
看板NBA作者 (gonna fight)時間4年前 (2020/01/06 00:44), 編輯推噓46(581239)
留言109則, 78人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
來源網址:https://reurl.cc/Vax386 標題:It is time for the OKC Thunder to embrace winning. 內文: The 2019-20 OKC Thunder season started out as a quest to rebuild the franchise. To tank for a year, maybe two. Now, the team is ready to make a playoff push. 2019-20雷霆賽季一開始是為了重建球隊。擺爛一年,或許兩年。現在,球隊已準備 好進入季后賽。 Wow, what a season it has been so far. We are only in the first week of January yet this season has taken on so many different twists and turns. The OKC Thunder sits with a record of 19-15 and holding the 7th seed in the Western Conference Playoffs as of Jan. 3rd. They have put the most entertaining product on the hardwood in years, and we are watching yet another star point guard develop before our eyes. Wow,到目前為止這是多美好的賽季阿。到目前為止。我們只在一月的第一周,然 而這個賽季卻經歷了許多不同的波折。1/3為止奧克拉荷馬雷霆隊以19勝15負的戰績坐鎮 西區季後賽名額中的第七。雷霆把多年來最有趣的產品放在檯面上,而我們正在目睹 另一位明星控球後衛的發展。 Let’s take it back to the Russell Westbrook trade. When the OKC Thunder announced they were shipping off Franchise staple, fan-favorite, and future Hall of Famer the entire fanbase went into tank mode. That was on the heels of trading Paul George to his hometown Clippers and breaking apart an already disappointing core. 讓我們回到Russell Westbrook的交易。當雷霆隊宣布他們將售出陣中特別的主菜, 球迷最喜歡的以及未來的名人堂時,全部球迷都轉成了坦克模式。 緊接著將Paul George交易到他的家鄉快艇隊,瓦解了已經令人失望的核心。 After those trades, tanking was the only thing on our minds. If you will allow, let me peel back the curtain at Thunderous Intentions. After the trades went down, and the dust settled, I immediately rushed to our fearless leader at TI and put in a request to tackle the NBA Draft harder, and earlier than we ever had. With two first-round picks, and a roster that looked as if it would see a ton of losing and turnover throughout the season it felt like this year would be defined by the college game just as much as the NBA version. 交易過後,擺爛是我們心中唯一的事情,如果可以,讓我理解雷霆計畫背後的意圖。 在交易量下降,一切都大致底定的時候,我立即趕到TI找到我們無畏的總經理, 並提出了要求,比以往更早地解決NBA選秀。兩個首輪選秀權,加上看起來會大量虧損且 失誤的名單,這感覺就像今年大學的一樣,只不過這是在NBA。 I had ideas to do tanking updates each week, going to Tankathon.com and running random simulations until the OKC Thunder nabbed the top pick. I immediately bookmarked the page. Those plans get foiled when the OKC Thunder is currently pegged for the 18th pick (as well as the 26th pick from Denver) and are in the middle of a playoff push. After yet another comeback win toppling the franchise that has long given the OKC Thunder fits in the San Antonio Spurs that saw Shai Gilgeous-Alexander lit it up yet again, it is time to embrace winning. 我每次一有新的擺爛想法,就去Tankathon.com進行隨機模擬,直到雷霆獲得最好的選擇。 我會馬上將那加入書籤頁。 當雷霆隊目前被選為第18順位(以及金塊的第26順位),並且正處於前往季後賽之中 ,這些計劃都失敗了。 在一場Shai Gilgeous-Alexander復出的逆轉勝利,結束面對馬刺長期的連敗, 是時候去擁抱勝利了。 I was fully on board with tanking, I was excited to tank. I was counting down the days until the organization dealt Gallo, Dennis, CP3 and anyone else of even a little value so I could watch Shai Gilgeous-Alexander run the show and the OKC Thunder draft James Wiseman or Cole Anthony. 我當時正全副武裝,我對擺爛很興奮。我倒數計時,直到球隊交易了Gallo,Dennis ,CP3和其他任何一個甚至有一點價值的人,所以我可以看見Shai Gilgeous-Alexander 的演出和雷霆選下James Wiseman或Cole Anthony。 Now, the OKC Thunder are closer to making the playoffs than capturing the first overall pick. That is pretty obvious when you consider that they are currently seventh. However, even if this team falls apart for whatever the reason (poor play, trades, etc) they are closer to the 12-14th pick than a franchise-altering one. 現在,雷霆更接近進入季後賽,但不是抓住第一個總冠軍。當你考慮到他們現時排在 第七的時候,這是非常明顯的。然而,即使這支球隊因為任何原因(糟糕的比賽、交易等 )而分崩離析,雷霆也比其他重建的球隊更接近12-14位的選秀權。 At this point, making the postseason and getting Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Darius Bazley, and Hamidou Diallo playoff experience is more valuable than the right to draft maybe the 12th best draft-eligible player. 在這一點上,進入季後賽,讓Shai Gilgeous-Alexander,Darius Bazley,和 Hamidou Diallo得到季後賽經驗,比起獲得第12名選秀權順位的球員還重要。 Sadly for some, the plans of tanking must be put on the backburner for at least a season. Heck, with SGA’s emergence, maybe the OKC Thunder can retool a championship level contender without outright tanking. While we all expected SGA to be fun, exciting, and new…no one expected him to play at an All-Star level in his first season with OKC (second in the NBA). 對於某些人而言,可悲的是,必須將加油計劃至少放一個賽季。見鬼吧,隨著SGA的出現, 也許雷霆可以在沒有直接加油的情況下重新成為冠軍級別的競爭者。雖然我們所有人都 希望SGA充滿熱情,令人興奮和嶄新......但沒有人期望他在OKC的第一個賽季(全聯盟第 二)打入全明星賽。 Chris Paul has been amazing for this organization. Sure, his play on the floor has been exceptional and clutch. What stands out the most is him stepping aside for SGA and allowing the young guard to take over games late, close games for the OKC Thunder, and grow. That is an experience I do not think SGA would get with most superstar veteran future Hall of Fame point guards. Chris Paul對這個球隊是神奇的。當然,他在場上的表現是出色的引擎。 最引人注目的是他為SGA讓位並允許年輕的後衛接管比賽,為雷霆結束比賽並成 長。我認為SGA不會與大多數超級巨星老將或未來的名人堂控球後衛一起時得到。 Steven Adams, after a slow start, is playing some of his best basketball. Gallo has been a truly great complementary player and go-to scorer for this team. What the heck has gotten into Dennis Schroder? Everything seems to be breaking the Thunder’s way for the first time…ever? Steven Adams經過緩慢的起步後,正在打出自己最好的籃球。Gallo一直是這支球隊真正 出色的補充球員和得分手。Dennis Schroder到底怎麼了?一切似乎都第一次打破了雷霆 的道路……有史以來第一次嗎? This team is so fun to watch. It is truly exciting, and you can tell they are having fun together. For the first time in a long time, it is an enjoyable experience to sit down and watch the 82 regular-season games for the Thunder. With no pressure, this team has found themselves in the exact same spot as the previous two iterations of the Thunder that featured Russell Westbrook and Paul George. As we embrace winning, we shift our focus into making the NBA Playoffs. I hear some of you screaming at your screen: What is the point?! This team is not winning a title! 這個團隊很有趣。這確實令人興奮,你可以說他們在一起很開心。坐下來觀看雷霆隊的82 場常規賽是很長時間以來的第一次了。 在沒有壓力的情況下,這支球隊發現自己與前一年雷霆隊有Russell Westbrook和 Paul George時完全相同。 當我們擁抱勝利時,我們將重點轉移到了進入NBA季后賽上。我聽到有些人在屏幕上尖叫 :這有什麼意義?!這支球隊沒有贏得冠軍! Outside of the experience, outside of being closer to a mediocre draft pick than a franchise-altering one, the answer is this team. Yes, the team is not going to hoist the Larry O’Brien trophy. However, this team is going to be an extremely tough out. That could mean pushing a top seed to six or seven games in round one. It also could mean pulling off a round one upset! Even Bill Simmons on the latest Bill Simmons show said that this OKC Thunder team is going to be one you do not want to face-off within the postseason. He also said they are a good wing player away from being a dangerous team, which we can discuss later. 這支球隊除了經驗之外,沒有比重建球隊更好的選秀權。 是的,球隊不會舉起總冠軍獎盃。但是,這支球隊將非常難出局。這可能意味著在 第一輪中將賽季第一血戰至六七場比賽。這也可能意味著要打到第二輪! 甚至Bill Simmons在最新的Bill Simmons show中也表示,這支雷霆隊將成為你不希望在 季后賽中對峙的一支球隊。但他也說雷霆離開了一個優秀的側翼球員,所以不是一支 危險的球隊,我們稍後再討論。 So what does all this mean? Should the OKC Thunder buy at the deadline? Do they just not trade anyone? What happens now? 那麼,這意味著什麼?雷霆應該在交易截止前補強嗎?他們只是不交易任何人嗎? 現在會發生什麼事? Well, the Thunder absolutely do not need to buy anything at the deadline. While Bill Simmons is right, another veteran wing would bolster this roster, this season is not about “going for it.” it also is not about tanking. It is about the experience. 好吧,雷霆絕對不需要在截止日期前補強任何東西。雖然Bill Simmons是對的, 但另一位經驗豐富的側翼老將會加強這一陣容,本賽季不是為了“不遺餘力” 也不是為了擺爛。這是關於經驗。 So do the OKC Thunder just not trade anyone? Well, in my opinion, you do not have a fire sale. When I was asked this in October, I said trade everyone and just get something in return. Now, that is only true for Danilo Gallinari, he is the only player that I would be okay with the team trading no matter the return. That is due to his expiring deal. 那麼,雷霆不會交易任何人嗎?好吧,我認為不會有大買賣。當我在十月份被問 到這個問題時,我說要交易每個人,然後得到一些回報。現在,這僅對Danilo Gallinari 成立,他是無論回報如何我都可以交易的唯一球員。那是由於他的合同即將到期。 短評或心得:建立良好的贏球文化真的重要,尤其手上根本一堆籤了,擺爛有點多餘, 今年也不像勇士老鷹,就算上層想擺,CP3不給你擺阿! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1578242671.A.562.html

01/06 00:46, 4年前 , 1F
01/06 00:46, 1F

01/06 00:47, 4年前 , 2F
01/06 00:47, 2F

01/06 00:54, 4年前 , 3F
01/06 00:54, 3F

01/06 00:55, 4年前 , 4F
01/06 00:55, 4F

01/06 00:55, 4年前 , 5F
01/06 00:55, 5F

01/06 00:57, 4年前 , 6F
結果雷霆第一輪淘汰火箭 (!
01/06 00:57, 6F

01/06 00:58, 4年前 , 7F
01/06 00:58, 7F

01/06 00:58, 4年前 , 8F
01/06 00:58, 8F

01/06 01:02, 4年前 , 9F
01/06 01:02, 9F

01/06 01:08, 4年前 , 10F
打火箭 話題滿滿
01/06 01:08, 10F

01/06 01:15, 4年前 , 11F
01/06 01:15, 11F

01/06 01:15, 4年前 , 12F
01/06 01:15, 12F

01/06 01:16, 4年前 , 13F
01/06 01:16, 13F

01/06 01:16, 4年前 , 14F
德軟也是打超好 到底什麼巫術
01/06 01:16, 14F

01/06 01:16, 4年前 , 15F
CP3 阻止雷霆重建的男人
01/06 01:16, 15F

01/06 01:17, 4年前 , 16F
不只火箭 打快艇也很有話題性啊...
01/06 01:17, 16F

01/06 01:20, 4年前 , 17F
如果Shai真的爆發 交易來CP3將會是神操作
01/06 01:20, 17F

01/06 01:21, 4年前 , 18F
01/06 01:21, 18F

01/06 01:21, 4年前 , 19F
01/06 01:21, 19F

01/06 01:22, 4年前 , 20F
google translate?
01/06 01:22, 20F

01/06 01:23, 4年前 , 21F
接下來四場 76 籃網 火箭 湖人,先過了再說吧
01/06 01:23, 21F

01/06 01:33, 4年前 , 22F
01/06 01:33, 22F

01/06 01:38, 4年前 , 23F
SGA真的很強 可以培養
01/06 01:38, 23F

01/06 01:47, 4年前 , 24F
01/06 01:47, 24F

01/06 01:47, 4年前 , 25F
01/06 01:47, 25F

01/06 01:49, 4年前 , 26F
說真的現在捧不會太早嗎 龜帶隊的三季最少也都有保
01/06 01:49, 26F

01/06 01:49, 4年前 , 27F
01/06 01:49, 27F

01/06 01:49, 4年前 , 28F
球隊從來沒說要擺爛過 一直都是外人在自己腦補
01/06 01:49, 28F

01/06 01:51, 4年前 , 29F
01/06 01:51, 29F

01/06 01:52, 4年前 , 30F
01/06 01:52, 30F

01/06 01:52, 4年前 , 31F
01/06 01:52, 31F

01/06 01:56, 4年前 , 32F
01/06 01:56, 32F

01/06 01:56, 4年前 , 33F
不只德軟 Adams這季這樣打下去也會是生涯年
01/06 01:56, 33F

01/06 01:58, 4年前 , 34F
數據上也許不突出 但攻守兩端跟季初比進步很多
01/06 01:58, 34F

01/06 01:58, 4年前 , 35F
01/06 01:58, 35F

01/06 02:00, 4年前 , 36F
01/06 02:00, 36F

01/06 02:00, 4年前 , 37F
01/06 02:00, 37F

01/06 02:05, 4年前 , 38F
陣容扣掉CP3也不是坦隊好嗎 薪水加起來都快到上限了
01/06 02:05, 38F

01/06 02:07, 4年前 , 39F
但龜帶隊時陣容比較好是真的 而且上季算是靠PG帶進
01/06 02:07, 39F
還有 30 則推文
01/06 07:18, 4年前 , 70F
01/06 07:18, 70F

01/06 07:23, 4年前 , 71F
優秀的控衛可以幫助隊友自己了解該做什麼 CP3在這部
01/06 07:23, 71F

01/06 07:24, 4年前 , 72F
01/06 07:24, 72F

01/06 07:24, 4年前 , 73F
01/06 07:24, 73F

01/06 07:40, 4年前 , 74F
01/06 07:40, 74F

01/06 07:42, 4年前 , 75F
01/06 07:42, 75F

01/06 07:43, 4年前 , 76F
01/06 07:43, 76F

01/06 07:44, 4年前 , 77F
01/06 07:44, 77F

01/06 07:53, 4年前 , 78F
01/06 07:53, 78F

01/06 07:57, 4年前 , 79F
今年如果有二輪 龜龜就糗了
01/06 07:57, 79F

01/06 07:59, 4年前 , 80F
CP3猛 自己成績不出色 但隊友全都正成長
01/06 07:59, 80F

01/06 08:03, 4年前 , 81F
你是用google翻譯嗎?至少順一下語句好不好… 不用
01/06 08:03, 81F

01/06 08:03, 4年前 , 82F
加油=>不用坦 ,還有下面什麼sga不用得到…
01/06 08:03, 82F

01/06 08:06, 4年前 , 83F
那裡是指 和CP3在一起的經驗是在其他名人堂球員或超
01/06 08:06, 83F

01/06 08:06, 4年前 , 84F
01/06 08:06, 84F

01/06 08:09, 4年前 , 85F
PG交易好歹換來Gallo SGA兩位先發水準上的球員
01/06 08:09, 85F

01/06 08:10, 4年前 , 86F
這篇是丟google翻譯嗎 好卡
01/06 08:10, 86F

01/06 08:12, 4年前 , 87F
01/06 08:12, 87F

01/06 08:12, 4年前 , 88F
01/06 08:12, 88F

01/06 08:14, 4年前 , 89F
01/06 08:14, 89F

01/06 08:18, 4年前 , 90F
01/06 08:18, 90F

01/06 08:21, 4年前 , 91F
on the heels of翻錯,導致交易順序看起來錯亂
01/06 08:21, 91F

01/06 08:21, 4年前 , 92F
能有一堆籤 又進季後賽
01/06 08:21, 92F

01/06 08:21, 4年前 , 93F
01/06 08:21, 93F

01/06 08:21, 4年前 , 94F
01/06 08:21, 94F

01/06 08:21, 4年前 , 95F
01/06 08:21, 95F

01/06 08:26, 4年前 , 96F
想看雷霆翻掉火箭或快艇 甜蜜復仇XDDDD
01/06 08:26, 96F

01/06 08:47, 4年前 , 97F
01/06 08:47, 97F

01/06 08:58, 4年前 , 98F
01/06 08:58, 98F

01/06 09:01, 4年前 , 99F
01/06 09:01, 99F

01/06 09:30, 4年前 , 100F
01/06 09:30, 100F

01/06 09:40, 4年前 , 101F
01/06 09:40, 101F

01/06 09:57, 4年前 , 102F
01/06 09:57, 102F

01/06 10:10, 4年前 , 103F
01/06 10:10, 103F

01/06 10:59, 4年前 , 104F
01/06 10:59, 104F

01/06 12:03, 4年前 , 105F
01/06 12:03, 105F

01/06 13:58, 4年前 , 106F
01/06 13:58, 106F

01/06 14:57, 4年前 , 107F
01/06 14:57, 107F

01/06 16:25, 4年前 , 108F
01/06 16:25, 108F

01/07 10:27, 4年前 , 109F
要丟google就乾脆原文 欠噓
01/07 10:27, 109F
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