[外絮] 勇士教練Kerr談自由球員約及KD的降薪

看板NBA作者 (超☆冒險蓋)時間7年前 (2017/07/11 15:06), 7年前編輯推噓-1(333434)
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來源:The Mercury News 網址:http://tinyurl.com/ycpga6ga Exclusive: Steve Kerr talks Warriors free agency, Durant’s paycut, updates health, more 勇士教練Kerr談到勇士的自由球員,KD的降薪.... LAS VEGAS — Fresh off a vacation to Hawaii, Warriors coach Steve Kerr arrived in Las Vegas on Monday to check out some of his young players in summer league. Kerr從夏威夷度假回來後,就去賭城看在夏季聯盟的年輕球員。 He sat courtside with his wife and some of his staff, but periodically hopped around the arena to chat with a number of people around the league who nearly all opened with the same question: “How are you feeling?” 他跟他太太以及工作人員坐在場邊,偶而會起來跳一跳繞場一下,幾乎所有人開頭跟他聊 天的第一句話都是,「你覺得如何?」 “I feel good,” Kerr said. “If I could live in Hawaii and coach the team from there, I think I’d be fine the whole time.” 「我覺得不賴,」Kerr說。「若是我可以住在夏威夷然後遠距遙控管勇士的話,我想我整 季都會很不賴。」 Included among his stops, Kerr took time to sit down with the Bay Area News Group for about 10 minutes to discuss the Warriors’ eventful offseason, their free agency signings, Kevin Durant’s surprising paycut and more. Here is the transcript. Kerr接受灣區新聞記者的訪問,以下是逐字稿。 Take me through the free agency period from your perspective. A lot went down, but most importantly, you bring Steph (Curry), Kevin (Durant) and Andre (Iguodala). Everything has gone beautifully. Happy for Steph that he got paid. Happy for Andre that he was rewarded for what he’s done here and I think he’s got gas left in the tank. KD facilitated a lot of that. I think some of our other signings were good — Nick Young and Omri Casspi. We have more shooting now than we did a year ago, which is a big deal. Even though everyone thinks it was (a cruise) last year, there were games where we needed another shooter. 記者:「從你的觀點來看今年的自由球員期的整個過程,很多都已經塵埃落定,但是最重 要的,你們把Curry,鬮鶦S跟小AI都簽回來了。」 Kerr:「每件事情都漂漂亮亮的辦下來了,很高興Curry得到他應得的,小AI也為他在隊上 所做的付出得到了回饋,我相信小AI還有很多可以為勇士付出的;小鬮在這其中也幫助很 大。我們今年簽的一些球員也很不錯--老尖跟卡斯皮。我們得到更多的外線火力,比去年 還強。雖然很多人認為我們2016-2017球季是一帆風順,但是還是有幾場看起來我們需要另 一門砲。」 Were you part of that Andre back and forth at all at the start of free agency? Oh, yeah. 記者:「你有參與到跟小AI的協商過程嗎?」 Kerr:「那是當然的囉~」 I think he should be an agent when he’s done. He should represent other guys. 記者:「你怎麼看這個過程?」 Kerr:「我認為小AI退休後應該要去當經紀人,他可以代表很多球員。」 The decision by Kevin to take the huge paycut of nearly $9.5 million. Sounded like that surprised Bob (Myers). How surprised were you and what were your thoughts on it? I knew he was going to give up enough money to allow us to keep Andre and Shaun. I didn’t know he was going to go beyond that. A remarkable gesture. I told him it reminded me a little bit of Tim Duncan and his time with the Spurs. He made max money and then at key times in his career he took a little less so they could add a player here and there. The way the league works, the way the CBA works, it really kind of is up to the star player at key times to take a little haircut here and there. Whether that’s fair or not, I don’t know. But I do know that Tim knew it was dramatically helping his own career and KD understands the same thing. In the end, he’s going to make a fortune in his career. Already has and he hopefully is going to win more titles and that’s what he cares about. 記者:「鬮鶦S自砍了將近950萬鎂的薪水,聽起來制服組有驚訝到。你有驚訝到嗎?你的 意見?」 Kerr:「我知道小鬮會降薪,好讓我們可以把小AI跟李文斯頓簽回來,但我不知道他願意 放棄的比那還多,這真真正正了不起。我跟小鬮說他讓我想起TD跟馬刺,TD當初拿頂薪, 但三不五時就拿少一點,好讓球隊可以添一些球員。以目前聯盟運作方式,球員工會運作 方式,現在都要看明星球員在重要關頭願不願意少拿一點。這樣到底公不公平?我不知 道,但是我知道TD了解這樣的降薪其實對他自己的球員生涯也幫助很大,小鬮也了解。到 頭來,他也知道他一定會賺大錢,他現在也已經賺大錢,他現在在意的是能不能多拿幾個 冠軍。」 Sounded like you were really at the forefront of the chase to get Nick Young. I know your conversations with Luke (Walton) played a part and Bob said you really wanted him. Yeah. I think Nick fits our style. He’s 6-foot-7, great 3-point shooter, better defensively than he once was. Used to be a disaster defensively and Luke said he that he was excellent defensively for them last year. He knows how we play — switching, anticipating. We think he’s a perfect fit for us. That’s why Draymond and Kevin came to the meeting and sealed the deal. 記者:「在招募老尖的過程,你好像也是在第一線;我也知道你有跟湖人教練華頓有談 話,那在整個過程扮演一定角色;制服組說你真的很想要老尖。」 Kerr:「沒錯,我知道老尖會跟我們球隊很合。他六呎七,很好的三分射手,防守能力有 進步。小路有說老尖以前防守是個屎,但是去年一年改善很多。所以我們認為他跟我們球 隊會很合,所以那也是為甚麼嘴綠跟小鬮會一起下去開會,幫忙把老尖簽下來。」 Beyond your own free agents, was Nick really the one guy you identified as who you wanted to chase? Yeah, he was one of them. Again, it’s the way this league has evolved. Length and shooting, 3s and defense. And you also add a guy who can make a play off the dribble, finish at the rim and he can shoot, now you got something. That’s what we had with our roster the last few years. We’re adding another guy who is coming off the bench now with McCaw, Nick, Omri — that’s size, shooting, length, switchability. I think our team got better. 記者:「除了勇士自己的自由球員,老尖是你一開始就鎖定要搶的人嗎?」 Kerr:「叮咚叮咚!老尖是我想搶的其中之一,我再說一次,現在聯盟比賽重點是,遠 距,外線,三分跟防守,所以要選擇球員可以運球,可以灌籃,又要可以外線。所以我們 板凳現在有McCaw,老尖,卡斯皮,這樣的板凳有高度,有外線,多工球員,這樣的勇士變 更強了!」 Omri at the minimum. Is that one you are fist-pumping about? Yeah. He’s a proven player. He’s a really good player. So I didn’t know we ’d be able to get him for that, but timing is everything in this league. Like JaVale (McGee) last year. Sometimes it’s just the right time for the player and the team. I’m hoping that it’s the same case with Omri. I love the way he plays. He’s a proven 3-point shooter with deep range, great cutter, moves without the ball, going to fit right in with our offense. 記者:「卡斯皮拿底薪,你有暗爽到嗎?」 Kerr:「ㄏㄏㄏ~他是證明的好球員,所以我沒想到我們可以用底薪簽到他,但是現在這個 moment,時機就是王道,去年的MyyyyyyyyyyBoyyy也是一樣的情形。在一個對的moment, 就可以簽的下對的球員。我喜歡卡斯皮的球風,可投三分,可以切,可以無球跑動,跟我 們的進攻就是個合。」 How much do you credit Joe Lacob for paying for all of this? It’s unbelieveable. The bill that we’re going to have to pay is off the charts. So I give Joe and Peter (Guber) a ton of credit. They stepped up to the plate just like they said they would. We’re lucky. We have an organization that backs up the talk about being all about winning. 記者:「你覺得你要給勇士老闆在整個過程打幾分?」 Kerr:「當然是滿分啊!這個薪水單列出來是破表的餒!所以勇士老闆真的是佛心來著, 他們就是說他們會買單,他們支持這個球隊,目標就是贏球。」 How about these younger guys out here, starting with Patrick McCaw. Looked like he was going to have to step into a bigger role. Now you’re bringing a lot of your guys back, so he’ll still have to compete for minutes. But do you expect a jump from Year 1 to 2? Yeah. Oh yeah. You can see the confidence he’s playing with right now in summer league. I think the biggest jump you ever make in your career is between Year 1 and 2. Year 1 you realize you can play in this league. Now he’ s realizing he can be really good in this league. That’s how he’s playing. Given the way we’re going to approach next year, we’re going to play 100-plus games again, trying to get back to the Finals for a fourth year in a row. So we have to pace ourselves, find the right balance between improving, winning games and resting. I feel like we have enough depth where the way the NBA has promised to fix some of the scheduling, we’re going to probably rest one or two guys in any given game. No more than two in one game. We’re not going to do the four or five unless the schedule is a disaster again. But I think we can sit Andre and Shaun strategically and be comfortable with it because of Patrick and Nick and Omri. I’m pretty comfortable. 記者:「那年輕的球員呢?就拿McCaw來說,他進步非常多,可以上大場面,現在你們又加 了人,所以他可能也要競爭上場時間,你覺得下個球季能繼續進步嗎?」 Kerr:「ㄏㄏㄏ,那是當然的囉~~你可以看到McCaw在夏季聯盟展現的自信心,球員從第一 年到第二年會進步非常多;第一年你會知道你可以在NBA打球,第二年就是知道你會在NBA 打好的球,那就是McCaw現在的狀態。以現在我們的規劃,明年要打100+場,我們想連四年 打冠軍賽,所以我們必須在使球隊更好,贏得球賽,以及球員休息中取得平衡。所以,我 想要球隊輪值有足夠的深度,雖然聯盟說會讓賽程好看一點,我們大概還是會每場讓一到 兩個球員修休息。我們不會一次休息四到五個,除非賽程又排的太血汗。所以,以這樣的 陣容,我很放心可以讓小AI跟李文偶而休息一下,因為我們有McCaw,老尖跟卡斯皮可以 上。」 How about your newest rookie Jordan Bell? I didn’t think it would be possible that he’d still be there. He’s a good passer, active body, has a long way to go like every rookie that comes in the league. But he’s very athletic, stays in front of people like he just did right there (points at Bell as he properly shuts down a drive with a quick lateral slide). And he’s got a good mentor in Draymond. 記者:「那菜鳥Jordan Bell呢?」 Kerr:「他應該還不會進輪值。他可以傳球,活動度不錯,不過就像剛進聯盟的菜鳥一 樣,他還有一段路要走。不過他很積極,敢向前進,就像剛剛那樣(Kerr手指著Bell,剛好 側身擋下一個進攻)。更何況,他有嘴綠當他的導師。」 The last roster spot that’s still sitting out there. There’s some talk about maybe bringing JaVale back. Do you need another center? You ended last year with six centers, only have five right now. I would love to have JaVale back. We all want him back. But we’ll see how all that goes. He’s a free agent, he’s exploring his options. He was great for us last year, such a good teammate, high energy. But we’ll see. 記者:「輪值表上還有一個空位,有人說那可能是要留給MyyyyyyyyyyyBoyyyyy,你認為 呢?還要一個中鋒嗎?去年你們有六個中鋒,現在只有五個。」 Kerr:「我當然很想要MyyyyyyyyBoyyyyy回來,隊上的人都想要,我們就看事情怎麼發展 吧!他是個自由球員,他可以去看他有甚麼樣的選擇,他去年打得很好,是個好隊友,充 滿幹勁,我們就等著看吧!」 -- 我也想住在夏威夷,躺著就有戒指.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1499756800.A.D19.html ※ 編輯: pneumo (, 07/11/2017 15:07:39

07/11 15:08, , 1F
譯名打好很難嗎? 你要玩梗可以等到備註在玩
07/11 15:08, 1F

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07/11 15:11, , 5F
有人對KD超不滿我可以理解 只是連翻譯都要這樣會不
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07/11 15:15, , 8F
明年不會打100+啦 98場而已
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07/11 15:19, , 13F
比較納悶的是有人說KD降薪無關補強 但為什麼Kerr說K
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07/11 15:21, , 22F
35>>31這段有關補強 31>>25這段 老闆少繳錢
07/11 15:21, 22F

07/11 15:22, , 23F
你可以連兩年看 就把稅的預算再降低點給下季這樣
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07/11 15:23, , 25F
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07/11 15:24, , 26F
感謝你翻譯啦 但是那個詞跟本沒幾個人在用 沒梗的
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07/11 15:27, , 31F
哦哦哦 所以是沒必要降這麼多 我以為是有沒有降都無
07/11 15:27, 31F

07/11 15:27, , 32F
關 感謝解答
07/11 15:27, 32F

07/11 15:27, , 33F
勇迷崩潰? 信不信詹皇相關消息 譯名酸也沒出來該
07/11 15:27, 33F

07/11 15:27, , 34F
酸的有梗我也會覺得不錯 鬮鶦S 到底是3小?
07/11 15:27, 34F

07/11 15:27, , 35F
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07/11 15:29, , 36F
是酸詞喔 那補虛
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07/11 15:31, , 39F
07/11 15:31, 39F
還有 22 則推文
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07/11 15:50, , 65F
靠著一個背骨仔拿到一冠 跟風迷講話都可以大聲了
07/11 15:50, 65F

07/11 15:52, , 66F
怎麼有姆咪硬要扯在一起然後悲憤阿 可憐
07/11 15:52, 66F

07/11 15:56, , 67F
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07/11 15:56, , 68F
rry” “logo shot”這幾個簡單的字
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07/11 17:47, , 81F
太好笑 勇迷雙重標準 讓讓呢?
07/11 17:47, 81F

07/11 17:53, , 82F
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07/11 18:05, , 83F
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07/11 18:15, , 84F
少在那邊雙重標準 就是要給推怎樣?
07/11 18:15, 84F

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07/11 18:18, , 86F
老尖以前防守是個屎 XDD
07/11 18:18, 86F

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07/11 18:30, , 88F
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07/11 18:32, , 89F
坦白說現在頂薪高成這樣 再加上球鞋跟其他代言收入
07/11 18:32, 89F

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07/11 18:51, , 92F
都過多久了 還在崩潰 拍拍
07/11 18:51, 92F

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07/11 19:56, , 96F
鬮 每次看到這字就覺得很有趣
07/11 19:56, 96F

07/11 21:36, , 97F
nomorefoggy褲子可以穿起來了 難看 懂?
07/11 21:36, 97F

07/11 22:44, , 98F
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07/11 22:44, , 99F
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07/12 00:04, , 100F
Kerr說錯囉 今年總共就打 82+17=99場而已唷!
07/12 00:04, 100F

07/12 00:49, , 101F
鬮鶦S 好7 背骨仔跟TD比 zz
07/12 00:49, 101F
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