[情報] An Allen Iverson Thing: 戰神的獨白

看板NBA作者 (浣熊)時間9年前 (2015/06/05 23:23), 9年前編輯推噓50(53311)
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之前在The Players' Tribune上看到,零碎時間就很手癢翻了 在螢光幕前他總是那樣的叛逆,那樣的年少輕狂。 猶記得十年前Reebok幫他打的廣告"I am what I am"簡直就是量身為他訂做的格言一樣: 我不在乎別人怎麼看我、我只想要做我自已。 而在影片獨白中,他也道出他在聚光燈底下的另外一面。 原聯結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLJAb9X-qN4
(youtube影片) 中譯影片: http://tinyurl.com/p3umncb (FB連結) Selfish 自私 Small 矮小 Thug 幫派 Evil 邪惡 Everybody not goona love Allen Iverson. 大眾們不會喜愛我 I always was basically judged from day one. 剛進聯盟得第一天 我就面對著人們的各種批評 You know the tattoo is a …basically got one and you got addicted to it 而你知道刺青是一種…基本上只要開始便會上癮繼續刺下去 . Just can’t give it more. 直到你無法刺上更多為止 All tattoo I have mean something 身上每一個刺青對我都有特別的意義 . You know cause I have my kids' name on my body.My mom’s name on my body 就像你知道的我身上有我小孩的名、我母親的名 Is that a bad thing? 這不算是壞事吧 It’s just a stereotype like I said. 就像我所說得這只是一種刻板印象 And then when my hair had the cornrows 當我把頭髮留成辮子頭 People talk about being a thug thing. 人們聯想到了地痞流氓 U know I was tired basically about I was mess up my hair on the road 你知道我厭倦在客場征戰時頭髮捲得一團糟 And I was like ok I grow my hair and get cornrows. 我就想說 好啊 那我就把我的頭髮綁成辮子頭 And I don’t had to deal with it anymore. 那我就可以不用在管它了 And I had cornrows they turn altitude to some thug thing 但我留辮子頭時人們卻抱持著我是幫派份子的態度 I don’t know I guess it just a Allen Iverson thing. 我不清楚這是怎麼一回事,就是一些關於我AI的事 Not agree with the fact that I was not gonna try to look like somebody else instead looking like myself 人們不接受我沒辦法嘗試讓自己看起來和他人一模一樣 不能接受我活出我自己 Positive ai story don’t sell Nobody want to heard it 和我有關正向的事沒有人願意去訴說,沒有人想知道 U know what I mean The nagative one sell it. 你們知道我的意思他們只去傳播負面的事物 For wahtever reason I always was basically judge from day one 無論是何種理由,我從第一天就被人們批判著 U know and me not being like everybody else 當我特立獨行時 It was basically how dare u how dare u be like yourself. 大家的觀感是這傢伙怎麼膽敢作他自己,怎麼敢與眾不同 Be like we want u to be and if u not like we want u to be them it was a problem with it. 他們說人們應該成為社會期望的樣子,如果你辦法法改變自己,那你可能有問題 Media build u up just to knock u down 媒體幫你建立形象就是為了之後擊垮你 They writed... see some nagetive happen with me 他們希望看到一些負面的情形發生 They see me hanging out in turkey or christmas gift anything like that. 當他們看到我的職涯在土耳其載浮載沉或是像之前聖誕節事件的那類事情 It is not people want to see.It is evil. it is wrong,but that is the world we live in. that is how it is 這不是人們期望看見的,或許極度負面,是錯誤的,但那正是我們怎麼過活的,也正是世 界如何運轉的 It didn’t let me feel bad. 他們這麼做我並不感到難過 Because it comes from people they don’t care about u anyway 因為這些中傷來自那些對我們漠不關心的人 So you have so many people love u admire u kids look up to u .why was u constrated on the nagative thing that is like waste of energy 當有這這多人愛著你、欽佩著你,孩童以你為榜樣時,為什麼要在意那些負面的中傷呢, 那就像浪費他們帶給你的正面能量一般 That take away from the people that actually do love u and care about u 這樣會使愛和在乎你的人遠離你 u learn about the warm and they don’t 你可以以從中學到人性的溫暖而那些人不能 I had to learn realize create thick skin at a young age 我在年紀輕輕時就必須擁有堅毅的外在去抵禦那些批評 Used to barbe me actually hurt me because I am not black heart person 那些批評曾經中傷過我,畢竟我不是沒血沒淚的人 Some people don’t care about what people think and I actually did 有些人不在意那些負面批評,但我會 I had to learn hard way that u not gonna satisfied everyobdy. 我必須學習變得堅強,你不可能滿足所有人 U don’t have to know what type of father son bro frie familyman I am.u don’ t have to know it as long as people that I care about and they love me , as they know that is the only thing matter 你不需要知道身為父親、兒子、兄弟、朋友、家人我會是怎麼樣的人,當人們關心你,愛 著你時,愛本身就是值得在乎的事 Hard working 勤勉 Dedicated奉獻 Loyal忠誠 Faith信仰 Belief 信念 Man 完人 Winner 勝利者 Divine非凡 Tough 堅毅 Resilient屢撲屢起 Warrior 勇士 Survival 生存者 At day of 40 I don't think I shoud defend my self anymore I am done with it in my life.Done with with defend myself. 當我40歲了 我受夠武裝自己了 在我這生中我受夠武裝了 I'm a a villian to people that don’t rock with me . 對於那些和我不同調的人我是個惡棍 I'm a super hero hero to people that love me and care abou tme. 但對那些愛我和在乎我的人我可是超級英雄呢 ___________________________________________ 一個人可以極其自負卻又極其的軟弱 沒有人真正知道人們外在表現出來是矛盾的哪一面。 謹把這篇文獻給我最愛的AI還有逝去的年少QQQQQQQQ 小弟會在我的社群裡分享一些NBA小道消息和球鞋 如果剛好感興趣的大大可以來這裡追蹤~ https://www.facebook.com/theTrilemma -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1433517796.A.319.html ※ 編輯: smallrayray (, 06/05/2015 23:24:13

06/05 23:25, , 1F
06/05 23:25, 1F

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06/05 23:27, , 3F
比Rose還弱mvp 命中率比kobe還低
06/05 23:27, 3F

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06/05 23:27, 4F

06/05 23:28, , 5F
前幾篇文還有風氣論 然後往上看...
06/05 23:28, 5F

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06/05 23:37, , 12F
The Answer
06/05 23:37, 12F

06/05 23:38, , 13F
痾 他應該加兩個 practice and saving
06/05 23:38, 13F

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06/05 23:45, , 16F
06/05 23:45, 16F
※ 編輯: smallrayray (, 06/05/2015 23:46:40

06/05 23:49, , 17F
永遠的戰神 AI
06/05 23:49, 17F

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06/06 00:05, , 21F
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06/06 00:08, , 22F
老大手下敗將 敗者的哭訴
06/06 00:08, 22F

06/06 00:09, , 23F
對我來說 英雄無誤
06/06 00:09, 23F

06/06 00:12, , 24F
淚推 逝去的青春
06/06 00:12, 24F

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06/06 01:03, , 36F
是你發揚光大cross over
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06/06 01:18, , 39F
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06/06 01:49, , 40F
淚推 永遠戰神!
06/06 01:49, 40F

06/06 01:50, , 41F
my love
06/06 01:50, 41F

06/06 01:52, , 42F
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06/06 02:10, , 43F
推 AI永遠都會是我的answer
06/06 02:10, 43F

06/06 02:11, , 44F
resilient 翻成韌性會不會比較好?
06/06 02:11, 44F

06/06 02:14, , 45F
06/06 02:14, 45F
Paraguay:轉錄至看板 IVERSON 06/06 02:14

06/06 02:16, , 46F
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06/06 02:48, , 47F
i3 我的最愛
06/06 02:48, 47F

06/06 03:11, , 48F
F大其實我在剪的時好原本也想要用韌性這個詞 可是英
06/06 03:11, 48F

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06/06 06:49, , 54F
The Answer推
06/06 06:49, 54F

06/06 06:51, , 55F
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06/06 09:32, , 59F
I am what I am
06/06 09:32, 59F

06/06 10:24, , 60F
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06/06 10:25, , 61F
除了MJ 最喜歡的另一個球員
06/06 10:25, 61F

06/06 10:36, , 62F
06/06 10:36, 62F

06/06 11:16, , 63F
國小因為看到ai打球身影 開始接觸籃球
06/06 11:16, 63F

06/06 11:27, , 64F
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06/07 23:26, , 67F
06/07 23:26, 67F
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