[外絮] 敬這個世代 我們的MJ Kobe Bryant

看板NBA作者 (*楓情雪戀*)時間8年前 (2016/04/25 00:48), 8年前編輯推噓37(612410)
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原文網址:http://goo.gl/xbdhnE Thousands made a pilgrimage 20 years ago to a pyramid not to pay homage to the ancient dead, but to witness a greatly anticipated birth. They braved the notorious traffic and ignored a day made for the beach to spend the afternoon inside and satisfy a curiosity that made them excited. 20年前,數以千計的人去金字塔朝聖,不是為了紀念古老的失去,而是為了見證偉大 的誕生。他們忍受著惱人的交通、放棄可以在沙灘上度過的完美時光,只為了花一個下午 滿足他們興奮的好奇心。 They had to know: Does he really exist? 他們迫切的想要知道,這個人真的存在嗎? This place of worship was indeed named The Pyramid, a Disneyesque knock-off of the famous shrines in Egypt, 18 stories of glass and silver soaring above the Long Beach State campus. It houses a sports arena that's home to the school's basketball team, and in 1996 was the site of the NBA Summer League. 這個地點就叫做金字塔,18層樓高的建築豎立在長灘分校的校區裡,這棟建築孕育著 學校的籃球隊,同時在1996,它也是NBA夏季聯盟的比賽地點。 Usually, these games involving fringe NBA players draw fans who are bored hoop junkies looking for a summertime fix, except on July 14 of that year, the box office line ribboned around the block and spilled into the parking lot. The Long Beach summer league had never sold out for a single game before, until now. This became the first documented proof of the reach and pull of one Kobe Bean Bryant, an appeal that would eventually stretch well beyond that line and last a basketball lifetime. 通常呢,參加夏季聯盟比賽的人除了接近NBA的球員、就是一些籃球迷想在夏日找一 些樂子,但在這年的七月十四這一天可不一樣。售票處大排長龍,而隊伍一路延伸到了停 車場。在長灘這邊的夏季聯盟比賽門票從來沒有賣完過,直到那一刻。這成為了第一個人 們為了KOBE瘋狂的紀錄,而Kobe的影響,最後遠遠超過了這些排隊的人們,並成為了籃球 歷史上的永恆。 Funny thing about his official debut in a team-issued Lakers uniform: Kobe back then was mostly word of mouth. He had no deep basketball history; he wouldn't turn 18 for another two months. He didn't play college ball and therefore wasn't overexposed, missing the chance to get the usual gushing from ESPN analyst Dick Vitale in the NCAA tournament. 在Kobe身穿湖人球衣的第一場公開演出中有很多有趣的事情,因為大家對Kobe並不太 了解。他沒有很深的籃球背景,他還要兩個月才會滿18歲,他也沒有打大學籃球所以他沒 有得到太多的曝光機會,他沒有機會讓ESPN專門分析NCAA的 Dick Vitale對他做出評價。 He groomed his game far across the country, in Philadelphia, via Italy, and therefore few if any in the Pyramid actually saw him in person before. Because this was pre-LeBron, his high school games weren't breathlessly televised or exploited on cable. This was also pre-Twitter, and there was no YouTube back then; therefore no mixtapes. 他的籃球起源橫跨了國家,從費城到義大利,當時在場館裡看過他打球的零星可數。 而且,那時是Lebron之前的時代,Kobe的高中籃球比賽沒有透過電視進行轉播,那時候也 沒有Twitter、Youtube也沒有,所以也沒有什麼高光之類的東西。 Yet, people knew. They just knew. 然而,人們還是知道了。他們就是知道了。 They knew their beloved Los Angeles Lakers surrendered a lovable Serbian seven-footer to get this kid — yes, there was actually some public debate whether deal-meister Jerry West erred in the Vlade Divac-for-Kobe Draft-day swap — and therefore he had to be worthy of the interest. Mystery combined with hope made for an irresistible appetite for Kobe. 因為他們深愛的洛杉磯湖人用了一個塞爾維亞的優質7呎長人去換來這個小子,在當 時,有各種聲音質疑著Jerry West是不是做錯事了?所以這個小子最好要值得這項投資。 各種疑問伴隨著希望,成為了Kobe第一個面對的情況。 Wearing his sweatband high on his left arm, much like his idol Michael Jordan, the kid pumped 27 points on a variety of slippery moves against the Detroit Pistons in his first Summer League game, then dropped 36 on the Phoenix Suns. The standing room-only crowd cheered every basket. Del Harris, the Lakers' coach then, tried in vain to calm the masses: "It's just Summer League, folks. It doesn't count." 就像他的偶像MJ一樣,把防汗帶帶在左手臂上,這個小子在他的第一場夏季聯盟比賽, 就用各種姿勢轟下了27分。然後呢?在面對太陽的比賽,更是豪取了36分。整場的觀眾為 了他的每一個進球而歡呼。Del Harris,當時的湖人總教練,不想太過誇大這些表現:"這 些只是夏季聯盟的比賽而已,沒什麼大不了的。" One of the assistant coaches for the Suns was Alvin Gentry, now a 25-year NBA coaching veteran. Gentry chose to believe his eyes that day: "It was unreal," recalled Gentry. "Nobody on the floor could stop this kid. I would say he was a man among boys, except he was just a boy." 現在的資深教練,當時太陽的助理教練Alvin Gentry,選擇相信自己的眼睛並且表示 :"這太不真實了,在場上沒有一個人可以阻止這個傢伙,他雖然是個小孩,但他看起來 就像一個男人在跟一群男孩打籃球一樣。" Kobe Bryant is now 37 and ready for retirement, and plenty has been said about Kobe in the two decades in between. He even summed up his profile in a pre-packaged, marketable two-word assessment: "Hero/Villain." Feel free to choose your side, or accept both. What is undeniable, though, is how he elevated himself a notch above the many great players in this aspect: Only a select handful managed to cast a spell over an entire generation. Kobe如今已經是個要退休的37歲老人了,在這20年間有太多太多關於他的評論,他甚 至總結了自己的生涯成簡單兩個詞,英雄,或是混蛋。你可以自由的選擇你的喜好,或同 時接受這兩個角色。但你無法否認的是,他把自己提升到了超越許多偉大球員的高度,只 有少數幾個人能像他一樣,影響著一整個世代。 In that sense, Kobe had it. Bill Russell and Oscar Robertson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar were among those who did not. Michael Jordan did, too. Larry Bird and Magic Johnson did as well, thetwo pioneers forever joined at the waistband who went about re-energizing the game. What about Allen Iverson and the way he was worshipped by Generation X? Yes, without a doubt. Kobe做到了。羅素爺爺、羅伯森、天鉤也在這個行列中。當然,MJ。大鳥還有魔術也 在這裡,用自己的方式重新詮釋了比賽。那AI呢?無庸置疑,他影響著X世代且被尊敬著。 Kobe is a member of that club. Kobe is a cinch candidate to be carved on a Millenniums' Mount Rushmore, and that is the legacy he's leaving us with. Not the 81-point game, or the three titles with Shaq, or the two without, all of which are obviously quite considerable in their own right. Yet they're mere achievements and entries on a Hall of Fame resume. The true and lasting meaning of what Kobe did is scribbled across the faces and styles of a legion of players he's leaving behind, such as the Indiana Pacers' Paul George, who stammered recently when he took a stab at what Kobe did for him: Kobe是這個團體的成員,他是有資格被刻在籃球總統山上的球員,寫下了一篇傳奇給 我們。他留下來的不只是那場81分的比賽,或是三個有著俠客的冠軍,或是另外兩個冠軍 。所有的這些成就當然很重要,但也就只是些進入名人堂的資料。真正流傳下來的,是他 的精神和風格。就像Paul George談到Kobe對他的影響時表示: "I mean, part of the reason why I'm here is because of him," said George, a three-time All-Star. George grew up in Southern California and, like thousands of impressionable young playground rats, was sucked in by Hurricane Kobe. "He sent me to the gym when I was a kid to work on my game. I tried to be like him. I watched him and tried to copy him." "我的意思是,我今天能在這裡有一部分是因為他",這個三屆全明星球員,成長在南 加州,就像其他小孩一樣,著迷在Kobe旋風之中。"他在我是小孩的時候讓我進體育館琢 磨自己的技術,我想要像他一樣,我看著他打球並且想成為像他那樣的人。 How exactly did Kobe dictate the way millions watched and played basketball? Why was he christened by today's players as "our Jordan" so much more than any other? Well, the formula that created Kobe is actually easy to understand. It was made possible by one-part circumstance and one-part Kobe himself, the perfect basketball marriage. 到底Kobe影響了多少人觀看和打籃球的方式?為什麼他遠比其它球員更接近"當代喬 丹"這個稱號?塑造Kobe成為Kobe的原因其實很好理解。或許,一部分是因為時勢,一部 份來自Kobe自己,他和籃球的完美結合。 Here's how the basketball Gods delivered their end of the deal: Jordan was nearing the finish line of his career and preparing an exit strategy when Kobe was developing. There was a strong demand for a fresh copycat. Kobe spent his entire career in splashy Los Angeles with the biggest brand in American sports after the Dallas Cowboys and New York Yankees. He entered the NBA as a teenager and hooked that demographic. And, he had the fortune of joining a Lakers team that just signed Shaquille O'Neal and was ready to paint an era purple and gold. 籃球之神給了我們這樣的訊息:在MJ漸漸接近他的職業生涯終點的同時Kobe正一步步 成長,大家也渴望找到下一個MJ。Kobe整個生涯都在湖人隊這全美第三大的球隊裡渡過, 僅次於達拉斯牛仔和紐約洋基,有著廣大的市場。同時,他有幸加入的湖人剛剛簽下了俠 客,正朝著他們的紫金王朝邁進。 Meanwhile, Kobe did his part by relentlessly sharpening his game, showmanship and competitive stink-eye stare, enhancing the notion, real or not, that no one was more bloodthirsty. 另一方面,Kobe努力提升自己的比賽,磨練自己的技術和競爭能力,沒有人對勝利的渴望 比他還要更強。 As he prepares to wave good-bye, it's proper to seek the answers to what we just witnessed for two decades. For the best clues you must rewind to the foundation, right after that Long Beach summer league, which first opened our eyes and Kobe's. 在他要跟我們揮手道別的此刻,是時候來找尋這些問題的答案。讓我們倒帶回去故事 的開始去找尋線索,就在Kobe的夏季聯盟之後。 You start by observing a typical flight on the Lakers' charter in the 1996-97 season where, not long after reaching cruising altitude, the plane would transform into a lounge. The poker games began, and they were boastful and loud. Other players chatted up flight attendants. Some took a nap. One player stood out for being solitary. 你首先看到的是一架很典型的球隊班機,在達到航行高度後不久,機艙開始變成一個 休息室。有些人打著撲克牌,嘻笑打鬧著。有些球員在搭訕空服員,有些球員在睡覺。但 是,有個人完全置身事外。 "Kobe didn't play card games or socialize or really do any of that. Kobe would look at videos of basketball, being totally oblivious to any of the shenanigans Shaq might be up to that kept the rest of the team loose," recalls Harris. "He had no interest in anything except getting ready for the next day." 總教練Harris回想:"Kobe不會去玩撲克或是去聊天之類的那種事,他只會非常專注在 看那些籃球的影片,就算俠客在那邊搞笑或惡作劇也完全不會影響他,他對任何事情都沒 興趣,除了準備好面對明天的比賽。" Harris spent 25 years on a bench the NBA and was attuned to the NBA lifestyle and culture. The sight of an 18-year-old Kobe spending his free time studying tapes of Jordan and other stars was a switch. But Kobe's relationship with those videos went deep. Growing up in Italy without nightly NBA games, videos were his only way to see the players he'd heard about in the States. It also afforded Harris, the coach for Bryant's first two seasons plus 20 games, a front-row seat to observe the singular focus of a basketball nerd who would become an all-time great. 有著25年教練經驗的Harris對NBA的生活和文化是再熟悉不過了,但18歲的Kobe觀看 Jordan影片的行為是特別的,而且Kobe跟這些影片的關係更深,因為對成長在義大利的 Kobe來說,晚上沒有NBA球賽可看,所以這些影片是他唯一可以觀察到這些他耳聞的球員 的機會。這也給了Harris一個最好的位置,一個位置去看著一個籃球癡,如何專注且全心 全意的邁向偉大。 "Of course, being under aged, he was not lured into the club life, but seemed to have no interest in it anyway," Harris said. "He exuded the qualities that one would hope for an 18-year-old. He was just a regular kid for the most part, not like many youthful people who come into instant fame in LA." Harris談到:"身為一個未成年的孩子,他看起來對那些炫麗的夜生活完全不感興趣。 你可以在他身上找到所有你希望在一個18歲的孩子身上看到的特質,不像一些年輕人會馬 上沉迷在名聲上。 Harris saw that being a kid trapped an adult world actually forced Kobe to focus on basketball. While his adult teammates went their separate ways after practice, Kobe was left to himself. With few friends his age around to occupy his time, he played ball. It was either that or nothing. He had no hobbies or other passions. He grew tired of sitting at home with his parents, who at the time lived with him. 身為一個身處在大人世界的孩子,讓Kobe更加專注在籃球上。當隊友在練習結束各自離開 後,Kobe把這些時間留給自己,跟他同年齡的幾個朋友打球來填滿這些空閒時間。他沒有 其他的興趣或嗜好,也厭倦只是在家陪著他的父母。 Hard to imagine it now, but as a rookie Kobe would show up at high school gyms, health clubs and even parks to copy moves he saw on those videos in private, or play pickup games against total strangers, because the Lakers lacked their own permanent facility. (He missed most of his first training camp because he broke his left his wrist playing on Venice Beach.) 很難想像,Kobe在菜鳥時期會獨自一人在體育館、健身房、或是公園裡練習那些他在 影片裡看到的動作,或是去找陌生人鬥牛。(Kobe錯過了他的第一個訓練營因為他在 Venice Beach鬥牛時弄傷了他的左手腕) From an age standpoint, Kobe didn't fit in with the Lakers. From a basketball standpoint, he was very much in his element. Being the son of former Philadelphia 76ers reserve Joe "Jellybean" Bryant meant Kobe was exposed to professionals first as a young boy. He then studied professionals in Europe when Joe Bryant continued his career there and, lastly, Kobe the high schooler played in the summertime in Philly against NBA talent. 從年紀的觀點來看,Kobe跟湖人格格不入。但從籃球的觀點來看,他知道很多籃球的 元素。身為前76人球員Joe Bryant的兒子,讓Kobe很早就得以接觸職業籃球員,然後在 Joe在義大利打球時,也繼續學習。另外,Kobe在高中的暑假會和NBA球員一起打球。 "When we chose sides for the teams," said Rick Mahorn, a regular at those games in Philly, "he wasn't the last one picked." Rick Mahorn說:"當我們選邊對抗的時候,他不是最後一個會被選走的人。" Bryant never feared big moments 從不畏懼大場面 Kobe's transition into the NBA was easier than most preps-to-pros players in another respect. Kevin Garnett, LeBron James, Dwight Howard, J.R. Smith and others were drafted by rebuilding teams that lacked talent and lost often initially. The Lakers were fresh off a 53-win season and just traded for O'Neal. There was no immediate pressure on Kobe, who was the caddy to All-Star shooting guard Eddie Jones, coming off the bench for all but seven games in his first two seasons. And as the first guard ever drafted straight from high school, Kobe still had a teenage body -- lean and scrawny with muscles still under construction. Kobe的起步相比於喇叭詹、狼王、JR、草莓獸等要來的容易些,他們大部分的球員都 是被重建且缺乏天分且習慣輸球的隊伍選中。Kobe呢?湖人上個賽季拿下53勝,並且剛得 到俠客,前面還有個全明星後衛Eddie Jones,所以Kobe前兩個賽季除了七場比賽外全都 是由替補出發,而身為一個高中跳級生,Kobe的身材還不夠成熟,缺乏肌肉和對抗性。 Yet Harris said Kobe never saw himself as an apprentice or secondary player. In his mind, said Harris, Kobe was more ready than anyone believed. 然而,Harris覺得,Kobe從來沒把自己視成一個替補或學弟,在他的腦海裡,他比所有人 認為的都還要充滿自信。 "While it was a disappointment to Kobe to be relegated to the bench, as competitive as ever as a teenager, he managed it," said Harris. Harris說"這對一個充滿競爭慾望的年輕人來說,只能從板凳出發是一件令人失望的 事。" The coach felt nudges from fans and even within the Laker organization to give Kobe more playing time, almost from the start, and those demands accelerated at midseason when Kobe won the 1997 dunk contest. Yet Harris, whose role in Kobe's development remains underrated to this day, wouldn't budge. 打從一開始,Harris就受到了來自四面八方的壓力,不論是從球迷還是管理階層,希 望Kobe能有更多上場時間。這些聲音在Kobe拿到灌籃大賽冠軍之後變得更大,然而Harris 對Kobe的角色定位沒有絲毫動搖。Harris說: "Everyone wanted the microwave treatment for Kobe. I knew that was not the right thing to do and my players were watching closely to see if I would give in and favor Kobe. My decision was to talk to Kobe and tell him how it was going to be and why I thought it was better for him if we followed my plan. I told him I was going to treat him as a man, not a teenager. He would have to do the same things as anyone else to earn playing time. 每個人都迫切的想要我把他馬上放到場上,但我知道這樣做不是正確的,而其他球員 也都在看著我會怎麼做,會不會給Kobe特別待遇或特權。而我找了個機會跟Kobe談話,告 訴他事情是怎麼樣的,並且告訴他我認為按照我的計畫對他來說是比較好的。我告訴他, 我不會把你當作一個年輕人,我把你當作一個男人看待。而你,就要像其他男人一樣,自 己想辦法去爭取自己的上場時間。 "I said his journey would begin like that of a challenger to the heavyweight title and he would have to knock out the players whom he was playing behind, and that all ties would go to the veteran player." "我告訴Kobe他的旅程會像是一個要挑戰重量級拳王的挑戰者,他要去跟所有在他面 前的人競爭,並試著戰勝所有在他面前的球員。 In terms of issuing a challenge, Harris essentially tossed a tennis ball to a puppy. The team noticed how Kobe stayed later at practice, just him and the gym lights. Harris asked Byron Scott, then 35 and on his last NBA legs, to mentor and keep Kobe's spirits up (in a coincidence, Scott is now Kobe's final NBA coach). Playing time remained parceled as Kobe averaged only 161 minutes his rookie season, and Harris knew the competitive side of Kobe seethed. But there were no issues between coach and player. 為了面對這個挑戰,球團注意到Kobe每天練完球都還會自己留下來練習,體育館只有 燈光陪著他。Harris要求Bryon Scott這個老將去指導Kobe,學習聯盟的知識。而隨著時間 的流逝,Harris知道Kobe的競爭心日益沸騰。 Late in the season, as the Lakers prepared for the playoffs, Kobe approached Harris with an idea that would help define Kobe's competitive drive. 在球季的尾聲,當湖人在準備季後賽時。Kobe主動去找Harris的一段談話充分展現了他的 競爭心和企圖心。 "He asked if I would move Shaq out of the paint so he could take a player one-on-one. He said he could take anyone in this league," Harris said. "I answered that we were not going to do that now, that I can't move Shaq out, but your day would come." Harris說:"他問我能不能把俠客移出禁區,這樣他就可以做一對一單打。Kobe跟我說, 他可以打贏這聯盟裡的所有人。我告訴他,我們現在不會採取這個意見,但是你的時代 有一天一定會來到的。 How prophetic that it would arrive sooner than either thought. Game 5 of the 1997 Western Conference semifinals against the Utah Jazz will be forever known for Kobe's air balls, one at the end of regulation and three more in overtime. Those shots were a critical point in Kobe's evolution as a great player, although it escaped many at the time as the Lakers lost the game and, eventually, the series 4-1. 這一天來的比這兩個人想的都快。1997西部準決賽第五場,這一天會被永遠流傳為 Kobe麵包日,在正規時間結束前寶春一顆,延長賽再來三顆。這對Kobe來說,是成長為 好球員的一大關鍵,雖然湖人輸了比賽,被4-1掃地出門。 "It was an early turning point for me," Kobe said. "It helped shape me." Kobe說:"這對我來說是生涯早期的轉捩點,這幫助我的成長。" Those shots were made possible by Shaq fouling out, leaving the Lakers without their primary option. They still had Jones and Nick Van Exel, but with the score tied in regulation, Harris drew the hero play for Kobe, and never thought twice. 或許是因為俠客犯滿,讓湖人失去了第一進攻選擇。而儘管場上還有Jones跟 Nick Van Exel,在正規時間的最後一擊,Harris選擇把球交到Kobe手上,毫不猶豫。 "I said to myself, `He will either make or miss, but either way he will know that his coach had the confidence in him in his rookie season to put the ball in his hands in this most crucial moment.' I don't think he was daunted when he missed those shots. If the game went into another overtime, I think he would have wanted the ball again. You could say it's arrogance, depending on your view. I call it supreme confidence. The great ones have that," said Harris. "我告訴自己,要馬他就是幹進,要不然就是不進。但不管結果如何,他都會知道他 的教練在他的菜鳥球季,就對他有信心,敢把球交到他手上。儘管他麵包了這麼多球,我 覺得他完全沒有被嚇到或害怕,如果比賽繼續延長,我相信他還是會渴望執行關鍵一擊, 你可以說他傲慢自大、自不量力、但對我來說,這是超越一切的自信,只有偉大的球員 有這樣的特質。" If anything, after that failure, Kobe's popularity soared. As a 19-year-old in 1997-98, he became the youngest All-Star Game starter in league history. The created scenario of Kobe at Madison Square Garden playing against Jordan in a pass-the-baton showdown was too irresistible and natural. At one point in that game, Kobe waved Karl Malone out of the paint. It was a humorous sight, an 18-year-old telling the league's best power forward and reigning MVP to beat it, although the sensitive Malone didn't laugh. And neither did Kobe, for that matter. He was dead serious. Kobe在那場失利之後知名度大漲,在97-98賽季,他以19歲之齡成為了明星賽有史以 來最年輕的先發球員。這場在麥迪遜花園廣場的比賽似乎也象徵著Kobe跟Jordan的傳承, 在比賽哩,Kobe曾經揮手叫馬龍離開禁區,因為他想跟Jordan單挑,這他媽實在很好笑, 一個18歲的小伙子叫聯盟最好的大前鋒跟MVP走開,雖然馬龍沒有笑,Kobe也沒有,因為 在那個當下,他是認真的想要跟Jordan單挑。 He already had the edge and ego of a superstar, and very soon, the performances to match. 在那個時刻,Kobe已經有了超級明星的自負,而很快的,他的表現變得跟他的自負一 樣強大 As Kobe became physically stronger and showed an ability to assume a bigger role, Lakers GM Jerry West catered to him, stoking the desire. Van Exel and Jones were traded by early 1999, just before Phil Jackson was hired as coach. Befor long, Kobe earned a starting job though not the privilege of being the face of the franchise, which still belonged to the gregarious O'Neal. When the Lakers ripped off three straight titles and Kobe averaged 29.4 points, 7.3 rebounds and 6.1 assists in the 2001 playoffs, he still rode shotgun to Shaq if only from a perception standpoint. 隨著Kobe的身體變得越來越強壯且能力越來越強,Jerry West滿足了他的期待。在 1999 Jones跟Van Exel被相繼交易掉,並找來了Phil Jackson當總教練。Kobe得到了他夢 寐以求的先發位置。接著,湖人拿下了三連霸,在2001年的季後賽,Kobe場均 29.4分 7.3籃板 6.1助攻,他是俠客身邊最凶猛的武器,但這仍是俠客的世代和球隊。 But that shifted, at least in Kobe's mind. He became determined to be the best in the game and Brian Shaw noticed. Shaw served as Kobe's teammate and assistant coach for 12 years and the transition, to him, was soon apparent. 不過事情開始改變,至少在Kobe的腦海哩,他想要成為籃球場上的最強。Brian Shaw注意 到了,身為Kobe的隊友,Shaw覺得Kobe表現得非常明顯。 "There were guys trying to establish themselves in the league who played his position, like Ray Allen, Michael Redd, Tracy McGrady, Vince Carter, and Kobe would circle the calendar when they came to town," Shaw said. "He'd start asking the video department for film on those guys two weeks before we were going to play them, just so he could study their tendencies and weaknesses." Shaw說:"在得分後衛上的競爭非常激烈,有很多球員在這個位置想建立自己的地位 ,像雷槍、Michael Redd、T-Mac、VC。Kobe會記下要跟這些好手對抗的比賽日子,然後 在兩個禮拜前,他就會去找關於這些球員的影片,這樣他就可以了解他們的習慣和弱點。 Shaw said Kobe's famous knife-twisting instinct, which ultimately became a signature trait, was taken to the extreme. Shaw認為Kobe的競爭天性,在這時達到了極致,也在日後成為了他的招牌。 "Whenever players got together for the All-Star Game, there'd a lot of buddy-buddy talk between them," Shaw said. "Those gatherings were fun, low-key, you know, very innocent. Well, Kobe would use the All-Star practices to see if he could get any kind of advantage on them when he'd see them the rest of the season. The practices! That's how determined he was. You know how everybody wants to be everybody's friend? He wasn't like that. He had animosity toward anyone who was considered to be on his level. He wanted to establish himself as the best." "通常在明星賽期間,球員之間會談笑玩鬧,有很多輕鬆的交談,這些聚會通常都很 有趣,大家放鬆並享受這些時刻。但Kobe可不是這樣,他會利用明星賽的練習時間去看看 他能從別人身上學到什麼,這就是為什麼他是Kobe的原因。大部分的人都想跟每個人做朋 友,Kobe他媽才不來這套,他對每個被認為跟他同個水平的人都帶有敵意,因為他就是想 成為"最強"。" Shaw said Kobe became an expert on tactics and psychological games and used them to his advantage. Shaw同時認為,Kobe在心理戰方面也成為了一個專家,並把這些帶到他的優勢裡。 "He would send a message early in the game against the guy he was playing against," Shaw said. "He'd elbow the guy to get a reaction. If you didn't respond or if you backed down, he smelled weakness. He knew those guys would be in for a long night, and he'd pounce on them right away." "Kobe會在比賽開始就釋放訊息給跟他對位的人,他會肘擊他,看看他的反應,如果 你沒有回應或是退縮了,他就像嗅到獵物的氣息,而Kobe知道他的對手將度過漫長的一夜 ,因為他即將要摧毀他們!" If the title years with Shaq made Kobe a winner, the years without Shaq in 2004-07 cemented Kobe as an all-time great. Were they selfish years? Perhaps. Lean on playoff success? Yes. They were also heavy on epic games and highlights that generously helped build his personal brand. 如果跟俠客的三連霸讓Kobe成為了一個贏家,那沒有俠客的2004-07就是讓Kobe進入 歷史偉大行列的時刻。自私的的球員?是的。季後賽失利?也沒錯。但同時,有無數的 經典比賽和鏡頭塑造起獨一無二的Kobe品牌。 This was when Kobe scored 50-plus points for four straight games and 10 in one season, switched jersey numbers from 8 to 24 (which outsold all others in the U.S. and China), earned a second All-Star MVP trophy, a scoring title and became the youngest to reach 20,000 points. It was a mid-life crisis for someone who wasn't yet 30. 這段時間,連續四場50+,10場50+在單一賽季,背號8-24,第二座明星賽MVP,最年 輕20000分,一座得分王。 When he added Gasol, the demolition continued; Kobe averaged 32.4 points, 7.4 rebounds and 5.6 assists in a five-game romp over Orlando in the 2009 NBA Finals which invoked comparisons to Jordan's title runs. 當他得到了Gasol,他的傳奇繼續。2009五場解決魔術的系列賽裡,場均 32.4分 7.4板 5.6 助攻,讓人們想起Jordan,並開始拿他們進行比較。 "The impact that (Jordan) had on me, from when I was just a kid, is immeasurable," Kobe said. "I wanted to be just as good as him and I wanted to have the same kind of impact on the game. When players today say I'm their Michael Jordan, I laugh because all these years I've tried my best to give them an idea of the player they weren't old enough to see. He meant that much to me." 當Kobe談到Jordan對他的影響時? "Jordan對我的影響從小時候開始,是難以估計的。我想要變得跟他一樣強,我想要像他 一樣決定整場比賽。當現在的球員跟我說,Kobe你就是我的Jordan時,我笑了,因為這麼 多年來我拚盡全力,就是為了接近這個他們來不及看到的球員。Jordan對我的影響實在是 太大了。 Here in his walk-away season, when his talent and showmanship was reduced to nostalgic flashes, Kobe adopted an interesting way to leave the game. He became a self-appointed mentor to all, not just his teenybopper Laker teammates, but anyone in hi-tops. Especially those who saw him the way he once saw Jordan. 在Kobe的最後一個賽季,當我們只能從懷舊影片找尋他的才能和天賦時,他選擇了一 個有趣的方式離開。他成為了許多人的導師,不只是他稚嫩的湖人隊友們,特別是那些看 待他就像他當初看待Jordan的那些人。 "My guess is everyone wants to gain a little more knowledge, to understand what made him tick, and tell him how much he meant to us," said Paul George. Paul George說:"我想每個人都想從他身上學習,想了解為什麼他這麼特別,並告訴 他,他對我們的意義有多重大。" Immediately after every game, and then again in the bowls of NBA arenas, a precession line waited to give respects and to accept any advice from the basketball Yoda. The 'Kobe Receiving Line' was a Who's Who among the twenty-something NBA set that grew up watching him, and even players who weren't in the league yet, led by Buddy Hield of Oklahoma. Bryant enjoyed these exchanges, perhaps more than the games themselves. Spurs coach Gregg Popovich asked him to mentor Kawhi Leonard, who's already an NBA champion and Finals MVP, and Kobe was moved. 每場比賽結束之後,會有一條隊伍等著向Kobe表達敬意,並從Kobe身上得到建議。這 條隊伍裡有看著他打球長大的球員,會甚至還沒進入聯盟的小夥子。Kobe很享受這些交流 ,或許大過了比賽本身。當波波問他能不能指導可愛,這個已經是NBA Finals MVP的人時 ,Kobe被感動了。 "You always try to leave your mark on the game, and raise the bar so that others will reach for it," he said. "I wanted to do my part to help this great game." 我總是想要在比賽裡留下我的印記,並提升自己的高度讓其他人去追求,我想要盡我 的力量去讓比賽變的更好。" Twenty years ago, a teenager with a Jones for Michael Jordan, but who hadn't scored a single point in the NBA yet, nonetheless caused a long line to rope around an arena used for Summer League. But look what else Kobe Bryant pulled off after 20 years: The players and generation he influenced have formed another line, only longer. 20年前,一個帶著對Jordan的憧憬,但還沒在聯盟裡得過任何一分的年輕人,在夏季 聯盟造成了轟動,讓人們排了一條長長的隊伍。20年過去了,回頭看看Kobe影響著的球員 和世代,這條隊伍,只有變的更長…更遠… 心得:一直想做些什麼來紀念Kobe的退休,後來想想就來翻篇外電的吧。這篇算是舊文, 所以是在Kobe的最終戰之前。希望大家會喜歡,也算是我對Kobe的道別吧。 另外,如果我翻的有錯或是有什麼可以改正的地方,請一定要跟我說~ 感謝大家的閱讀,有錯請指正,謝謝啦! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1461516522.A.8A6.html

04/25 00:49, , 1F
04/25 00:49, 1F

04/25 00:56, , 2F
04/25 00:56, 2F

04/25 00:59, , 3F
04/25 00:59, 3F

04/25 01:01, , 4F
毒瘤退了 還一堆新聞 煩死了
04/25 01:01, 4F

04/25 01:15, , 5F
04/25 01:15, 5F

04/25 01:16, , 6F
04/25 01:16, 6F

04/25 01:19, , 7F
04/25 01:19, 7F

04/25 01:20, , 8F
04/25 01:20, 8F

04/25 01:23, , 9F
04/25 01:23, 9F

04/25 01:25, , 10F
04/25 01:25, 10F

04/25 01:26, , 11F
04/25 01:26, 11F

04/25 01:27, , 12F
馬龍:就是那兩個紅衣光頭跟中二小子 可惡。
04/25 01:27, 12F

04/25 01:28, , 13F
04/25 01:28, 13F

04/25 01:29, , 14F
04/25 01:29, 14F

04/25 01:32, , 15F
04/25 01:32, 15F

04/25 01:42, , 16F
滾 回隊板
04/25 01:42, 16F

04/25 01:43, , 17F
04/25 01:43, 17F

04/25 01:44, , 18F
MJ只有一個 Kobe是假貨盜版
04/25 01:44, 18F

04/25 01:44, , 19F
04/25 01:44, 19F

04/25 01:50, , 20F
04/25 01:50, 20F

04/25 01:51, , 21F
好慘 這個世代是窮人版的
04/25 01:51, 21F

04/25 01:54, , 22F
04/25 01:54, 22F

04/25 01:55, , 23F
04/25 01:55, 23F

04/25 01:59, , 24F
04/25 01:59, 24F

04/25 02:06, , 25F
04/25 02:06, 25F

04/25 02:18, , 26F
Mike James?
04/25 02:18, 26F

04/25 02:27, , 27F
推 kobe不是神 不過精神值得敬佩
04/25 02:27, 27F

04/25 02:28, , 28F
04/25 02:28, 28F

04/25 02:36, , 29F
04/25 02:36, 29F

04/25 02:37, , 30F
04/25 02:37, 30F

04/25 02:46, , 31F
好文 推
04/25 02:46, 31F

04/25 03:25, , 32F
04/25 03:25, 32F

04/25 03:34, , 33F
04/25 03:34, 33F

04/25 03:34, , 34F
04/25 03:34, 34F

04/25 04:02, , 35F
04/25 04:02, 35F

04/25 04:02, , 36F
04/25 04:02, 36F

04/25 04:40, , 37F
04/25 04:40, 37F

04/25 05:01, , 38F
04/25 05:01, 38F

04/25 05:02, , 39F
04/25 05:02, 39F

04/25 05:44, , 40F
04/25 05:44, 40F

04/25 06:06, , 41F
捧出來的球星 LA真是福地
04/25 06:06, 41F

04/25 06:20, , 42F
04/25 06:20, 42F

04/25 06:28, , 43F
04/25 06:28, 43F

04/25 06:54, , 44F
Kobe就是新一代的MJ阿,眼紅喔 哈哈
04/25 06:54, 44F

04/25 07:04, , 45F
04/25 07:04, 45F

04/25 07:09, , 46F
04/25 07:09, 46F

04/25 07:13, , 47F
04/25 07:13, 47F

04/25 07:14, , 48F
04/25 07:14, 48F

04/25 07:21, , 49F
推 辛苦了
04/25 07:21, 49F

04/25 07:22, , 50F
04/25 07:22, 50F

04/25 07:22, , 51F
04/25 07:22, 51F

04/25 07:23, , 52F
04/25 07:23, 52F

04/25 07:26, , 53F
04/25 07:26, 53F

04/25 08:14, , 54F
04/25 08:14, 54F

04/25 08:14, , 55F
04/25 08:14, 55F

04/25 08:15, , 56F
04/25 08:15, 56F

04/25 08:24, , 57F
04/25 08:24, 57F

04/25 08:25, , 58F
Kobe就是Kobe 不要拿MJ來比羞辱他
04/25 08:25, 58F

04/25 08:31, , 59F
04/25 08:31, 59F

04/25 08:31, , 60F
04/25 08:31, 60F

04/25 08:38, , 61F
04/25 08:38, 61F

04/25 08:48, , 62F
04/25 08:48, 62F

04/25 09:02, , 63F
04/25 09:02, 63F

04/25 09:05, , 64F
04/25 09:05, 64F

04/25 09:09, , 65F
04/25 09:09, 65F

04/25 09:11, , 66F
04/25 09:11, 66F

04/25 09:12, , 67F
04/25 09:12, 67F

04/25 09:25, , 68F
04/25 09:25, 68F

04/25 09:29, , 69F
04/25 09:29, 69F

04/25 09:31, , 70F
04/25 09:31, 70F

04/25 09:32, , 71F
18歲沒有受到誘惑 實在很值得鼓勵!
04/25 09:32, 71F

04/25 09:39, , 72F
沒老大能酸了 酸酸怎麽辦
04/25 09:39, 72F

04/25 10:10, , 73F
04/25 10:10, 73F

04/25 10:10, , 74F
04/25 10:10, 74F

04/25 10:39, , 75F
KOBE是好球員 但不是我的MJ
04/25 10:39, 75F

04/25 10:43, , 76F
04/25 10:43, 76F

04/25 10:43, , 77F
04/25 10:43, 77F

04/25 10:48, , 78F
04/25 10:48, 78F

04/25 10:55, , 79F
這個世代的MJ輪不到kobe來當 +1
04/25 10:55, 79F

04/25 11:12, , 80F
04/25 11:12, 80F

04/25 11:18, , 81F
04/25 11:18, 81F

04/25 11:19, , 82F
Kobe就是Kobe 當年MJ很厲害但沒帶給我太多感動
04/25 11:19, 82F

04/25 12:41, , 83F
04/25 12:41, 83F

04/25 12:51, , 84F
沒換隊就比腿詹強了 但還差MJ啦
04/25 12:51, 84F

04/25 13:06, , 85F
04/25 13:06, 85F
※ 編輯: cooliceman (, 04/25/2016 13:12:38

04/25 13:13, , 86F
感謝樓上 已改~
04/25 13:13, 86F

04/25 15:05, , 87F
酸酸又集體鬧彆扭了 實在太~~好笑了
04/25 15:05, 87F

04/25 19:16, , 88F
都退休還要酸 真可憐哈哈
04/25 19:16, 88F

04/25 19:42, , 89F
為啥一定要是代表mj 不能就kobe他自己嗎
04/25 19:42, 89F

04/25 19:45, , 90F
04/25 19:45, 90F

04/25 23:35, , 91F
04/25 23:35, 91F

04/26 07:48, , 92F
04/26 07:48, 92F

04/26 12:14, , 93F
誰跟你我們的MJ 26思維
04/26 12:14, 93F

04/26 12:55, , 94F
04/26 12:55, 94F

05/02 10:56, , 95F
05/02 10:56, 95F
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