[花邊] Nelson談論當年Howard在魔術的"魔獸人生"

看板NBA作者 (蝙蝠俠)時間4年前 (2019/12/11 13:52), 編輯推噓34(40635)
留言81則, 49人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
Jameer Nelson opens up about Dwight Howard's ugly exit from Orlando 消息來源:https://reurl.cc/xDAxq1 Jameer Nelson最近接受了HoopsHype的記者Alex Kennedy採訪,談論他的NBA生涯,其中 也聊到2011-12球季魔術前隊友Dwight Howard的"魔獸人生"。以下擷取來源文章,網址裡 也有Nelson受訪的43分鐘錄音檔。 “We had a culture and when that culture got broken, that’s when the team started to break up,’ Nelson said. “There were different reasons why the culture broke, but the main thing was certain guys weren’t seeing eye-to-eye anymore. The goal changed. Social media started coming into play. The brand started getting bigger for individual guys. Winning wasn’t even the priority at that time, in my opinion, for certain guys. It kind of got blown up because of that, in my opinion. I’m sure you’ve been around and you’ve seen it. But it kind of deflates you and you’re like: ‘Ugh, I don’t feel like coming to practice today because it’s not going to be as fun.’ Our practices used to be fun. When we were winning, everything was fun. But when things got a little tougher and adversity hit, certain guys just didn’t want to be there anymore.” Nelson:「我們有一種文化,當這種文化被打破時,那就是團隊開始分裂的時候。文化 破裂有很多不同的原因,但是最主要的是某些人已經意見不一致,目標改變了。社群媒體 開始發揮作用,個人主義變得越來越大。在我看來,當時對於某些人來說,贏球甚至都不 是優先事項。這種環境下會讓你變得放縱,就像:『喔,我今天不想練球,因為這沒有樂 趣。』。曾經我們的練球很樂趣,當我們贏球時所有事情都會很有趣,但是當事情變得有 點艱難和逆境時,某些人就是不想再留在那裡了。」 Howard was coming off three consecutive seasons in which he was named the NBA ’s Defensive Player of the Year. In 2008-09, the Magic advanced to the NBA Finals and then made it back to the Eastern Conference Finals in the following season. But in 2010-11, Orlando was eliminated in the first round of the playoffs. As such, there was a very different vibe around the team entering the following season. Winning was no longer the focus, explained Nelson, and Howard publicly requested a trade. Despite asking to be traded in December of 2011, Howard wasn’t actually dealt until August of 2012. Howard當時連續三個賽季被評為年度最佳防守球員。2008-09賽季,魔術打進了總冠軍賽 ,然後在接下來的賽季又打到了東區冠軍賽。但是在2010-11賽季,他們卻在季後賽第一 輪就被淘汰。 因此,到了下個賽季時球隊的氣氛截然不同。Nelson解釋說球隊贏球不再是焦點,Howard 公開要求交易,儘管要求在2011年12月進行交易,但他直到2012年8月才真正被交易。 “Every day when we came in, it was about Dwight wanting to be traded and about Dwight wanting Stan [Van Gundy] to be fired and things like that,” Nelson said. “Everybody found anything but positive things to say to us. But I thought we handled it well. We still continued to win; we still played and we fought through it. But it was just a lot of weight on everybody’s shoulders. From the players to the coaching staff. It took a lot out of you, dealing with all of that negativity. A lot of things that happen in professional sports just need to stay in the locker room or in the office. Whether it’s with the general manager, the owner or the team president, if you want to have a conversation with that person, just let it stay there. If you want to request a trade, request it quietly. Then, things won’t trickle down to your coach, your teammates and your fans. It had an effect on everybody, [even] the people working on the business side. Nobody was having any fun anymore. It was almost like the ending to a great movie, and it was a sad ending.” Nelson:「每一天我們到這,周遭都是關於Dwight想被交易或是Dwight希望Stan(總教練) 被開除之類的事情。除了正面的事情大家發現了什麼都對我們說,但我認為我們處理得很 好,我們仍然繼續獲勝,我們仍然在比賽並為此奮鬥。這些成為了每個人肩膀上的重擔, 從球員到教練員,花了很多時間處理所有這類的負面消息。職業運動中發生的很多事情只 需要留在更衣室或辦公室就可以了,不論是總經理、老闆還是領隊,如果你想找某人會談 ,就讓事情留在那裡,如果想要請求交易,就請安靜的去請求,這樣這些事情就不會滴落 在你的教練和隊友以及球迷身上,這些事情影響了球隊的每個人甚至業務人員。沒有人有 任何樂趣了,這就像是一部偉大電影的結局,而這是一個悲劇。」 Nelson noted that the franchise still found ways to win, which is fair because they made the playoffs. However, they were coming off of three years in a row of owning the best record in the Southeast Division and finished with at least 50 wins in each of those seasons. But in 2011-12, they entered the postseason as a No. 6 seed with a .561 win percentage (37-29). While most of the blame for the regression was put on Howard, Nelson did say that the big man shouldn’t get all of the blame. He told Kennedy that he hasn ’t had a chance to clear the air with Howard yet, but he hopes to eventually reconcile with the eight-time NBA All-Star. Nelson指出球隊仍然能找到方法贏球,這很公平,因為他們進入了季後賽,2008-09賽季 魔術連續三年擁有東南組最佳戰績並且每個賽季至少獲得了50場勝利。但在2011-12縮水 賽季,他們以0.561的勝率(37-29)排名東區第六進入季後賽。 儘管當時大多數人把戰績退步的責任都歸咎於Howard,Nelson說不應該讓Howard承擔所有 指責。Nelson告訴記者他還沒有機會和Howard消除隔閡,但是他最終希望能夠和這位八次 入選全明星的人和好。 “To put all of it on Dwight isn’t fair,” Nelson said. “To say, ‘If he would’ve stayed, things would’ve been the same…’ or, ‘He’s the reason why everything broke up,’ is not fair because there were other things that transpired as well. I’m sure there are certain things [that happened] that we ’ll probably never know. But I definitely would like to sit down and talk with him one day. And I’ve always rooted for him; I’ve been on his side and wanted to see him come out on top. But I’m definitely looking forward to that day when I get to sit down and talk with him and iron some things out.” Nelson:「把全部問題都歸咎Dwight是不公平的。說他如果繼續留下來情況還是會一樣, 或是說他就是讓一切破裂的原因,這些都是不公平的,因為還有其他事情在發生,我確定 有某些事情我們可能永遠不會知道,但是我絕對想坐下來跟他談談。我一直為他加油,一 直站在他那邊,希望看到他脫穎而出,我很期待哪一天能夠坐下來跟他談談並且釐清一些 問題。」 2012年暑假魔術總教練Stan Van Gundy被解僱 湖人透過四方交易得到Howard 魔獸人生第一季正式落幕 https://i.imgur.com/nM9owZk.png
隔年就是更轟動的魔獸人生第二季 https://i.imgur.com/RIDZXSV.png
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1576043527.A.295.html

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12/11 13:58, 4年前 , 7F
不過Nelson 2009年真的很猛 綽號小魔獸名不虛傳
12/11 13:58, 7F

12/11 13:59, 4年前 , 8F
有誤會和心結 時間到了就會解開的
12/11 13:59, 8F

12/11 14:00, 4年前 , 9F
雖然他很唸球愛自幹 不過FG還有五成
12/11 14:00, 9F

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12/11 14:02, 4年前 , 12F
那張是湖人打完那季 當初可能的下家
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12/11 14:10, 4年前 , 21F
區季後賽打得很好的街頭王Rafer Alston被冰
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12/11 14:22, 4年前 , 28F
去翻當年南尼季賽打湖人的紀錄就是數據很好 大范當
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12/11 14:22, 4年前 , 29F
年的決定在當時是有根據的可理解選擇 大家現在只是
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12/11 14:22, 4年前 , 30F
事後諸葛嘴大范 有點不公平
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12/11 14:24, 4年前 , 31F
有沒什麼對或錯 就大家在不對的時間遇到不對的人
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12/11 14:24, 4年前 , 33F
像TD在馬刺遇到波波 或 德佬被好老闆選到 那都是可
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12/11 14:30, 4年前 , 38F
南尼那季受傷前 也是打得不錯 只能說大范沒賭對
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12/11 14:47, 4年前 , 44F
表弟又不是整季養傷 季後賽第一輪才受傷的
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12/11 15:00, 4年前 , 45F
那張圖是當年搶魔獸搶最兇的隊伍啊 湖人火箭聲勢最
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12/11 15:05, 4年前 , 48F
魔獸去勇士應該已經拿到冠軍了吧 幫哭哭
12/11 15:05, 48F

12/11 15:09, 4年前 , 49F
還不是你太爛 還有臉嘴聖獸???
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12/11 15:38, 4年前 , 52F
南尼2009 finals 死不傳 在在
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12/11 18:00, 4年前 , 67F
howard如果沒去湖人 是沒有那麼多新聞的
12/11 18:00, 67F

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12/11 19:28, 4年前 , 71F
場 PG誰打都打不過湖人啦
12/11 19:28, 71F

12/11 21:02, 4年前 , 72F
Nelson Turkoglu Lewis 魔獸
12/11 21:02, 72F

12/11 21:04, 4年前 , 73F
魔術最後2-4 小李沒放槍可能還是3-3 真的沒想像中差
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12/11 22:53, 4年前 , 75F
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12/12 00:37, 4年前 , 76F
真的很雷當年東羅西河 南尼北莫中神科 個個都球霸
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