[花邊] J.J. Redick的兼職工作

看板NBA作者 (Korver我腦公>//<)時間7年前 (2017/01/27 02:45), 7年前編輯推噓31(3214)
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來源網址: http://www.newyorker.com/news/sporting-scene/j-j-redicks-part-time-job 以下正文: Last March, J. J. Redick, a guard for the Los Angeles Clippers, confessed some of the worst financial mistakes he had made as a professional athlete. Shortly after being drafted by the Magic, in 2006, for instance, Redick purchased a house in Orlando, which he eventually sold at a loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Later, he splurged on a Porsche, which caused him back problems, before selling it two months later. And, at a charity auction, he bought a custom yellow golf cart with chrome rims, which didn’t have space to hold golf clubs (He got rid of that, too.) “I think youth may have something to do with these bad decisions,” he said. “God, I was stupid.” 去年三月的時候,快艇後衛J.J. Redick(以下簡稱JJ), 承認了一些他作為職業運動選手曾經犯下的財務上的錯誤。 在被魔術選走的不久之後,舉例來說,JJ馬上就在奧蘭多買了棟房子, 而這棟房子他最後脫手時賠了10幾萬。 而後,他撒大錢買了台保時捷, 在賣掉這台車的兩個月以前,它還讓JJ的背部有些問題。 此外,在一場慈善拍賣會上, 他買了一台黃色的高爾夫球車,但這球車沒地方放球桿。(當然JJ後來賣掉了這台車) 「我認為這些糟糕的決定可能跟當時太年輕有關」,JJ表示, 「天啊,我那時候超蠢的」 Redick, who is now thirty-two, revealed these bad decisions on a podcast—his own. “The Vertical Podcast with JJ Redick” grew out of a conversation that Redick had in 2015 with the sportswriter Adrian Wojnarowski, who was launching a new basketball publication for Yahoo. Wojnarowski asked Redick if he was interested in writing blog posts about life as a pro athlete, which could be published periodically throughout the season. “I started getting anxiety thinking back to my college term papers and having a deadline,”Redick told me recently. Besides, the idea seemed a little too similar to The Players' Tribune , a digital outlet that also publishes personal essays written by athletes. “I have no issue with The Players’ Tribune,” Redick said. “But if we’re going to do it, let’s do something different.” 而現在已經32歲的JJ,是在屬於他自己的Podcast(抱歉我真的不知道要怎麼翻比較貼切@@) ----The Vertical Podcast with JJ Redick,揭露這些糟糕的決定的。 “The Vertical Podcast with JJ Redick”,是在2015年時, JJ和那時正打算替雅虎發表新刊的運動專欄作家Woj的談話中誕生的。 Woj問JJ是否有興趣以運動員的身分用日常生活為題來寫部落格, 而這些將會在球季中定期的刊出。 「我開始感到焦慮,並想起了我大學時的論文和那些截稿日」, 除此之外,這個想法似乎和The Players' Tribune, 一個專門發表運動員所寫的文章的媒體太過相似。 「我對The Players' Tribune沒有意見,但如果我們要做的話,就做些不一樣的。」 Since débuting his podcast, last February, Redick has recorded forty episodes, each running about an hour in length. He told me that he usually spends a couple of hours preparing for an interview—and he books the guests himself, calling on the network of teammates, opponents, and coaches he has built over his playing career. (He’s also brought in guests from other fields, such as Aaron Rodgers, the Green Bay Packers’M.V.P. quarterback, and William C. Rhoden , a former sports columnist for the Times.) In the first episode, Redick and his former teammate Jared Dudley, who now plays for the Phoenix Suns, talked about everything from pregame shoot-around habits to the merits of the Beatles. (Redick thinks that they’re overrated. “Their music doesn’t seem as timeless to me as some other popular bands,” he said.) 自從去年二月第一次發表以來,JJ已經錄了40集,每集的長度都在一小時左右。 他通常都花好幾個小時來準備面談,而且他都自己找來賓。 靠著球員生涯以來建立起的人脈,他找過隊友、對手甚至是教練, (當然他也邀請過其他領域的來賓,如Aaron Rodgers,綠灣包裝工的MVP四分衛、 William C. Rhoden,時代雜誌的前運動專欄作家等) 在第一集時,JJ和他的前隊友、太陽隊的Jared Dudley, 大談各式話題,從賽前投籃練習的習慣,到披頭四的優點都聊。 (JJ認為披頭四過譽了,「他們的音樂對我來說不像其他樂團一樣不受時間影響的好。」) The line between sports and media has been blurring for a while. The Players’ Tribune was founded, in 2014, by the former New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter; Uninterrupted, which gives athletes a platform for posting short videos about their lives, was started, that same year, by the Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James. Meanwhile, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat have given pro athletes ways to speak directly to their fans. Redick’s decision to become a member of the media in the middle of his professional prime—and in the middle of the N.B.A. season—was just another step in that evolution. (Redick is paid, not by Yahoo but by DGital Media, which produces the podcast and handles sales.) 體育界和媒體界之間的分別早就已經沒那麼明確了。 The Players' Tribune是在2014年被前洋基隊游擊手Derek Jeter所創立的。 在同一年,由LeBron James所創立的Uninterrupted, 則提供了運動員們可以上傳有關他們生活短片的大、平、台。 同時,臉書、IG、推特、Snapchat都給了職業運動選手和粉絲們直接交流的機會。 JJ選擇在他的全盛時期(同時也是NBA球季中), 跨足媒體界只是這波潮流造成的影響之一。 Even though several of the early guests were friends and teammates of his, Redick was still anxious enough before taping the first dozen interviews that he had to drink a Shiner Bock to settle down. “I wasn’t drinking during the episode,” he clarified, “but I would be, like, ‘Oh, God, I’m nervous,’so I’d chug a beer real quick just to calm the nerves.” 儘管前幾集的來賓都是JJ的朋友或隊友們, JJ還是相當的焦慮到他必須在訪談前喝Shiner Bock(一種啤酒)才能安定下來。 「我絕對沒有在訪談的時候喝酒」,JJ澄清, 「我只是大概像"阿、我真的有點緊張,那就很快地喝點啤酒來冷靜一下"這樣子而已啦」 At its best, the podcast provides a frank athlete’s perspective on subjects that may get overlooked amid game recaps and hot takes. In an episode from August, Redick’s teammate Blake Griffin talked about his experiences doing standup comedy, before launching into a routine mocking postgame interviews. “You exercise for two straight hours and then somebody puts a microphone in your face thirty seconds after you’re done,” Griffin said. “Did you not think it was a bad idea to ask somebody who’s spent their entire life lifting weights and cheating their way through school questions on live TV?” 而這個podcast最好的地方就在於, 他能提供運動員們對於那些在比賽回顧中被忽略的事情的真實的看法。 在八月的一集裡,JJ的隊友Blake Griffin就提到一次他曾在賽後訪問前做脫口秀的經驗, 「在你運動了整整兩個小時的30秒後,某人把麥克風放到你面前」,Griffin表示, 「你不會覺得要去當場訪問一個,整個人生都在重訓、 而且在學一路作弊上來的人是個糟糕的主意嗎?」 A decade ago, Redick would’ve seemed an unlikely choice to emerge as a media trendsetter. At Duke University, where he celebrated his three-pointers, talked trash, and became the school’s all-time leading scorer, opposing fans generally hated him. (In 2013, Redick told Grantland, “I probably deserved it. I was sort of a prick.”) But when he reached the N.B.A. Redick at first struggled to earn meaningful playing time. Orlando eventually traded him to Milwaukee; then Milwaukee shipped him to Los Angeles, five months later. Along the way, his reputation evolved from cocky shooter to intelligent, hardworking veteran. While in Los Angeles, he’s had a front-row seat for some of the N.B.A.’s biggest stories, from the scandal surrounding ex-Clippers owner Donald Sterling, who was eventually banned from the league for racist remarks that were leaked to the press, to the more lighthearted free-agent saga of Clippers center DeAndre Jordan, who almost joined the Dallas Mavericks, in the summer of 2015, before shocking the league by changing his mind, amid a flurry of cryptic emoji-filled tweets from his teammates. 在10年之前,JJ看起來不像會成為媒體的潮流引領者。 在Duke的時候,他慶祝他投進的三分球、講垃圾話、並成為了學校史上的得分王, 對手的支持者通常都很討厭他。(在2013時JJ曾對此表示自己活該、他當時很蠢) 但當他踏入NBA以後,JJ一開始非常掙扎、甚至沒什麼上場時間。 魔術最終將他交易到了公鹿,而在五個月之後公鹿又把他賣給快艇。 在這過程中,外界對他的認知從驕傲的射手逐漸轉變成了個認真的老將。 待在快艇隊的時候,他近距離的接觸了不少NBA的大事件。 從醜聞纏身的前快艇老闆Donald Sterling、最終因種族歧視而被聯盟趕走, 到快艇中鋒DeAndre Jordan的自由球員鬧劇--在他改變心意的舉動震驚眾人之前, 隊友們還發了很多條充滿表情符號的推特。 Redick released one episode at the beginning of this season, in October, but after that decided to take a brief hiatus to focus on his game. “I will be at the arena shooting before the game, or at dinner, and people will come up to me and be, like, ‘Hey, man. I love the podcast,’ and I’m like, ‘That’s great. I appreciate it, but I’m a basketball player. I’m at work right now shooting threes, and you’re talking about a podcast.’ It’s just funny to me because I care so much about this job.” JJ在10月開季時發表了新的一集,但之後他決定要暫停並專心在球賽上。 「當我在球場進行賽前練投、或在晚餐時, 人們會走向我,並對我說些『我喜歡你的podcast』之類的話, 然後我就會回『太好了、我很感謝你,但我還是個職業球員。 我現在正在投三分,而你卻在跟我談podcast? 對我來說這有點好笑,因為我非常在乎籃球球員這份工作。Redick expects to return with new episodes later this season, but he made it clear that he doesn’t want to be a media personality when he retires. He may pursue an M.B.A., he said. Still, he has big short-term goals for his off-court career: “I’ve got to get Bill Murray on the podcast.” JJ預計在這季晚點才會出新的一集, 但他澄清在他退休之後並不想往媒體人的路發展, 他反而可能去念MBA。 當然,對於他場外的職涯他還是有短期目標的, 「我想邀請Bill Murray上我的podcast」 -- 以上翻得不好不順請大家多多指教了\( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ -- José Fernandez (1992-2016) NL RoY(2013) ASG(2013,2016) CYA-3(2013) Team Age G ERA W L IP H R ER HR BB SO ERA+ WHIP H/9 BB/9 SO/9 MIA 20 28 2.19 12 6 172.2 111 47 42 10 58 187 176 0.98 5.8 3.0 9.7 MIA 21 8 2.44 4 2 51.2 36 19 14 4 13 70 153 0.95 6.3 2.3 12.2 MIA 22 11 2.92 6 1 64.2 61 21 21 4 14 79 131 1.16 8.5 1.9 11.0 MIA 23 29 2.86 16 8 182.1 149 63 58 13 55 253 137 1.12 7.4 2.7 12.5 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1485456356.A.7AF.html

01/27 02:52, , 1F
deadline = 截稿日 ≠死線
01/27 02:52, 1F
Sorry把口語壞習慣帶來了 感謝~

01/27 02:52, , 2F
Griffin 作弊XDDD
01/27 02:52, 2F

01/27 02:54, , 3F
01/27 02:54, 3F

01/27 03:04, , 4F
Podcast 是不是可以翻成廣播節目?
01/27 03:04, 4F

01/27 03:04, , 5F
01/27 03:04, 5F
因為昨天無聊翻到這篇XD ※ 編輯: s90523 (, 01/27/2017 03:07:31

01/27 03:37, , 6F
Podcast會有影片嗎? 我聽Ted和Scriptnote是沒有
01/27 03:37, 6F

01/27 03:40, , 7F
有shiner 給推 德州在地啤酒
01/27 03:40, 7F

01/27 03:42, , 8F
奇怪 看了wiki JJ好像跟德州沒啥關係啊
01/27 03:42, 8F

01/27 03:44, , 9F
JJ在Austin有房子的樣子 (我是看我以前翻的外電說
01/27 03:44, 9F

01/27 03:44, , 10F
01/27 03:44, 10F

01/27 04:30, , 11F
原來如此 :P
01/27 04:30, 11F

01/27 04:39, , 12F
01/27 04:39, 12F

01/27 04:52, , 13F
Shiner buck 麥味特別重蠻好喝的
01/27 04:52, 13F

01/27 05:49, , 14F
Podcast 就是podcast XD
01/27 05:49, 14F

01/27 06:08, , 15F
給小楓推 翻得不錯順~~
01/27 06:08, 15F

01/27 06:25, , 16F
01/27 06:25, 16F

01/27 06:50, , 17F
01/27 06:50, 17F

01/27 07:34, , 18F
JJ!! NBA目前最帥射手 不服來辨!
01/27 07:34, 18F

01/27 07:50, , 19F
翻的很棒 感謝您~
01/27 07:50, 19F

01/27 08:03, , 20F
01/27 08:03, 20F

01/27 08:31, , 21F
01/27 08:31, 21F

01/27 09:03, , 22F
01/27 09:03, 22F

01/27 09:13, , 23F
01/27 09:13, 23F

01/27 09:18, , 24F
01/27 09:18, 24F

01/27 09:33, , 25F
Podcast就是廣播呀 翻譯推
01/27 09:33, 25F

01/27 10:11, , 26F
01/27 10:11, 26F

01/27 10:11, , 27F
01/27 10:11, 27F

01/27 10:26, , 28F
01/27 10:26, 28F

01/27 10:39, , 29F
長這麼帥 開節目剛好而已
01/27 10:39, 29F

01/27 10:49, , 30F
01/27 10:49, 30F

01/27 10:50, , 31F
01/27 10:50, 31F

01/27 10:52, , 32F
01/27 10:52, 32F

01/27 11:17, , 33F
01/27 11:17, 33F

01/27 12:09, , 34F
高爾夫球車沒地方放球桿 XDDD
01/27 12:09, 34F

01/27 14:17, , 35F
01/27 14:17, 35F

01/27 14:55, , 36F
01/27 14:55, 36F

01/27 23:11, , 37F
01/27 23:11, 37F
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