[專欄] 灰熊教練Fizdale力挺Parsons消失

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文章出處 https://goo.gl/ziMjZy MikeCheck: Fizdale defends Parsons, maintains patience amid struggles Posted: Mar 02, 2017 By Michael Wallace Grind City Media MEMPHIS – Relaying some of his strongest comments this season in support of Chandler Parsons, Grizzlies coach David Fizdale insisted Thursday the struggling forward remains a vital part of the team’s push toward the playoffs. 灰熊總教練David Fizdale堅信:灰熊小前鋒保有一股將團隊推向季後賽的生命力。 “All I know is I see a guy in here really trying to help us,” Fizdale said after Thursday’s practice at FedExForum. “And you better believe it – when he gets going, it’s going to be a huge lift to us. And I guarantee you a lot of people will be happy with him once that body starts moving.” 「我只知道這裡有個傢伙積極地想幫助我們。」David Fizdale在聯邦球場練習後說。 「而且你最好相信-當他提升起來,將會對我們一大助力。我向你保證,人們會很樂見他 的身體又開始動起來。」 No one is more eager for that breakthrough to come than Parsons, whose first season in Memphis has been overshadowed by a methodical and frustrating recovery from issues with both knees that have tarnished his impact in games. In the midst of Parsons’ struggles on the court have been occasional controversies in his dating life that have played out on popular social media platforms. 在灰熊的第一個賽季,Parsons飽受膝傷之苦,沒人能像他一樣更渴望找到突破點;但是 社交媒體經常報導他的八卦,這些事卻被忽略了。 In a sense, Parsons has had more highlight moments on celebrity gossip sites than he’s delivered on the basketball court this season. Those issues, combined with a four-year, $94 million contract he signed last July as the biggest incoming free agent in franchise history, have made the versatile 6-10 forward a polarizing figure in large segments of the Grizzlies’ fan base. 這讓大家感到Parsons在八卦網站上的highlight moments比他在賽場上還多,種種議題加 上他去年夏天簽的4年$9400萬大合約,讓這個6'10的小前鋒在灰熊的球迷中評價兩極。 Parsons, 28, is having the least productive season of his six-year career, averaging just 6.1 points, 2.3 rebounds and 1.2 assists while shooting 34.2 percent from the field and 25.9 percent from three-point range. He’s played in 30 games and has averaged 19.5 minutes a night in his first full season back from a second knee surgery he underwent last March while with the Dallas Mavericks. 28歲的Parsons,自去年三月在小牛膝傷後回歸的季賽,是他在生涯六季中上演最悲慘的一 季,平均6.1分、2.3籃板、1.2助攻,FG32.4%、三分25.9%、總共上場30次平均19.5分鐘。 Parsons has voiced his disappointment with his performance throughout the season as he’s battled to regain his rhythm while also coping with a program designed to manage his minutes and incrementally build his workload. He’s remained the Grizzlies’ regular starting small forward, although he has been limited to about 25 minutes and rarely plays in the fourth quarter. Parsons保有常規賽中的先發小前,但上場時間不超過25分鐘,且很少在第四節上看到他。 他對自己的表現相當失望,但他試著在有限的比賽時間裡找回節奏。 Fizdale has defended Parsons’ role in the rotation throughout the season, and did so again on Thursday when asked how he felt about some fans booing Parsons in the first half of Tuesday’s 130-112 win against Phoenix. Parsons, who scored in double figures just once in February, missed three of four shots and finished with four points, four fouls and two turnovers in 23 minutes against the Suns. 教練Fizdale在禮拜四對太陽的賽後訪問中被問及有關一些粉絲對Parsons發出噓聲的感想 ,他表示對Parsons在賽季中的腳色給予肯定。當日Parsons上場23分鐘,投四中一,共獲 得四分四犯兩失誤。 “I told you guys, my lens is different than everyone else’s,” Fizdale said before the team departed for Friday’s game in Dallas against the Mavericks. “I’d like to see some of these people come off some of the injuries he’s had and try to come out and play in an NBA game, and do it well. It’s difficult. So, I’m going to keep showing extreme confidence in him. I understand that it’s a real slow process. I’m happy that I have him for the minutes that I have him. We’re just going to keep working towards his rhythm. ” 在禮拜五將面對小牛隊之前,Fizdale說: 「我告訴你們,我的看法跟其他人都不一樣。」 「我很高興這些人在飽受傷痛之苦之時,能夠試著走出去打好每一場比賽。所以我會持續 給予他對大的自信心,我知道過程相當緩慢,我們會持續努力直到他找回狀態。」 Earlier this week, Fizdale had hinted he was considering possible changes to the rotation in search of effective combinations to complement Memphis’ marquee players. While Mike Conley, Marc Gasol and Zach Randolph have found a collective rhythm – they combined for 74 points in Sunday’s win in Denver and then 80 points Tuesday against Phoenix – they’ve gotten little consistent help from role players. Fizdale在這周前曾暗示他考慮改變戰術,基於Mike Conley、Marc Gasol和Zach Randolph 對金塊合力攻下74分,對太陽攻下80分,但其他球員的幫助卻很少。 Parsons was ultimately signed to supplement the Grizzlies’ primary offensive threats as a reliable fourth option. But with 21 games remaining in the regular season, the hope is he’s not a work in regress despite carrying a plus-minus ratio of minus-7 in Memphis’ three games since the All-Star break. The Grizzlies (36-25) were one of four teams separated by 1 ½ games entering Thursday night for the No. 4 seed in the Western Conference playoff race, which guarantees home-court average in the first round. Parsons被簽下目標是成為灰熊可依賴的第四人,但在明星賽後的3場比賽中他的+/-值卻 是-7。在西區排名中有四隊正角逐第四名(主場優勢)的位置,各隊勝差只有1.5場。 Fizdale continues to preach patience with the Parsons’ process. “Maybe it will help (critics/fans) to know that nobody on our team works harder than him,” Fizdale said of Parsons. “He’s in here every day, all night, either getting treatment, lifting, shooting. My coaches with families are staying in here late at night with him, because he carries that weight heavier than anybody.” Fizdale繼續講到Parsons: 「也許這對大眾的批評有些幫助,隊上沒有任何一個人比他還要認真。」 「他每天、每晚都在這裡,不管是接受治療、重訓、投籃。我的教練團隊每天都陪他到練 到很晚,他舉得比任何人都還要重。」 Therein lies the other issue with Parsons, who has been harder on himself than anyone. Teammates have constantly been in his ear to lift his confidence and support him throughout the season. Grizzlies assistant coach J.B. Bickerstaff, who coached Parsons in Houston two years ago, is also frequently with Parsons to boost both his spirits and his conditioning. Parsons對自己的要求比任何人都高,隊友們也不斷在耳邊給他信心和支持。灰熊助理教練 J.B. Bickerstaff也經常陪在他身邊提升他的身心狀況。 “He feels like he’s letting his team down, he feels like he’s letting this city down, and he doesn’t want that,” Fizdale said of Parsons. “I know people get on him about the social media stuff. That’s today’s athlete. I don’t know why people get all riled up.” 「他感覺他讓灰熊失望了,他感覺他讓曼非斯失望了,這是他最不想要的。」 「我知道人們因為他在社交媒體上的一些事抨擊他,現在運動員就這樣阿,我不懂人們在 吵什麼。」 Fizdale also hopes skeptics cut Parsons a break on social media, where he routinely engages followers with random Q&A sessions and is the source of backlash for sharing insight into his private life. Fizdale也希望Parsons少碰社交媒體,他之前在twitter上與球迷進行Q&A分享了許多他的 私人生活。 “They use it against him when they’re not playing well,” Fizdale said of Parsons’ critics. “‘Well, you shouldn’t be on there when you’re not playing well.’ When you’re playing well, you can get on there and tweet and everything else? So, I don’t get caught up in everything else.” 「當你打得不好的時後,他們會用這些東西來對付你。」 「當你打得很差,你不該去這些地方。但當你打得很好,你該上推特推文或是推其它東西 嗎?所以我這個人不會被抓到把柄。」 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 心得與感想: 可是前幾天跟太陽比賽 場邊有小模幫加油耶 https://goo.gl/NSPj8k 19歲 Bella Thorne IG https://www.instagram.com/bellathorne/ 明星賽周去墨西哥逍遙了 https://goo.gl/tMTkBD 幹...好爽 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1488527785.A.D60.html

03/03 15:57, , 1F
03/03 15:57, 1F

03/03 15:58, , 2F
其實蠻佩服這教練的,以後 Parsons 會不會復活不知
03/03 15:58, 2F

03/03 15:58, , 3F
03/03 15:58, 3F

03/03 15:59, , 4F
史上最強公關球員 人和也搞得不錯 以後當GM
03/03 15:59, 4F

03/03 16:00, , 5F
03/03 16:00, 5F

03/03 16:00, , 6F
教練不這樣講不行吧XD 打成這樣還有3年多 交易價值
03/03 16:00, 6F

03/03 16:00, , 7F
白人三號打個三年後多半有傷勢 但退化這麼多還2000
03/03 16:00, 7F

03/03 16:00, , 8F
03/03 16:00, 8F

03/03 16:00, , 9F
03/03 16:00, 9F

03/03 16:01, , 10F
03/03 16:01, 10F

03/03 16:02, , 11F
03/03 16:02, 11F

03/03 16:02, , 12F
教練當然要挺啊 自家人都嫌以後怎麼騙人買
03/03 16:02, 12F

03/03 16:02, , 13F
03/03 16:02, 13F

03/03 16:02, , 14F
03/03 16:02, 14F

03/03 16:02, , 15F
03/03 16:02, 15F

03/03 16:03, , 16F
他敢說啥...說了等於打臉GM好嗎 又不是花幾百的小咖
03/03 16:03, 16F

03/03 16:03, , 17F
他是不是除了老闆之外連教練裸照都有啊= =
03/03 16:03, 17F

03/03 16:03, , 18F
03/03 16:03, 18F

03/03 16:03, , 19F
灰熊應該還是得目標在第二輪 不然GM感覺遲早被火
03/03 16:03, 19F

03/03 16:03, , 20F
Parsons到底有什麼魔力 可以讓教練說的那麼好
03/03 16:03, 20F

03/03 16:04, , 21F
03/03 16:04, 21F

03/03 16:04, , 22F
去年小牛花了大半季他才恢復身手 結果就進IR
03/03 16:04, 22F

03/03 16:05, , 23F
03/03 16:05, 23F

03/03 16:05, , 24F
當然另一種可能是他才第四得分點 在球場上被使用率
03/03 16:05, 24F

03/03 16:05, , 25F
03/03 16:05, 25F

03/03 16:05, , 26F
更低 以至於更難恢復
03/03 16:05, 26F

03/03 16:06, , 27F
03/03 16:06, 27F

03/03 16:06, , 28F
03/03 16:06, 28F

03/03 16:06, , 29F
不過吃錯藥的不只是灰熊啦 別忘了拓荒者當時也在追
03/03 16:06, 29F

03/03 16:06, , 30F
03/03 16:06, 30F

03/03 16:06, , 31F
CP25要回小牛主場和Barnes正面對決 該爆發一場了吧
03/03 16:06, 31F

03/03 16:07, , 32F
完全不敢想像如果阿拓當時是簽下他 會是怎樣情境
03/03 16:07, 32F

03/03 16:09, , 33F
就是因為阿拓也在追 灰熊才急著簽 灰熊比阿拓還急迫
03/03 16:09, 33F

03/03 16:10, , 34F
灰熊主要陣容也打好幾年了 這幾年必須衝冠了
03/03 16:10, 34F

03/03 16:10, , 35F
03/03 16:10, 35F

03/03 16:11, , 36F
03/03 16:11, 36F

03/03 16:11, , 37F
他巔峰時期的表現太吸引人了 耐力好又3D
03/03 16:11, 37F

03/03 16:11, , 38F
03/03 16:11, 38F

03/03 16:13, , 39F
因為已經簽了 也交易不出去 只好無奈的支持
03/03 16:13, 39F
還有 44 則推文
03/03 17:43, , 84F
03/03 17:43, 84F

03/03 17:44, , 85F
03/03 17:44, 85F

03/03 17:45, , 86F
熊熊的其他隊友&教練蠻強的 有了怕爽死 場場四打五
03/03 17:45, 86F

03/03 17:45, , 87F
還可以保持在西區前8 不簡單
03/03 17:45, 87F

03/03 17:48, , 88F
03/03 17:48, 88F

03/03 17:52, , 89F
03/03 17:52, 89F

03/03 17:53, , 90F
看來是有塞錢給教練~XDDDD (誤
03/03 17:53, 90F

03/03 17:54, , 91F
03/03 17:54, 91F

03/03 18:05, , 92F
03/03 18:05, 92F

03/03 18:24, , 93F
03/03 18:24, 93F

03/03 18:26, , 94F
03/03 18:26, 94F

03/03 18:30, , 95F
03/03 18:30, 95F

03/03 18:36, , 96F
03/03 18:36, 96F

03/03 18:41, , 97F
03/03 18:41, 97F

03/03 18:42, , 98F
03/03 18:42, 98F

03/03 18:42, , 99F
03/03 18:42, 99F

03/03 18:43, , 100F
講笑話不用一大篇啦 這樣要怎麼找到笑點
03/03 18:43, 100F

03/03 18:46, , 101F
評價兩極? 我怎麼只看到一極
03/03 18:46, 101F

03/03 19:02, , 102F
03/03 19:02, 102F

03/03 19:02, , 103F
03/03 19:02, 103F

03/03 19:25, , 104F
第一年還沒跑完 總是要洗腦自己 不然日子怎麼過下去
03/03 19:25, 104F

03/03 19:31, , 105F
03/03 19:31, 105F

03/03 19:34, , 106F
03/03 19:34, 106F

03/03 19:38, , 107F
03/03 19:38, 107F

03/03 19:48, , 108F
我沒有被騙 他真的很好 他沒有騙我錢!
03/03 19:48, 108F

03/03 19:51, , 109F
03/03 19:51, 109F

03/03 20:16, , 110F
03/03 20:16, 110F

03/03 20:40, , 111F
白倫我偶像 真想拜他為師
03/03 20:40, 111F

03/03 20:41, , 112F
拿一對錢 沒做什麼事 還一對人幫他說話
03/03 20:41, 112F

03/03 20:41, , 113F
03/03 20:41, 113F

03/03 20:44, , 114F
小倫中der 精算師
03/03 20:44, 114F

03/03 20:51, , 115F
03/03 20:51, 115F

03/03 22:25, , 116F
03/03 22:25, 116F

03/04 00:05, , 117F
03/04 00:05, 117F

03/04 00:06, , 118F
03/04 00:06, 118F

03/04 01:12, , 119F
桑原不是沒靈力 是還沒覺醒
03/04 01:12, 119F

03/04 08:41, , 120F
03/04 08:41, 120F

03/04 08:48, , 121F
教練:大家認真點好嗎~~~ CP25:教練 下來領五百
03/04 08:48, 121F

03/04 12:37, , 122F
03/04 12:37, 122F

03/04 12:38, , 123F
03/04 12:38, 123F
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