this guys is in the NBA anymore, maybe that was the moment that ruined his life,” Lowe says. Lowe說:「我不認為那個球員還在NBA裡面,或許那就是他人生被毀掉的時刻吧。」 “That’s not my fault,” Ingles replied. 「那不是我的錯,」Ingles回答。 Asked if he felt bad about the line, Ingles said he never intends to cross the line with his sledging and most of the time says things with a chuckle. 當被問到對於那句話他是否覺得太超過,Ingles說他從沒想過噴垃圾話噴太超過,而且大 部分時候他講垃圾話都是笑笑的講。 “I was kind of laughing … maybe I am a bad person,” Ingles said. Ingles說:「我都是有點在笑著講的...或許我真的是個壞人。」 The Utah Jazz have won 10 straight games and 15 of their past 16 and have become one of the most dominant teams in the league since Ingles returned to the starting line-up. 爵士最近連贏了10場,過去16場比賽贏了15場,自從Ingles回到先發陣容後,爵士就變成 了聯盟裡最強的隊伍之一。 They’ll return to action on Friday when they go up against the New Orleans Pelicans at 12pm (AEDT). 星期五的時候他們會面對鵜鶘。 -- 所以Ingles講人垃圾應該是這個樣子: https://imgur.com/pEB6AOh.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1579145656.A.DB0.html

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01/16 11:36, 4年前 , 6F
you are trash XD
01/16 11:36, 6F

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01/16 11:36, 4年前 , 8F
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01/16 11:37, 4年前 , 9F
Ingles: 你就爛(微笑+大拇指)
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01/16 11:38, 4年前 , 17F
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01/16 11:38, 4年前 , 18F
我沒說你是垃圾 我說你打得像垃圾
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01/16 11:38, 4年前 , 20F
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01/16 11:38, 4年前 , 21F
鋪梗真的很靠北 比直接嘴人傷人多了XDDDD
01/16 11:38, 21F

01/16 11:39, 4年前 , 22F
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01/16 11:39, 4年前 , 23F
這太腹黑了 欺騙感情啊
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01/16 11:41, 4年前 , 26F
比起直接辱罵 最可怕的是還先裝出同情對方然後取得
01/16 11:41, 26F

01/16 11:41, 4年前 , 27F
了信任 而且全程都是帶著微笑在說
01/16 11:41, 27F

01/16 11:41, 4年前 , 28F
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01/16 11:41, 4年前 , 29F
你就爛~ (比讚
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01/16 11:42, 4年前 , 32F
前面鋪一堆梗是三小 XD
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01/16 11:45, 4年前 , 39F
還有 78 則推文
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01/16 14:10, 4年前 , 121F
靠 連垃圾話都要鋪梗 高手高手高高手
01/16 14:10, 121F

01/16 14:10, 4年前 , 122F
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01/16 14:10, 4年前 , 123F
講垃圾話還先舖梗 有夠壞
01/16 14:10, 123F

01/16 14:12, 4年前 , 124F
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01/16 14:13, 4年前 , 125F
笑死 哈哈哈哈哈
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01/16 14:23, 4年前 , 127F
你都沒上場欸 因為你很爛 可憐哪
01/16 14:23, 127F

01/16 14:36, 4年前 , 128F
你就爛 XD
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01/16 15:30, 4年前 , 132F
乾,人與人之間的信任呢 QQ
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01/16 16:35, 4年前 , 136F
你就爛那個超讚 XDDDD
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01/16 21:14, 4年前 , 146F
講垃圾話一時爽 但落魄的時候....
01/16 21:14, 146F

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01/17 12:11, 4年前 , 155F
乾舞 雞掰
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02/18 11:16, 4年前 , 157F
幹 好可怕
02/18 11:16, 157F
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