[情報] 勇士隊總經理透露對Kerr傷勢的擔憂

看板NBA作者 (XDGEE)時間8年前 (2016/06/29 23:59), 編輯推噓125(129457)
留言190則, 149人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Warriors GM reveals Steve Kerr still isn't healthy That emotional pain has always stayed with Kerr, and it always will. These days, however, it's physical pain that has the third-year coach potentially contemplating his future in the NBA. Kerr underwent back surgery before last season, and complications from the procedure resulted in spinal fluid leaking out of his spinal column. That injury has caused Kerr massive headaches and nausea while robbing him of his general well-being. He missed the first half of the 2015-16 season as he recuperated from the procedure. Yet even when Kerr returned, he wasn't quite himself; as Warriors general manager Bob Myers shared recently, Kerr is much sicker than he has let on. Via ESPN.com: "Steve is sick,'' Myers says. "I don't think people realize what he's gone through, what he continues to go through. If you asked him would he rather win a second championship or get his health back, it wouldn't even be close. He'd want to get well again. "So when you are trying to properly calibrate how much to care, and you have something going on like Steve does, it's hard to feel it as much as society or fans or even the media wants you to.'' [...] "I do worry there's a stress that he might not even notice that comes with it. The plan is for him to take all the time he needs to figure it out. Because I don't think he wants to go through another season like this. I don't think he can go through another season like this.'' L’état de santé de Steve Kerr inquiète toujours les Warriors Absent lors des 43 premiers matches de la saison, Steve Kerr était contraint au repos pour faire face à des complications (maux de tête, nausées, vertiges…) dues à deux opérations au dos l’été dernier. Revenu entraineur à plein temps après le brillant intérim de Luke Walton, l ’ancien Bull a mené les Warriors vers le record de victoires sur une saison puis à une petite marche du doublé en finale. Pour autant, les soucis de santé du meilleur coach de l’année n’ont pas disparu, comme il le confiait début mai. http://www.basketusa.com/news/369001/letat-de-sante-de-steve-kerr-inquiete-toujours-les-warriors/ 勇士隊總經理透露對Kerr傷勢的擔憂 勇士隊總經理接受採訪時透露了對於Kerr病情加重的擔憂:「我不認為人 們意識到Kerr經歷了什麼,以及他正在努力克服什麼。對於他來說,第 二個總冠軍和身體健康之間做出一個選擇的話,他會選擇健康的。」 也正如勇士隊球員們一直所說的,生活永遠大於籃球。 總經理繼續表示:「我擔心他自己也沒意識到接下來會有怎樣的壓力。 他需要花時間把問題找出來。我認為,他不想再經歷像2015-16賽季 的那種情況,他再也承受不起了。」 而一旦Kerr再度因為身體原因而缺席的話, 被他欽點為勇士隊首席助理教練的Mike Brown很可能會臨時執教這支球隊, 就像Luke Walton上個賽季所做的一樣。 心得: Mike Brown很有可能接手指導勇士隊 勇士迷: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1467215967.A.07B.html

06/30 00:00, , 1F
06/30 00:00, 1F

06/30 00:00, , 2F
06/30 00:00, 2F

06/30 00:00, , 3F
06/30 00:00, 3F

06/30 00:01, , 4F
想想這西瓜很威 都能接到陣容很不錯的團隊...OwO
06/30 00:01, 4F

06/30 00:01, , 5F
都是因為教練不健康啦 冠軍booo純
06/30 00:01, 5F

06/30 00:01, , 6F
06/30 00:01, 6F

06/30 00:01, , 7F
06/30 00:01, 7F

06/30 00:02, , 8F
06/30 00:02, 8F

06/30 00:02, , 9F
MB: 咖哩你就三夾中出手 我認識的王牌都可以做到阿
06/30 00:02, 9F

06/30 00:04, , 10F
06/30 00:04, 10F

06/30 00:05, , 11F
06/30 00:05, 11F

06/30 00:05, , 12F
MB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 帶到LBJ真爽
06/30 00:05, 12F

06/30 00:05, , 13F
06/30 00:05, 13F

06/30 00:06, , 14F
06/30 00:06, 14F

06/30 00:06, , 15F
06/30 00:06, 15F

06/30 00:06, , 16F
MB要當勇士隊總教練? 這比白海豚接任元首還可怕
06/30 00:06, 16F

06/30 00:06, , 17F
MB:換防後你就防守中鋒 LBJ做得到你也做得到
06/30 00:06, 17F

06/30 00:07, , 18F
先幫勇迷QQ 西瓜準備帶隊了
06/30 00:07, 18F

06/30 00:07, , 19F
把BS 也找來算了 下季拼狀元籤
06/30 00:07, 19F

06/30 00:07, , 20F
06/30 00:07, 20F

06/30 00:07, , 21F
06/30 00:07, 21F

06/30 00:08, , 22F
06/30 00:08, 22F

06/30 00:08, , 23F
這會造成連鎖反應 30號戰術也會增加Curry的受傷風險
06/30 00:08, 23F

06/30 00:08, , 24F
MB會不會下錯指令 球給LBJ
06/30 00:08, 24F

06/30 00:08, , 25F
06/30 00:08, 25F

06/30 00:09, , 26F
06/30 00:09, 26F

06/30 00:09, , 27F
06/30 00:09, 27F

06/30 00:09, , 28F
06/30 00:09, 28F

06/30 00:09, , 29F
06/30 00:09, 29F

06/30 00:10, , 30F
06/30 00:10, 30F

06/30 00:10, , 31F
少了他 又沒太大影響
06/30 00:10, 31F

06/30 00:10, , 32F
06/30 00:10, 32F

06/30 00:10, , 33F
06/30 00:10, 33F

06/30 00:10, , 34F
06/30 00:10, 34F

06/30 00:10, , 35F
06/30 00:10, 35F

06/30 00:10, , 36F
MB算是對LBJ很了解的人 這應該也算是一個對策
06/30 00:10, 36F

06/30 00:11, , 37F
MB又是防守專業戶 冠軍賽萬一對上也許有奇效
06/30 00:11, 37F

06/30 00:11, , 38F
MB:等一下跑這個戰術 Curry去底角待著 球給Green
06/30 00:11, 38F

06/30 00:12, , 39F
看他之前是脊髓液相關的 感覺很可怕
06/30 00:12, 39F
還有 111 則推文
06/30 08:58, , 151F
06/30 08:58, 151F

06/30 09:00, , 152F
06/30 09:00, 152F

06/30 09:11, , 153F
06/30 09:11, 153F

06/30 09:18, , 154F
沒奪冠 球員沒瓦解 教練團先瓦解
06/30 09:18, 154F

06/30 09:20, , 155F
06/30 09:20, 155F

06/30 09:20, , 156F
06/30 09:20, 156F

06/30 09:33, , 157F
06/30 09:33, 157F

06/30 09:38, , 158F
Kerr:我的頭 又在痛了
06/30 09:38, 158F

06/30 09:45, , 159F
06/30 09:45, 159F

06/30 09:47, , 160F
06/30 09:47, 160F

06/30 09:48, , 161F
MB專職防守不賴吧? 但是當HEAD....摁...?
06/30 09:48, 161F

06/30 09:51, , 162F
23號戰術 球給green
06/30 09:51, 162F

06/30 09:54, , 163F
Mike Brown: 球給咖哩
06/30 09:54, 163F

06/30 09:55, , 164F
MB:我視力不太好只看的到23 上面有五個字就對了
06/30 09:55, 164F

06/30 10:00, , 165F
KD :幹!!!
06/30 10:00, 165F

06/30 10:04, , 166F
06/30 10:04, 166F

06/30 10:10, , 167F
06/30 10:10, 167F

06/30 10:18, , 168F
乾 可以要天行者回來嗎?
06/30 10:18, 168F

06/30 10:19, , 169F
23號戰術重新啟動 Curry:我呢?
06/30 10:19, 169F

06/30 10:29, , 170F
結果變嘴綠下季 場均大三元
06/30 10:29, 170F

06/30 10:32, , 171F
kerr加油 希望沒事
06/30 10:32, 171F

06/30 10:36, , 172F
06/30 10:36, 172F

06/30 10:39, , 173F
06/30 10:39, 173F

06/30 10:44, , 174F
06/30 10:44, 174F

06/30 11:00, , 175F
哈哈哈哈哈 保重啦
06/30 11:00, 175F

06/30 11:35, , 176F
Mike Brown:把球給23號....啥? 不是姆斯是Green啊?
06/30 11:35, 176F

06/30 11:52, , 177F
06/30 11:52, 177F

06/30 12:06, , 178F
06/30 12:06, 178F

06/30 12:40, , 179F
06/30 12:40, 179F

06/30 13:19, , 180F
06/30 13:19, 180F

06/30 14:27, , 181F
06/30 14:27, 181F

06/30 14:55, , 182F
MB: KD來我們就有三套打法 球給Curry 給KD 給KT = =
06/30 14:55, 182F

06/30 15:41, , 183F
幹 笑死
06/30 15:41, 183F

06/30 15:53, , 184F
06/30 15:53, 184F

06/30 16:18, , 185F
06/30 16:18, 185F

06/30 16:29, , 186F
可以跟湖人提交易阿 MB <-> LW
06/30 16:29, 186F

06/30 19:29, , 187F
面試之神:不說了 擺顆西瓜 球給23
06/30 19:29, 187F

06/30 19:35, , 188F
06/30 19:35, 188F

07/01 00:06, , 189F
07/01 00:06, 189F

07/01 10:00, , 190F
07/01 10:00, 190F
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