[花邊] 真正的MVP:球星媽媽們的故事與建議 (一)

看板NBA作者 (看我幹麻 你把我當垃圾啊)時間8年前 (2016/05/10 02:28), 8年前編輯推噓14(1512)
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來源:ESPN 網址:http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/15482925/moms-nba-stars 時間:May 8, 2016 作者:Michael Wallace, Royce Young and Marc Spears The real MVPs: Moms of NBA stars share their stories and advice (part 1) 真正的MVP:球星媽媽們的故事與建議 (一) In this special -- and super-sized -- Mother's Day edition of 5-on-5, we asked seven moms of NBA stars past and present -- the real MVPs -- to share stories and experiences from raising their sons. 在這個特別的日子–母親節,我們訪問了七位NBA球星的母親,那些真正的MVP,請她們分 享一些關於養育這些球星們長大的故事與經驗。 1. What is your favorite Mother's Day memory? 1. 最難忘的母親節回憶是什麼? Jolinda Wade (Dwyane Wade's mom): Dwyane and my daughter, Tragil, they have always been in competition since they were kids, like, 'Who is going to make Momma the best card?' And Dwyane has always prided himself on being this good writer, and it seemed like he always knew what to say. And he'd always say, "Momma's going to cry when she reads my card." Jolinda Wade(Wade的母親):Dwyane和我的女兒,Tragil,從他們還是小孩的時候就一直 互相競爭著,像是「誰可以做出最好的母親節卡片?」而Dwyane總是以身為一個優質作家 而自豪,他總是知道要在卡片上寫些什麼。他總是說:「當媽媽看到我的卡片之後肯定會 哭的。」 So always on Mother's Day, they'd give me their cards. I've got four kids, and Dwyane's the only boy. And sure enough, I'd cry every time I read Dwyane's card. And he's running around like, "I told you! I told you!" So that always touched my heart, and that's a memory I'll keep forever because of their competition in expressing their love for me. 每次母親節他們倆總是會給我他們的母親節卡片。我有四個小孩,而Dwyane是唯一的男孩 。可以確定的是,每次我讀到他寫的卡片我都會哭,然後他就會在旁邊蹦蹦跳跳,像是在 說:「我就說吧!我就說吧!」那些卡片總是可以觸動我的心弦,所以這些就是我關於母 親節最深刻的記憶,因為他們總是爭著向我表達他們對我的愛。 Flo Allen (Ray Allen's mom): It was one Mother's Day when I was tired and in bed because I was working two jobs. So I was trying to get some rest, and Ray and his siblings came upstairs and brought me breakfast in bed. But the breakfast they brought me -- they had microwaved everything. They microwaved the eggs, and those eggs were so rubbery. But I had to eat those eggs. It was just the thought that counted. And that's one of the fondest memories I'll always carry. Flo Allen(Ray Allen的母親):有一次的母親節,那時我很累,正躺在床上休息,因為我 身兼二職。正當我在休息時,Ray和他的兄弟姊妹們跑到樓上並帶了早餐來床邊。不過他們 把所有東西都微波了。他們微波了那些雞蛋,那些雞蛋吃起來跟橡膠一樣。但是我必須吃 掉這些蛋。這是我當時的想法。而這就是我關於母親節最美好的回憶。 Wanda Durant (Kevin Durant 's mom): I have several favorites, including school-made Mother's Day cards that I still have, that I every so often reread. I am overwhelmed when I read their declaration of love for me. Wanda Durant(Durant的母親):我有好幾個最愛的回憶,包括學校的母親節卡片,我經常 重新閱讀這些卡片。當我讀到他們表明他們對我的愛時我感到非常驚喜。 And of course, Kevin's MVP Award acceptance speech, which was given a week or so before Mother's Day, of which I've designated as my Mother's Day speech. 另外理所當然的,Kevin獲得年度MVP時的演講,那是在母親節前一個星期左右,被我當成 是我專屬的母親節演講。 Lucille O'Neal (Shaquille O'Neal's mom): My best memory is when we'd all get together and eat as a family. I loved to cook when my children were younger. Even on Mother's Day, as with all of the other holidays, I would do the cooking, and they would be in the kitchen with me, just communicating as a family. And I love that. Lucille O'Neal(Shaquille O'Neal的母親):我最棒的母親節回憶就是當我們全家都聚在 一起以及一起吃飯時。當我的小孩還小時,我喜歡下廚準備料理給他們。即使是在母親節 或其他節日也不例外。當我在廚房忙時,我的小孩們也會在廚房裡陪著我,我們一起談天 說地。我喜歡那樣。 Back then, it was hard to cook something very, very special because the funds were limited. I had to take something simple and make it special. I fried a lot of chicken. We ate a lot of macaroni and cheese. And along with vegetables, like greens, it turned out to be our favorite meal on Mother's Day. We all appreciated it. Just the gratitude they showed made it special to me as a mother. 當時由於受限於經費,我很難可以做出什麼很特別的料理。我必須用普通的食材讓他們變 得特別。我做了很多炸雞。我們吃了很多通心麵和起司。以及一些蔬菜,這就是我們在母 親節最愛的餐點。我們都很感恩。僅僅是孩子們所表達出的感謝之情,就讓我感受到身為 一個母親的特別之處。 Marie Hollaway (Kyle Lowry's mom): Ever since he's been in the league, every Mother's Day is my favorite Mother's Day because the greatest gift is to watch my son living out his dreams. Marie Hollaway(Lowry的母親):自從他進入聯盟後,每個母親節都是我最愛的母親節,因 為可以看著我的兒子活在他的夢想生活中,就是給我最棒的禮物。 Now, he has gotten much, much better with his cards. I can tell he's really taking the time to make sure they're on point. A lot of the time, they used to go in the store and grab any card. But now I've noticed he's taking his time to make sure the card really says what he means. 而現在,他做的母親節卡片也比以前的好多了。我可以感到他確實花了很多時間讓他的卡 片別出心裁。之前他常常只是去店裡隨便抓一張卡片來。但是現在我注意到他已經會特別 花時間確保卡片上真的是他想要表達的。 Michelle Carter-Scott (Vince Carter 's mom): The one that sticks out in my mind was Vince's first year in the NBA. He surprised me with a new Mercedes. The Mercedes was purchased in Columbia, South Carolina, and it was transported to me. When the gentlemen drove up to my house and knocked on my door, he said, "I have a delivery for you. It's a brand-new car." Michelle Carter-Scott(Carter的母親):我永遠記得的一次是Vince剛進NBA的第一年那次 。他給我一台全新的賓士車作為驚喜。那台賓士是在南加州哥倫比亞買的,接著就轉交給 我。當那位紳士開著車到我家門口並且敲門時,他說:「我有一個東西要給你。是一台全 新的車。」 I looked on the truck, and I could see the Mercedes, and I said, "Sir, you must have the wrong address." And he said, "Are you Michelle Carter?" And I said, "Yes." And he said, "Well, I have the right address." And I immediately began to look for my cell phone to call Vince because I knew he had to be the one to do that. 我看著這台車,發現它的賓士標誌,我說:「先生,我想你一定搞錯地址了吧。」然後我 馬上拿起手機打給Vince,因為我知道這件事肯定是他做的。 Mary Babers-Green (Draymond Green's mom): Dray came back to Saginaw for Mother's Day after not seeing him for a while (in 2013) and brought me and my mom Louis Vuitton bags. My mom was so excited. My whole family got together, and it was one of those times after my dad had passed away. That was probably the best one. Mary Babers-Green(Draymond Green的母親):在2013年時,Dray為了母親節特地回到了 Saginaw,並且帶了LV包包給我和我的母親。我的母親非常興奮。我們全家都聚在一塊兒 ,這是自從我的父親過世後其中一次的家族團聚。我想這應該是最棒的一次母親節吧。 --- 無意看到這篇文章,還滿有趣的,應該是母親節企劃之類的, 是ESPN訪問Wade, Ray Allen, Durant, Shaq, Lowry, Carter和Draymond Green的母親, 算是一篇頗長的文章,有五個主題,每一個主題都會訪問以上幾位的母親, 就找時間翻譯一下貼上來分享,不過因為文章對我來說太長, 所以大概就一次發一個主題,這篇就是短短的前言加第一個主題。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1462818539.A.A50.html

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英文沒有很好(其實中文也是), 但是希望盡量翻得意思有到和順暢, 如果哪裡翻得有問題可以跟我說,感謝。

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不得不說NBA真的是一種矯情的運動 整天在那賣老母
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※ 編輯: roger29 (, 05/10/2016 10:50:43

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