[外絮] Kerr不確定Curry的腳踝是否可以應付G2

看板NBA作者 (看我幹麻 你把我當垃圾啊)時間8年前 (2016/04/17 20:32), 8年前編輯推噓47(54728)
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來源:ESPN 網址:http://tinyurl.com/zj8gt9q 時間:2016/04/16 12:58 AM ET 作者:Ethan Sherwood Strauss Stephen Curry (ankle) sits out most of 2nd half, 'questionable' for Game 2 Warriors coach Steve Kerr called star guard Stephen Curry "questionable" for Game 2 of the team's playoff series against the Houston Rockets after Curry rolled his right ankle Saturday in Oakland, California. 勇士隊的總教練Kerr宣稱對於Curry能不能趕得上與火箭隊的第二場比賽感到疑慮,Curry 在第一場比賽扭傷了右腳踝。 Curry tweaked the ankle after missing a shot with 2:12 remaining in the second quarter, as he turned to get back on defense. Curry在第二節剩下2分12秒時投丟了一球,接著要攻防轉換時就扭傷了腳踝。 Curry, who has a history of ankle problems, left the game to get the ankle taped. He returned to the court after halftime but then went back to the locker room to get the ankle retaped. He never returned to the court and finished with 24 points in the Warriors' 104-78 Game 1 victory. 而之前腳踝就曾有傷病史的他,在扭傷後就立刻下場接受包紮。在半場過後他雖然有回到 球場,但很快地又回去休息室重新包紮治療。而他之後就再也沒回來這場比賽了,留下24 分的成績,勇士以104:78取得G1的勝利。 "As far as [Game 2 on] Monday, I'd say say Steph is questionable," Kerr said. "We will see how he responds the next couple of days and go from there." 「由於G2就在星期一,所以我對Curry能否趕上下場比賽是有疑慮的,我們還要看他在接下 來的日子的情形如何才能知曉。」Kerr說道。 While listed as "questionable," Curry envisions he'll play in Game 2 on Monday. 即使總教練對此有疑慮,Curry本人倒是認為自己會打G2。 "Right now, don't see a scenario where I'll be out," Curry said at the postgame podium. 「目前為止還看不出任何可能我無法打第二戰。」Curry在賽後的記者會說道。 "Obviously, if it's not right and I'm at risk of further injury or whatnot, that's the only thing that we'll have to worry about," he said. "Pain tolerance and all that stuff, I kind of know what I can deal with on the court. But you don't want anything more serious to happen, favoring an ankle or whatnot. So that's what we'll kind of pay attention to the next two days." 「明顯地,我們唯一需要擔心的是,我是否有受傷或發生諸如此類之事的危險。痛苦忍受 或其他的東西我都很清楚我能在場上處理它們。但大家都不希望有任何更嚴重的事發生, 所以接下來兩天我們會特別注意。」Curry說道。 After the injury, Curry went to the locker room with 1:07 remaining in the half. He re-entered the game but was substituted out by Kerr. 受傷之後,Curry在半場剩1分7秒時回到休息室。之後他雖然回到比賽但又被Kerr換掉。 "I didn't like the way he was moving when he went back out in the third quarter," Kerr said. "He wanted to stay in, but he wasn't moving well, so we weren't going to play him, regardless of what happened." 「我覺得他第三節回來後移動的樣子還是怪怪的。雖然他想要繼續待著,但他看起來不太 行,所以我們決定不管接下來比賽情形如何都不讓他繼續打了。」Kerr說道。 Curry lobbied Golden State assistants to appeal to Kerr, but the case fell on deaf ears. Curry還試著遊說勇士的助教去說服Kerr讓他繼續打,但Kerr根本不鳥。 "We all swung and missed," Curry said. 「我們試過去說服Kerr但失敗啦。」Curry說道。 Although the game was a blowout, Curry found himself in a few physical exchanges. Most notably, Curry shoved Patrick Beverley after the Rockets point guard committed a reach-in foul and got tangled on Curry's arm. 雖然這場比賽贏得輕鬆,Curry卻和對手發生了一點肢體衝突。這場比賽最大的關注點就是 因為Beverley試著去抄截而犯在Curry身上,使得兩人的手交纏在一起。 "It set the tone. We didn't want to come out here and start fights, of course not," Beverley said. "That's not what we're trying to do. We're trying to go out here and play basketball. We're not backing down from anybody, and we're trying to win a basketball series." 「我們當然不是來這裡打架的。我們只是試著去把球打好,且不對任何人退縮,試著去贏 球,拿下系列賽。」Beverley說道。 Asked if Beverley is a "dirty player," Curry pushed back against that notion. 當Curry被問到Beverley是不是個骯髒的球員時,Curry也不這麼認為。 "Nah, he's an aggressive player," Curry said. "He plays hard. He tries to get under your skin with certain things that he does, but that's kind of his M.O. I wouldn't call it dirty at all." 「他就是個打球富有侵略性的球員。他總是打得很強硬,且試著做某些事來讓你感到不爽 ,不過這就是他打球的模式,我不會說這樣是骯髒的。」Curry說道。 Beverley said it isn't his goal to irritate opposing players. Beverley則說惹怒對手並不是他的本意。 "I'm not trying to get under anybody's skin," said Beverley, who roomed with Curry at developmental basketball camps while the two were growing up. "If that's how they feel, that's how they feel. I can't help that." 「我從沒有試著去讓任何人感到不悅。但如果他們這麼覺得,我也沒辦法。」Beverley說 道。Beverley和Curry之前在發展籃球訓練營裡時也是一起成長的夥伴。 Curry seems likely to win his second consecutive MVP and has averaged 30.1 points, 6.7 assists and 5.4 rebounds this season while hitting an NBA-record 402 3-pointers. Curry有非常大的機會將連續兩年拿下年度MVP的榮譽,本季例行賽他繳出每場平均30.1分 ,6.7助攻,5.4個籃板的成績,且單季轟進破紀錄的402顆三分球。 The Warriors set a record for wins in a season by going 73-9 as they chase back-to-back NBA championships. 勇士隊本季也創下了破記錄的73勝9敗戰績。 --- 希望Curry的傷沒問題可以健康繼續打下去, 不過若真的有不適也不要太逞強啊... 對火箭就算缺Curry或Curry上不久,應該也不難過關的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1460896374.A.AE0.html

04/17 20:35, , 1F
ㄏㄏ 對爛隊 讓一個都贏
04/17 20:35, 1F
※ 編輯: roger29 (, 04/17/2016 20:36:00

04/17 20:36, , 2F
火箭對上勇士根本是馬刺最爽 不然誰一輪遊還不知道
04/17 20:36, 2F

04/17 20:36, , 3F
對火箭真的不用擔心 我科鋁可以放心休
04/17 20:36, 3F

04/17 20:36, , 4F
對火箭少Curry不難過啊 但要打馬刺就挫賽
04/17 20:36, 4F

04/17 20:37, , 5F
邊打邊休吧 悠哉打就好
04/17 20:37, 5F

04/17 20:37, , 6F
少Curry 照樣屌打火箭
04/17 20:37, 6F

04/17 20:37, , 7F
還有全聯盟最佳防守球員嘴綠在 輕輕鬆鬆就洗掉火箭
04/17 20:37, 7F

04/17 20:38, , 8F
基本上 without curry 還是會贏 就休息吧
04/17 20:38, 8F

04/17 20:39, , 9F
04/17 20:39, 9F

04/17 20:40, , 10F
科鋁就休到打我刺 其他隊都肉腳
04/17 20:40, 10F

04/17 20:40, , 11F
今日遊說0-3 被完封
04/17 20:40, 11F

04/17 20:40, , 12F
04/17 20:40, 12F

04/17 20:40, , 13F
04/17 20:40, 13F

04/17 20:41, , 14F
欠灰熊一勝 要還了沒? 黑勇
04/17 20:41, 14F

04/17 20:42, , 15F
04/17 20:42, 15F

04/17 20:42, , 16F
04/17 20:42, 16F

04/17 20:42, , 17F
04/17 20:42, 17F

04/17 20:43, , 18F
嘻嘻 報應來嚕
04/17 20:43, 18F

04/17 20:45, , 19F
04/17 20:45, 19F

04/17 20:46, , 20F
火箭擅長打臉? 我記得火箭擅長的是Terry放話輸球XD
04/17 20:46, 20F

04/17 20:46, , 21F
發言到連火箭版都待不下去 還好意思啊
04/17 20:46, 21F

04/17 20:47, , 22F
04/17 20:47, 22F

04/17 20:48, , 23F
某迷: 猿文咧????
04/17 20:48, 23F

04/17 20:50, , 24F
04/17 20:50, 24F

04/17 20:50, , 25F
第一輪只上二三軍也會贏 有差?
04/17 20:50, 25F

04/17 20:51, , 26F
04/17 20:51, 26F

04/17 20:53, , 27F
第一輪可以輪休了 爛隊隨便打就贏
04/17 20:53, 27F

04/17 20:53, , 28F
04/17 20:53, 28F

04/17 20:53, , 29F
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04/17 20:53, , 30F
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04/17 20:56, , 31F
04/17 20:56, 31F

04/17 20:56, , 32F
04/17 20:56, 32F

04/17 20:56, , 33F
砲要人隔空滾也頗好笑,why so serious
04/17 20:56, 33F

04/17 20:57, , 34F
04/17 20:57, 34F

04/17 20:58, , 35F
不是火箭迷? 那是鬍子迷?
04/17 20:58, 35F

04/17 20:59, , 36F
04/17 20:59, 36F

04/17 21:04, , 37F
04/17 21:04, 37F

04/17 21:06, , 38F
04/17 21:06, 38F

04/17 21:06, , 39F
第一輪休息沒啥問題 第二輪快艇or阿拓 就不能不打了
04/17 21:06, 39F

04/17 21:09, , 40F
04/17 21:09, 40F

04/17 21:09, , 41F
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04/17 21:09, , 42F
04/17 21:09, 42F

04/17 21:10, , 43F
04/17 21:10, 43F

04/17 21:12, , 44F
04/17 21:12, 44F

04/17 21:13, , 45F
Kerr 來投三分真的可以血洗NGT的火箭 XD
04/17 21:13, 45F

04/17 21:16, , 46F
04/17 21:16, 46F
※ 編輯: roger29 (, 04/17/2016 21:18:40

04/17 21:18, , 47F
假的吧 到時候又滿血復仇
04/17 21:18, 47F

04/17 21:18, , 48F
04/17 21:18, 48F

04/17 21:18, , 49F
04/17 21:18, 49F

04/17 21:21, , 50F
04/17 21:21, 50F

04/17 21:23, , 51F
勇士有最佳第六人 草莓獸
04/17 21:23, 51F

04/17 21:25, , 52F
04/17 21:25, 52F

04/17 21:36, , 53F
04/17 21:36, 53F

04/17 21:37, , 54F
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04/17 21:41, , 55F
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04/17 21:46, , 56F
04/17 21:46, 56F

04/17 21:49, , 57F
04/17 21:49, 57F

04/17 21:58, , 58F
04/17 21:58, 58F

04/17 22:00, , 59F
04/17 22:00, 59F

04/17 22:03, , 60F
04/17 22:03, 60F

04/17 22:04, , 61F
打兩節拿24分 ...
04/17 22:04, 61F

04/17 22:09, , 62F
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04/17 22:10, , 63F
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04/17 22:14, , 64F
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04/17 22:18, , 65F
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04/17 22:23, , 66F
04/17 22:23, 66F

04/17 22:27, , 67F
04/17 22:27, 67F

04/17 22:48, , 68F
有差嗎 第一場虐那麼慘
04/17 22:48, 68F

04/17 22:50, , 69F
04/17 22:50, 69F

04/17 22:52, , 70F
04/17 22:52, 70F

04/17 23:07, , 71F
04/17 23:07, 71F

04/17 23:11, , 72F
04/17 23:11, 72F

04/17 23:13, , 73F
curry硬要上可以把上場時間控制在20分鐘 應該夠打爆
04/17 23:13, 73F

04/17 23:13, , 74F
04/17 23:13, 74F

04/17 23:27, , 75F
04/17 23:27, 75F

04/17 23:27, , 76F
04/17 23:27, 76F

04/18 00:08, , 77F
G1扣掉curry的得分都贏 G2輪休也沒差
04/18 00:08, 77F
※ 編輯: roger29 (, 04/18/2016 00:57:19

04/18 01:09, , 78F
04/18 01:09, 78F

04/18 01:10, , 79F
04/18 01:10, 79F

04/18 01:10, , 80F
04/18 01:10, 80F

04/18 01:30, , 81F
就說啦 莫雷一定這樣搞的
04/18 01:30, 81F

04/18 01:32, , 82F
04/18 01:32, 82F

04/18 03:28, , 83F
今年要拿冠軍 不需要為了火箭這種等級拚太兇
04/18 03:28, 83F

04/18 09:42, , 84F
04/18 09:42, 84F

04/18 09:59, , 85F
04/18 09:59, 85F

04/18 11:38, , 86F
04/18 11:38, 86F

04/18 14:14, , 87F
04/18 14:14, 87F

04/18 14:37, , 88F
04/18 14:37, 88F

04/18 16:37, , 89F
04/18 16:37, 89F
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