[新聞] 年度最佳進步球員 自爆加盟湖人

看板NBA作者 (麥克來囉~)時間9年前 (2015/05/25 20:12), 編輯推噓10(211125)
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(中央社記者李宇政台北25日電)美國職籃(NBA)芝加哥公牛隊的鋒衛球員巴特勒( Jimmy Butler)本季榮獲年度最佳進步球員,他日前自己爆料,即將加盟洛杉磯湖人隊。 已經效力公牛4個球季的巴特勒本季平均單場20分、5.8籃板、3.3助攻,3項數據都是他在 公牛的新高,除了幫助球隊打進季後賽,他也是公牛隊史第一個獲得最佳進步獎的球員。 根據美國媒體「sports-kings」報導,巴特勒日前到洛杉磯參加商業活動的時候,自己說 ,是來和湖人簽約的。 不過報導指出,本季還沒結束,季後賽正如火如荼進行,而且自由球員市場7月才「開市 」。 http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aspt/201505250075-1.aspx Jimmy Butler says he is coming to the Lakers Chicago Bulls shooting guard Jimmy Butler is in for a big payday this July when NBA free agency begins. And while the Bulls can retain Butler by simply matching any offer sheet he signs, the former Marquette star’s wish is to become a Los Angeles Laker according to sources close to Sports-Kings. While visiting the popular and fast growing PSD underwear brand’s headquarters, Butler said that he is coming to L.A. to sign with the Lakers. Have the Lakers prepared an offer sheet already for Jimmy Butler? This would lead to the obvious question of tampering because the season isn’ t over with and free agency doesn’t begin until July. But nevertheless, Butler appears to like the Los Angeles area quite a bit after being seen with star Mark Wahlberg in Beverly Hills yesterday and may want to call the L.A. area his home some day. Remember, just because the Bulls can match any deal made for Butler doesn’t mean he’s locked in with Chicago for the next several years. It’s widely assumed that free agents will sign very short deals this summer because of the huge spike in team salary cap and expected increase in max contracts. So essentially, Butler could sign a one-year deal for as much money as he can and even if the Bulls match, he’d be on the open market next summer as an unrestricted free agent. Then Butler could sign with any team he wishes without Chicago having the luxury of retaining him because they won’t hold the rights via his restricted status. July is going to be very interesting… http://sports-kings.com/passthepill/jimmy-butler-says-he-is-coming-to-the-lakers/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1432555960.A.004.html

05/25 20:13, , 1F
05/25 20:13, 1F

05/25 20:13, , 2F
05/25 20:13, 2F

05/25 20:14, , 3F
05/25 20:14, 3F

05/25 20:14, , 4F
別想了 除非公牛不想出錢or瘋了天價 不然肯定留住的
05/25 20:14, 4F

05/25 20:15, , 5F
在湖人持球時間不會這麼長 也不會很血汗 輸贏kobe
05/25 20:15, 5F

05/25 20:15, , 6F
05/25 20:15, 6F

05/25 20:15, , 7F
JC+Kobe+JB+Love+榜眼 \湖人劍指總冠軍/
05/25 20:15, 7F

05/25 20:15, , 8F
05/25 20:15, 8F

05/25 20:16, , 9F
嘎獸跟摳比 哪根腿比較粗我想三歲小孩都知道
05/25 20:16, 9F

05/25 20:17, , 10F
用錢砸死你啊 出2000萬你跟不跟
05/25 20:17, 10F

05/25 20:18, , 11F
05/25 20:18, 11F

05/25 20:18, , 12F
JB加入了陣容會比DH Gasol 阿平 Kobe Nash超夢幻陣
05/25 20:18, 12F

05/25 20:19, , 13F
05/25 20:19, 13F

05/25 20:19, , 14F
還不是來我湖 坐等lbj被射爆也來加盟
05/25 20:19, 14F

05/25 20:19, , 15F
Kobe 2500 JB 2000 Love 2000 ...
05/25 20:19, 15F

05/25 20:19, , 16F
05/25 20:19, 16F

05/25 20:20, , 17F
05/25 20:20, 17F

05/25 20:21, , 18F
05/25 20:21, 18F

05/25 20:21, , 19F
05/25 20:21, 19F

05/25 20:24, , 20F
贏是老大扛沒錯 輸的話是其他人領繩吧
05/25 20:24, 20F

05/25 20:27, , 21F
05/25 20:27, 21F

05/25 20:28, , 22F
05/25 20:28, 22F

05/25 20:34, , 23F
沒心的留了不一定好阿 像鵜鶘的EG想去太陽被留然後
05/25 20:34, 23F

05/25 20:34, , 24F
05/25 20:34, 24F

05/25 20:35, , 25F
05/25 20:35, 25F

05/25 20:45, , 26F
05/25 20:45, 26F

05/25 20:47, , 27F
主導權? 你要跟價我就擺爛 折衷頂多先簽後換
05/25 20:47, 27F

05/25 20:48, , 28F
湖人最大的風險就是老大如果再簽兩年 想去當老大的
05/25 20:48, 28F

05/25 20:48, , 29F
05/25 20:48, 29F

05/25 20:49, , 30F
05/25 20:49, 30F

05/25 20:49, , 31F
05/25 20:49, 31F

05/25 20:52, , 32F
05/25 20:52, 32F

05/25 20:52, , 33F
LA老梗自爽文 根本蚵蚵 加入就加入 坦樂透而已
05/25 20:52, 33F

05/25 20:54, , 34F
05/25 20:54, 34F

05/25 20:54, , 35F
在又想抱腿偷第6冠 唉
05/25 20:54, 35F

05/25 20:55, , 36F
史上最會抱腿偷冠的男人 kobe,大概是後世的評價了
05/25 20:55, 36F

05/25 21:07, , 37F
薪資還好吧 我湖不是賺很大 就花大錢啊 不然簡樸打
05/25 21:07, 37F

05/25 21:07, , 38F
球喔?? 可以簽前面低後面高的合約啊!老科一開始
05/25 21:07, 38F

05/25 21:07, , 39F
薪水也不是兩千五百萬鎂阿 一堆人酸民五十五歲自動
05/25 21:07, 39F

05/25 21:07, , 40F
跟公司說減薪好了 理由工作能力降低阿……別再那邊
05/25 21:07, 40F

05/25 21:07, , 41F
拿馬刺三老來說嘴 每個州稅制不一樣
05/25 21:07, 41F

05/25 21:15, , 42F
05/25 21:15, 42F

05/25 21:22, , 43F
05/25 21:22, 43F

05/25 21:22, , 44F
應該三連霸啊?事實上就是gm 厲害隔年補進側翼 三
05/25 21:22, 44F

05/25 21:22, , 45F
分準,重點是防守罩 對金塊驚天一抄 抄掉甜瓜打總冠
05/25 21:22, 45F

05/25 21:22, , 46F
05/25 21:22, 46F

05/25 21:26, , 47F
ariza 0708就在湖人了 什麼隔年補進.....
05/25 21:26, 47F

05/25 21:29, , 48F
而且不是驚天一抄 是兩場各一關鍵抄截XD
05/25 21:29, 48F

05/25 21:30, , 49F
05/25 21:30, 49F

05/25 21:35, , 50F
KOBE放話LA最後一年 拐FA加盟後又簽3年
05/25 21:35, 50F

05/25 22:59, , 51F
05/25 22:59, 51F

05/25 23:01, , 52F
05/25 23:01, 52F

05/25 23:39, , 53F
05/25 23:39, 53F

05/26 00:48, , 54F
05/26 00:48, 54F

05/26 00:50, , 55F
Rondo, Kobe, JB, Love, 新秀,加第六人JC。好強
05/26 00:50, 55F

05/26 09:22, , 56F
輸贏狗鼻扛?贏球狗鼻的 輸球其他人的吧
05/26 09:22, 56F

05/26 23:56, , 57F
05/26 23:56, 57F
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