[外絮] Love 可能8月底被交易

看板NBA作者 (阿紅)時間9年前 (2014/08/03 20:51), 編輯推噓15(1835)
留言26則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/1
The Timberwolves say now that they expect to trade disgruntled all-star Kevin Love and that a deal is expected Aug. 23 or Aug. 24. "I'm saying it's most likely because Kevin has made it pretty clear that that's what he wants to do," Wolves owner Glen Taylor told the Pioneer Press. 灰狼預計將在8/23或8/24左右交易掉全明星前鋒Kevin Love。 "我會這樣說是因為Love已經清楚表明他想要被交易。"灰狼老闆這樣告訴媒體 Taylor's preference, though, is that Love remain in Minnesota. The August dates for a trade are because that's when the Cleveland Cavaliers officially can deal their first-round draft pick, Andrew Wiggins, to the Wolves. 灰狼老闆當然還是希望能夠留住愛神。至於預定在8月底是因為騎士隊在那時候 才能交易掉Wiggins(簽約球員似乎有規定要30天後才能交易或是裁掉吧?) Cleveland remains the strong bet for Love to join LeBron James. But the Wolves continue to listen to offers from Chicago and Golden State, with Philadelphia expected to be part of a three-team deal. 騎士依然是愛神最有可能的去處,但是灰狼還是有在接受公牛、勇士的報價, 且76人也很有可能參與到這個三方交易(76人 OS: 又有更多的二輪簽啦) A Love trade could give the Wolves a brand new look, with multiple players coming and going. 交易掉愛神的交易會包括多名球員,有可能會讓灰狼煥然一新。 "I think when you move somebody like Kevin, who's been an all-star, that you've got to get a number of players on your team that have the potential of replacing him," Taylor said. "Flip (Saunders, Wolves president) has looked at this team and offensively, he's got a pretty good team. Defensively, it's got to be better, so I think that's where some of the areas will be replaced." "我覺得當你在交易愛神這種全明星球員時你會希望能夠換到對等的戰力來補足他的空缺 ,我們的總理認為我們這隊進攻能力算是不錯了,但是防守還蠻破的,我想我們會針對這 一塊來補強。"灰狼老闆表示 心得:76人可以又要到更多二輪簽了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1407070311.A.AEB.html

08/03 20:53, , 1F
愛の人生 8月底完結篇
08/03 20:53, 1F

08/03 20:58, , 2F
08/03 20:58, 2F

08/03 21:08, , 3F
08/03 21:08, 3F

08/03 21:11, , 4F
看來已經是done deal了
08/03 21:11, 4F

08/03 21:12, , 5F
08/03 21:12, 5F

08/03 21:17, , 6F
08/03 21:17, 6F

08/03 21:17, , 7F
08/03 21:17, 7F

08/03 21:17, , 8F
08/03 21:17, 8F

08/03 21:19, , 9F
08/03 21:19, 9F

08/03 21:22, , 10F
只會刷數據 騎士隊有LBJ你只剩籃板可以撿 BOSH二世
08/03 21:22, 10F

08/03 21:23, , 11F
08/03 21:23, 11F

08/03 21:28, , 12F
一直喊話 新一代抱腿王
08/03 21:28, 12F

08/03 21:29, , 13F
08/03 21:29, 13F

08/03 21:39, , 14F
跟報腿倫一個樣 全世界都知道你要去騎士拉
08/03 21:39, 14F

08/03 21:43, , 15F
08/03 21:43, 15F

08/03 21:44, , 16F
08/03 21:44, 16F

08/03 21:48, , 17F
看起來就是等騎士而已 其他球隊洗洗睡囉~
08/03 21:48, 17F

08/03 21:51, , 18F
08/03 21:51, 18F

08/03 22:24, , 19F
08/03 22:24, 19F

08/03 22:28, , 20F
BOSH 2.0
08/03 22:28, 20F

08/03 22:40, , 21F
翻總理怪怪的 腦中浮現希特勒XD 用總裁比較好吧
08/03 22:40, 21F

08/03 22:53, , 22F
Wiggins: ......
08/03 22:53, 22F

08/04 00:34, , 23F
Filp不是球隊總管喔? 總裁不是等於是老闆?@@
08/04 00:34, 23F

08/04 00:35, , 24F
抱歉打錯 是Flip
08/04 00:35, 24F

08/04 00:52, , 25F
希望交易失敗 我想要看狀元隊
08/04 00:52, 25F

08/04 04:18, , 26F
一直喊話 新一代抱腿王xd
08/04 04:18, 26F
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