[外絮] Cody Zeller-兄弟之爭

看板NBA作者 (Dukewang)時間8年前 (2015/10/16 12:09), 8年前編輯推噓53(5307)
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原文刊載於: http://www.theplayerstribune.com/cody-zeller-sibling-rivalry/ Cody Zeller(Chalortte Hornets, Center)- Sibiling Rivalry I’m Cody, but you’ve probably accidentally called me Tyler. It’s OK. I forgive you. When you come from a family with three brothers who are 7-feet-tall and have all played in the NBA, that kind of thing comes with the territory. One night during my rookie year with the Hornets, my oldest brother Luke came down to Charlotte to watch Tyler and me play. In a restaurant the night before the game, a little girl came running up with a pen and paper asking for an autograph. I had only been in Charlotte for a few months but Tyler had started for the Tar Heels when they won a National Championship a few years before. She looked at the three of us and handed the paper to Tyler. He smiled, signed it and slapped me on the back, “This is still my state.” That’s what you have to get used to when you’re the youngest sibling. 嗨,我是Cody,但你有可能會把我誤認為Tyler。 不過不用介意,我原諒你。 當你來自一個裡面有三個7呎高的兄弟,而且都在NBA打過球的家庭,這種事情的發生在所 難免。 當我還在黃蜂隊的新人年的時候,有個晚上我的大哥Luke專程跑來Charlotte來看Tyler和 我的比賽。在比賽前我們去了餐廳,有個小女孩手上拿著紙筆跑來過來想請我們簽名。我 當時只在Charlotte待了幾個月,但Tyler曾在幾年前為Tar Heels(北卡大的暱稱)效力, 並拿下了NCAA的冠軍。那小女孩看著我們三個,並把手上的紙交給了Tyler。他微笑的簽 了他的名字並在我背上拍了拍,”這個州還是屬於我的。” 當你身為兄弟裡面最小的一個,這就是你需要習慣的事情。 Once the youngest, always the youngest. As the baby of the family, I grew up having to scrap and claw for attention. Bending the rules, finding the loopholes. My parents have always said that if the three of us walked into a room, Luke, who’s a businessman now, would introduce himself to everyone in the room. Tyler would be off the the corner because he’s the quieter, more thoughtful one. And I would be trying to pull a prank on every person in the room. That’s the job of the youngest sibling, or at least it was for me. In high school, I was in the shadow of Luke and Tyler. They had both won state championships before me. To this day, Luke still holds our high school’ s all-time scoring record. Tyler was dominant. When I was a freshman and Tyler was a senior, I got to play varsity. But I didn’t get much time — maybe I averaged 5 points a game. The annual tournament was a big deal and that year, in the first game, Tyler came out and had something like 35 points, 15 rebounds and 5 dunks — in three quarters. Just a huge game. The gym was completely full — seven thousand people in the crowd. We’d built up a lead, so they put me in. People knew me as the youngest Zeller brother. Maybe they had high hopes for me for the future, but I was still just a freshman. The crowd wasn’t expecting what happened next. Late in the fourth quarter, I got a steal and went in and dunked it on the fast break. It was my first ever dunk in a high school game. The crowd went crazy and gave me a standing ovation. 我從小就是家族裡面最年輕的那個,身為家族中的么子,我成長的過程中需要拼了老命才 能吸引父母的注意力。例如找出一些家中規則的漏洞之類。我的父母總愛說,如果當我們 三兄弟一起走進房間,身為商人的Luke會向房中的每個人自我介紹,Tyler會站到角落的 位置,因為他是個安靜體貼的男孩。至於我呢?我應該會想辦法來對每個身在房間裡面的 人惡作劇。嘿,這就是最小的弟弟應該要做的事情,或者這就是我會做的事情。 高中的時候我活在Luke和Tyler的陰影下,他們兩個都在我之前拿下了州冠軍。直到今天 ,Luke還是佔據著我們高中得分排行榜第一的寶座。Tyler在場上的時候無人可擋。當他 升上了高四的時候,我還是個新人。我當時在校隊出賽,但沒有多少上場時間—可能一場 比賽得個五分左右。那年的巡迴賽規模盛大,在我們的第一場比賽,Tyler拿下了好像是 35分15籃板和5次的灌籃—在僅僅三節的時間。這場比賽很盛大,體育館中人山人海—裡 面有七千個觀眾。我在球隊有了一定的領先優勢後上場。觀眾知道我是Zeller兄弟中最年 輕的那個。他們對我的未來期望很高,但我當時只是個新人,所以觀眾並不期望能看到甚 麼爆炸性的表現。 在第四節快結束的時候,我抄到了球並在快攻中扣籃,那是我第一次在高中比賽中灌籃, 觀眾看到後就像瘋了一樣,他們甚至站起來為我鼓掌叫好。 In the car after the game, Tyler was driving me home. (I didn’t even have my learner’s permit yet.) He had just put up monster numbers and he was heading to North Carolina the next year, but all he could think about was his 14-year-old brother’s dunk. “I had 35 in three quarters and you get a standing O for one weak dunk? That’s ridiculous.” 那場比賽後Tyler載我回家,雖然他剛拿下了驚人的數據而且明年就要去為北卡州大效力 ,但他腦海中揮之不去的畫面卻是他14歲弟弟剛剛的灌籃。"我在三節裡面拿了35分,你 只是快攻灌籃就能讓他們站起來為你喝采?太荒謬了!” Like I said, as the youngest you have to scrap and claw to get attention. When you get that attention? Yeah, it feels good. 就像我先前說的,身為最小的弟弟,你需要用盡各種努力才能吸引注意力。而當你真的得 到別人注意的時候?哈,那種感覺真的棒透了。 A lot of people want to make the sibling rivalry a big thing — some sort of bitter rivalry — especially in the media. People always wonder, Do you guys talk trash to each other? Not as much as we did when we were in elementary school. My mom always says that our biggest rivalries happened not on the driveway, but on the Nerf hoop in our bedrooms. As kids, Tyler used to stand in front of the Nerf hoop and block every single one of my shots. I remember crying because Tyler was relentless with the blocks. There’s still a huge dent in the wall of our childhood house from an indoor basketball game that went a little too far. 很多人都把兄弟之爭看的很重--尤其是那些惡性競爭—特別是在媒體上。 而人們總是會好奇,你們彼此間會說垃圾話嗎?對我們來說,我們可能在國小的時候說的 垃圾話還比較多吧。我媽媽總是說我們最大的競爭不是在倒車道上面的籃球架上,而是在 我們房間內的玩具籃球框。當我們還是孩子的時候,Tyler會站在球架前面,把我投出的 每個球都搧飛出去。我還記得有次因為這樣而哭了起來。我們孩提時候所住的房子裡面, 牆上甚至還有個巨大的凹痕—來自一場有點激烈的室內籃球比賽。 Now that we’re in the NBA together, the reality is that we are different players with different games playing on different teams. We don’t even always guard each other when our teams face. As Tyler’s brother, I know him best and I know that, actually, trash talk is the worst strategy. That’s something that wakes up the beast in him. He goes to another level. So I bother him by doing the opposite — joking around. It’s the little brother prankster attitude that has the best chance of throwing him off. 現在我們都進入NBA了,事實上我們是不同的球員在相異的球隊裡打著各自的比賽。我 們甚至在彼此的球隊對陣時也不一定會互相防守。身為Tyler的弟弟,我很瞭解他。而且 我知道,垃圾話是最不適合拿來用在他身上的招數。那些垃圾話會讓他體內的猛獸破繭而 出,他會變成完全不同層級的球員。所以我用相反的方法應付他—和他開玩笑。用家族裡 的么子的那種惡搞的態度來應付他是最有機會把他扳倒的。 That’s always been my approach to our sibling relationships. I see it as my job to keep things light. I keep them loose. When the three of us are together, the most common question we get is, How tall are you? What’s funny is, I don’t even think people listen to the answer. They’re just excited to ask the question. So sometimes I like to give different heights for each of us, even though we’re all more or less the same height. “Luke’s 7’4”, I’m 6’5” and Tyler is 6’9”.” The person usually just smiles and nods, feeling satisfied with the answer. Almost without fail, there’s a follow-up question: So wait, is it annoying when people ask you how tall you are? We like to have fun with the mistaken identity thing, too. People are always shouting “Go Heels!” at me from across the street and asking Tyler about being an Indiana Hoosier. Am I saying that I’ve signed Celtics jerseys with “Tyler Zeller” when I’ve been approached by a fan who thinks I’m my brother? Not gonna say for sure. Is it true there are Hoosier hats out there with Tyler’s best attempt at my signature on them? Again, no comment. 我在面對我們的兄弟感情的時候總是抱持著那種態度,我的工作是讓事情看起來沒那麼嚴 肅。當我三兄弟聚在一起的時候,最常遇到的問題是:”你有多高啊?”這問題最有趣的部 分在於,我不認為人們真的想得到答案。他們只是對於能問問題這件事感到興奮。所以我 有時會把我們三個的身高說成不同的高地,即使我們都差不多一樣高。 “Luke有7呎4,我是6呎5,Tyler大概有6呎9。” 問這問題的人通常會微笑著點頭,對於這個答案感到滿足。而接下來幾乎每次都會接著這 個問題: “等等,你會對於人們問你身高這件事情感到厭煩嗎?” 我們也喜歡惡搞人們,故意讓他們誤認我們。他們會從對街對我喊著”Go Heels!”或是 問Tyler成為Indiana Hoosier的一員感覺如何。你們覺得我有可能幫一名把我誤認成 Tyler的球迷在塞爾提克隊的球衣上面簽上”Tyler Zeller”嗎?至於外面真有我的Hoosie r 的簽名帽上面的簽名其實是由Tyler偽造的這件事呢? 恩,無可奉告。 For all the scrapping you do as the youngest sibling, there’s nothing like having two brothers to show you the way. It’s like having two lifelines. Tyler and Luke were always three to six years ahead on the road I wanted to travel down. I could call Luke or Tyler about something important at any hour and they’d pick up, ready to give out advice. During a recruiting trip, for example, I’d call Tyler or Luke and ask, Is this coach being truthful or giving me BS? As a young pro, I’d ask them about the transition from college to the NBA. They’d know because they’d been there before. I’m slightly less thankful to them for all the hand-me-down clothes. I don’ t think I owned a new pair of jeans until I was 18 years old. 關於那些你身為弟弟所會面臨的事情裡面,沒有事情比的上有兩個能為你指導道路的哥哥 。那種感覺很像是已經活過了兩次。Tyler和Luke在人生的路途上總是領先我3~6年。不管 何時我都能連絡Luke或Tyler詢問一些重要的事情,他們也總會耐心傾聽後給我意見。例 如在大學球隊招募我的時候,我就有打給他們兩個徵詢意見,到底這個教練值得信任還是 他在滿口胡言呢?身為剛進聯盟的球員,我也會問他們要如何調適從大學到NBA的過程。他 們對於這些事情都有豐富的經驗。但我對於他們給我的衣服就不太恭維,我記得我在18歲 的時候才拿到一條全新的牛仔褲。 Being competitive for all these years has brought us closer and it’s probably made us less competitive with each other, in a way. The way we were raised is: you can beat up on each other when you’re inside the house, but once you’re outside the house, you better stand up for each other. My dad always said that and we’ve carried that with us. I think that’s grown on us over the years. 在這些年的競爭中讓我們的感情更緊密,而感情更加密切這件事從某個方面來說,反而讓 我們彼此間的競爭意識沒那麼高漲。我們的原則是,當我們在家裡的時候,你要怎麼樣和 兄弟打架吵架都可以,但一踏出家門後,你就必須為彼此挺身而出。我們的父親總是這樣 交代我們,而我想這個原則在過了幾年後已經在我們的心中扎根了。 Don’t get me wrong, we like to compete — we’re a basketball family. My mom played D-III ball and her brother played for the Pistons. My dad was a basketball and football player. One thing people always ask is, Which brother would win in a game of one-on-one? It’s tough to say because we don’t like to play traditional one-on-one games. We like to turn everything into a game scenario. So, Luke would win in a game where you can only shoot threes. He’s the best pure shooter of all of us. If we play from the post, with a two dribble rule, Tyler usually wins those. If we play from the elbow with a five-second shot clock, I’ll usually win those. I like to say that as the youngest, I’m the best because I’ve borrowed the best skills from both Luke and Tyler combined. Luke and Tyler would definitely not agree with that statement, but I’ll still continue to say it. 別誤會我的意思了,我們很愛競爭的。我們來自籃球世家呢。我們的母親在D3層級的大學 打過比賽,她的兄弟曾為活塞隊效力。我們的父親是個足籃雙棲的運動員。人們常常會問 我們,我們三兄弟中誰能在一對一中勝出呢?這個問題的答案很難說,因為我們不太愛玩 傳統的一對一比賽。我們比較喜歡遊戲的氣氛,所以說呢,Luke會在一場只能投三分的比 賽中勝出。他是我們當中最棒的射手。如果我們在低位比賽,同時規定只能運兩球的話, Tyler會打敗我們。假如我們在肘區比賽,有著五秒規則的話,那就是我會贏下這些比賽 。我老是喜歡說身為三兄弟中最年輕的一個,我是最棒的。因為我能從Luke和Tyler身上 學到他們最棒的技術,雖然他們兩個絕對不會同意我的話,但我還是會繼續這樣說。 I’m thinking back to that night at the restaurant in Charlotte when I was a rookie. We had a big group of friends and it was a fancy place and at the end of the meal, Tyler decided that he and I should split the bill. 回想起那個在Charlotte餐廳的夜晚,我們和一群朋友吃飯,那間餐廳的餐點挺不賴的。 到了飯後付帳的時候,Tyler決定要和我平分帳單。 A nice big brother thing to do, am I right? 聽起來想是個不錯的大哥 幹的事情,對吧? The next day, it was our first NBA game facing off and we met in the center jump circle for the jump ball. The ref was loving it. He stepped between us, “Alright, everyone get in here for a family picture.” Later in the game, after a timeout, the ref came up to us and asked us who paid for the meal the night before. Little did he know. Tyler told him we split it and the ref just gave Tyler the hardest time for the rest of the game. “Your brother is a rookie and been in the league for two months and you ’re already making him split the bill?” When Tyler got called for an obvious charge that he thought was a block, the ref ran past him and said, “ Maybe you shouldn’t have split dinner.” 隔天是我們第一次在NBA中對上。我們在球場中央準備跳球,裁判愛死了這個場景,他站 到我們中間說:”好了,大家進來圈子裡拍家庭照吧!” 在比賽中的一次暫停後,裁判跑來問我們誰付了昨晚的晚餐。Tyler告訴他我們平分了帳 單。但Tyler不知道接下來會發生甚麼事…裁判讓他體驗到了一段非常痛苦的時光…”你 的弟弟是個NBA的新人耶!他才剛進聯盟兩個月,你就開始和他平分帳單了?” 當Tyler被吹犯規時,(他認為那球是阻擋,但實際上是明顯的進攻犯規。)裁判跑 過去和Tyler說:”也許你不該平分晚餐的帳單的。” I know it got under Tyler’s skin a little bit. That’s what younger brothers are for. 我想那件事情讓Tyler產生了一點心理陰影,但這就是小弟的生存意義,對吧? 隨文附上Cody Zeller中國賽嗨賴,希望他今年在黃蜂隊能打出身價啊! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znI_iMbBo5I
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1444968553.A.322.html

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10/16 12:26, , 8F
好溫馨 推
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※ 編輯: Dukewang (, 10/16/2015 12:28:50

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10/16 12:34, , 11F
裁判管很大 XDDD
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10/16 12:43, , 15F
不錯的文章 感謝翻譯
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10/16 12:43, , 16F
好文 謝翻譯
10/16 12:43, 16F

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10/16 12:46, , 18F
XDDDDD裁判 住海邊阿
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※ 編輯: Dukewang (, 10/16/2015 12:57:50

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裁判住海邊喔 XD
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推裁判! 來個家族照吧~ ^_<~
10/16 13:31, 33F

10/16 13:38, , 34F
搞不好裁判也是弟弟,裁判:嗚嗚 我哥在我16歲就跟
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※ 編輯: Dukewang (, 10/16/2015 13:49:40

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Dukewang:轉錄至看板 Hornets 10/16 13:59

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10/16 14:22, , 43F
luke tyler是09年落選,12~13打過太陽但隨即被釋出
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10/16 14:22, , 44F
luke zeller才對= =
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10/16 14:44, , 48F
Cody&Tyler都是聰明的球員 騎士把Tyler交易很可惜
10/16 14:44, 48F

10/16 14:54, , 49F
Zeller兄弟 vs Plumlee兄弟誰會贏?
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10/16 15:16, , 50F
球商看起來不錯 EQ也好
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10/16 16:40, , 54F
Tyler Zeller是北卡大,非北卡州大
10/16 16:40, 54F
※ 編輯: Dukewang (, 10/16/2015 16:41:43

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