[外絮] 湖人改變陣容: 林書豪, Boozer 滾蛋!

看板NBA作者 (無血之大戮)時間9年前 (2014/12/08 09:02), 9年前編輯推噓-20(294932)
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Lakers Change Lineup: Lin, Boozer Out http://tinyurl.com/o45gwmv 先僅速翻原文有關林書豪的部份 減省時間 -- After promising changes following a tough loss to the Boston Celtics, Los Angeles Lakers coach Byron Scott followed through on his word. "Starting lineup has been changed: Ronnie Price will start at the point guard; Kobe (Bryant) at the two; Wesley (Johnson) at the three; Ed Davis at four; Jordan Hill at five," Scott told NBCLA.com on Sunday morning. Lakers Painfully Poor, Celtics Win Jeremy Lin and Carlos Boozer were no longer starting, and Price and Davis had usurped their starting roles. Scott pointed to a "defensive mentality" that both Price and Davis possessed--something the coach thought the team needed at this moment. 林跟Boozer不再是先發,Price跟Davis將篡奪他們的先發角色。Scott(湖人教練)指出 Price跟Davis持有"防守精神力",教練認為這是這隻球隊在這時間點最需要的 "I think Ed's energy is contagious. He comes in and he brings a different element. And I think it's the same with Ronnie." Scott's reasoning for making the changes was ground in defense, "They think the defensive end of the floor first, and right now, that's what we need." "我覺得Davis的能量很有感染力,他上場時會帶來不同的元素。我想Price也同樣如此。" Scott作出陣型改變的理由是 場上的防守 "他們會先想到場上的防守端。而現在,這就是 我們需要的" Lakers Stats Analysis: Inside the Numbers When asked about how the player had taken the news, the coach laughed off the question. He pointed to the record, 5-15, and asked rhetorically, "What are they going to say?" 當被問到球員要如何接受這個新聞,教練對這問題笑了 他指著記錄 五勝十五敗 煞有其事地問道 "他們還可以說什麼?" Scott continued, "(I'm) just trying to inject some more energy into our team but also to let them know that if you think your minutes are guaranteed, it's not. It really isn't. To be honest with you, from a coaching standpoint, I got nothing to lose. I really don't. We're 5-15 right now." Asked what Lin and Boozer needed to do going forward, the coach was clear: "The biggest thing is I need them to defend. Offensively, especially from Jeremy, understanding just what a point guard is...he still has to learn that." Scott繼續說"我只是試著注入更多活力到這個隊伍,並且讓他們知道,如果你覺得你上場 的時間是有保證的,不是,真的不是。誠實對你說吧,從教練的角度來看,我沒有甚麼東 西可以損失,我真的沒有。我們現在只有5勝15敗。" 被問到林跟Boozer再來需要怎麼做,教練很清楚的說" 我最需要他們做的事情是防守。而 進攻,特別是林書豪,需要了解控衛是什麼...他必須要學會" Through 20 games, Lin has had a difficult time consistently creating for teammates and showing signs of building chemistry. The one-sided loss in Boston was just the latest example of Lin failing to run the offense as a point guard. Lin was able to attack the rim in spots and shoot a high percentage, but he only managed two assists with two turnovers on the night. His opposite number, Rajon Rondo, notched 16 assists and one turnover--more than the entire Lakers' team. 打了二十場球,林有困難持續的給隊友製造機會,並且沒有建立化學反應的跡象。 在對Boston一面倒的失敗中,正好是一個最新的例子,林在以一個控衛組織進攻上失敗, 林可以偶爾進攻籃框,並取得高命中率,但那晚只有兩次助攻,伴隨兩個失誤。 而他的對手 Rondo,贏得十六次助攻,一個失誤---助攻數超過湖人隊總合 Consistent defensive effort, ultimately, was the reason the coach made his changes. Previously, Boozer missed a game due to a shoulder injury, and Davis made his lone start of the season. In that game, the forward was unable to avoid foul trouble and proved to be ineffective as a starter. "The first thing I want (Davis) to do is play like he plays--play with that aggressive mindset and that physical mindset," Scott said when asked about how Davis would need to adjust as a starter. "But obviously, with doing that, he has to be a little bit smarter now that he's going to start. I want him to be on the floor as much as possible. There's going to be times when he has to just give up a layup or give up a basket to avoid getting his second or third foul early." Scott also believed that Davis would hear less whistles from the officials once they saw him play more consistently. Scott said, "The more he's out there, the more the referees will start to see what type of player he is and how he plays, and they'll start to give him more respect." The Lakers' coach was quick to warn that these were only the first changes. He said the coaching staff would assess progress based on five games at a time, but he would likely be quicker to make changes on the next go-around. On Sunday night, the new-look Lakers host the New Orleans Pelicans at Staples Center. Tip-off is 6:30 p.m. Pacific Time. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1418000529.A.866.html

12/08 09:03, , 1F
12/08 09:03, 1F
※ 編輯: imgkiller (, 12/08/2014 09:04:19

12/08 09:04, , 2F
頗喝 拜託Scott打我臉~湖人就繼續輸吧
12/08 09:04, 2F

12/08 09:04, , 3F
湖人起飛囉! 等明年搶狀元了!
12/08 09:04, 3F

12/08 09:04, , 4F
12/08 09:04, 4F

12/08 09:04, , 5F
12/08 09:04, 5F

12/08 09:04, , 6F
翻譯:控衛不會撿子彈 失敗中的失敗
12/08 09:04, 6F

12/08 09:04, , 7F
12/08 09:04, 7F

12/08 09:04, , 8F
12/08 09:04, 8F

12/08 09:05, , 9F
湖人要起飛囉~ 0迷又要被主子打臉了嗎
12/08 09:05, 9F

12/08 09:05, , 10F
滿滿的活力 小貝就算了 老普防守.....
12/08 09:05, 10F

12/08 09:05, , 11F
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12/08 09:05, , 12F
12/08 09:05, 12F

12/08 09:05, , 13F
林迷真的別害林書豪了 說啥要不顧隊友亂幹 教練就直
12/08 09:05, 13F

12/08 09:05, , 14F
對方控衛隨便都可找到無人防守的隊友 這都怪林
12/08 09:05, 14F

12/08 09:06, , 15F
12/08 09:06, 15F

12/08 09:06, , 16F
拔先發 讓你刷都沒得刷
12/08 09:06, 16F

12/08 09:06, , 17F
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12/08 09:06, , 18F
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12/08 09:06, , 19F
其實攻守兩端 教練都對林不滿意
12/08 09:06, 19F

12/08 09:06, , 20F
5-15 What is coach going to say?
12/08 09:06, 20F

12/08 09:06, , 21F
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12/08 09:06, , 22F
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12/08 09:06, , 23F
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12/08 09:06, , 24F
沒球權..但助攻要10個以上嗎? 去旁邊做夢吧!~~
12/08 09:06, 24F

12/08 09:07, , 25F
林的空檔傳球 隊友不進也是他的失誤
12/08 09:07, 25F

12/08 09:07, , 26F
12/08 09:07, 26F

12/08 09:07, , 27F
這一季坐看湖人笑話而已 喔對了 還有各種磷酸的發揮
12/08 09:07, 27F

12/08 09:08, , 28F
反正換誰都會輸 乾汙差?
12/08 09:08, 28F

12/08 09:08, , 29F
老大無限開火權 爽啊
12/08 09:08, 29F

12/08 09:09, , 30F
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12/08 09:10, , 31F
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12/08 09:11, , 32F
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12/08 09:11, , 33F
老大也看破林了 林現在的不沾鍋打法對球隊傷害很大
12/08 09:11, 33F

12/08 09:11, , 34F
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12/08 09:11, , 35F
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12/08 09:12, , 36F
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12/08 09:12, , 37F
Kobe:說的很好 下去領500
12/08 09:12, 37F

12/08 09:12, , 38F
12/08 09:12, 38F
還有 32 則推文
12/08 09:36, , 71F
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12/08 09:42, , 72F
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12/08 09:43, , 73F
被三個教練帶過 三個都說沒料,誰才有料??
12/08 09:43, 73F

12/08 09:44, , 74F
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12/08 09:46, , 75F
12/08 09:46, 75F

12/08 09:51, , 76F
幹 當初怎不ED+Lin配 就為了打普你老母 現在黑球員
12/08 09:51, 76F

12/08 09:52, , 77F
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12/08 10:01, , 82F
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12/08 10:03, , 83F
12/08 10:03, 83F

12/08 10:05, , 84F
WTF 這理由去年也看過 好在哪阿
12/08 10:05, 84F

12/08 10:09, , 85F
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12/08 10:09, , 86F
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12/08 10:19, , 87F
科科 抱腿教練
12/08 10:19, 87F

12/08 10:24, , 88F
12/08 10:24, 88F

12/08 10:26, , 89F
沒有助攻跟隊友也很有關係= =!
12/08 10:26, 89F

12/08 10:28, , 90F
12/08 10:28, 90F

12/08 10:54, , 91F
防守精神力= = 戰績爛居然是LIN扛責...爛教練
12/08 10:54, 91F

12/08 11:00, , 92F
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12/08 11:07, , 93F
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12/08 11:14, , 94F
其實也沒講錯阿 戰績差本來陣容就要修改試試看
12/08 11:14, 94F

12/08 11:40, , 95F
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12/08 11:49, , 96F
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12/08 11:49, , 97F
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12/08 12:14, , 98F
不要臉= =
12/08 12:14, 98F

12/08 12:37, , 99F
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12/08 12:38, , 100F
12/08 12:38, 100F

12/08 12:44, , 101F
整隊弱是沒錯 但當中墊底的大概是教練吧 ZZ
12/08 12:44, 101F

12/08 13:22, , 102F
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12/08 13:44, , 103F
12/08 13:44, 103F

12/08 14:31, , 104F
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12/08 14:31, , 105F
12/08 14:31, 105F

12/08 16:31, , 106F
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12/08 22:01, , 107F
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12/08 22:01, , 108F
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12/08 22:19, , 109F
說爽是礙到你了哦 那就爽啦爽啦爽啦爽啦爽啦爽啦爽
12/08 22:19, 109F

12/08 22:23, , 110F
12/08 22:23, 110F
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