[外絮] 大范:Monroe和Drummond是一對理想組合

看板NBA作者 (treerivers)時間10年前 (2014/05/31 10:35), 10年前編輯推噓37(37015)
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Stan Van Gundy: Greg Monroe, Andre Drummond 'an ideal pairing' Two seasons ago, the Detroit Pistons' future seemed pretty straightforward: Andre Drummond an Greg Monroe would, in time, together form one of the most imposing frontcourts in the league. Last summer, though, things got complicated when Josh Smith was added in free agency as then–general manager Joe Dumars tried to make a push for the playoffs. The three did not fit together, and, with Monroe's restricted free agency coming up this summer, many thought his days in Detroit were numbered. 兩個賽季以前,活塞的未來似乎很清楚,那就是Andre Drummond和Greg Monroe這一對 前場搭檔。去年夏天,活塞總管Joe Dumars為了進季後賽而奮力一搏,接著從自由市場 上交易來Josh Smith,這讓事情似乎變得複雜了。這三人組合無法兼容,隨著今年夏天 Monroe將變成受限自由球員,似乎預告他留在活塞的日子已經不多了。 New Pistons president and head coach Stan Van Gundy made it clear he was a Monroe fan as soon as he took the job. Now he has spoken even more strongly about the tandem, via Pistons.com's Keith Langlois: 活塞新任的總裁和教頭Stan Van Gundy在上任後說得很清楚,他就是Monroe的粉絲, 在接受活塞官網的記者Keith Langlois的採訪後,他更加強烈地表達了他這個想法: “I think it is an ideal pairing,” he said. “If I look at just the film I've watched now and looking at the numbers, you would say that Greg and Andre together were great offensively. That was a great combination on the offensive end of the floor, especially when the three guys around them were shooters – more conventional perimeter types. That worked very, very well. Now, it didn't work very well defensively. I think it puts a lot of responsibility on Greg Monroe to have to guard out on the perimeter. 「我認為Monroe和Drummond是一對理想組合。」Stan Van Gundy說。「從我現在看到的 錄影帶和數據來看,Monroe和Drummond的組合在進攻端非常出色。尤其是在場上其他三人 都是射手的情況下,這兩人的搭配非常好。兩人在防守上的表現不佳,我認為Monroe承擔 了過多的防守責任。」 “But I think there are things we can do in terms of schemes and things that would make it a little easier on Greg to make that unit better defensively and then take advantage of the offensive end of the floor. 「但我們可以為他制定一些戰術,讓他在攻守兩端都發揮作用。」 Van Gundy added that he likes Monroe even more than he did before going over film -- "I love Greg Monroe," he said -- but he couldn't predict exactly what would happen in restricted free agency and his situation was "up in the air." Van Gundy繼續說,在加盟活塞之前,他就很喜歡Monroe了。在看過他的錄影帶的表現後, Van Gundy更加喜歡他了。「我愛Greg Monroe」他說。「但Monroe是受限制的自由球員, 因此我們很難預測未來會發生什麼事。」 Pistons fans will likely be most pleased by the fact Van Gundy directly addressed the fact that Monroe, Drummond and Smith didn't play well as a trio. It's only logical, then, that he'll see what the trade market is like for Smith if he is able to work out a deal with Monroe. 活塞球迷感到欣慰的是,Van Gundy直接點出了Monroe、Drummond和Smith三人無法兼容 的事實,如果能留住Monroe的話,Van Gundy也許會再看看是否要交易掉Josh Smith。 Van Gundy knows how rare it is to have two big men as young and talented as those two. Reconstructing the rest of the roster will remain tricky, but locking up Monroe would be a nice first move if it can be done affordably. Van Gundy知道球隊能同時擁有兩名年輕又有才華的大個兒是十分難得的,球隊接下來 的重建工作依然很棘手,不過鎖定Monroe續留會是球隊重建很好的第一步。 http://ppt.cc/yeeh 我湖洗洗睡吧 看你還是留住姊姊吧 活塞不會放Monroe 或許我湖可以考慮搶Josh Smith? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1401503751.A.7BE.html

05/31 10:37, , 1F
05/31 10:37, 1F

05/31 10:37, , 2F
05/31 10:37, 2F

05/31 10:37, , 3F
放賈詡好了~交易他吧 火箭萬用包XDD
05/31 10:37, 3F

05/31 10:41, , 4F
05/31 10:41, 4F

05/31 10:41, , 5F
05/31 10:41, 5F

05/31 10:41, , 6F
大家都知道josh多餘還要幫你清垃圾? 乖乖練抓猛和jo
05/31 10:41, 6F

05/31 10:41, , 7F
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05/31 10:41, , 8F
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05/31 10:43, , 11F
05/31 10:43, 11F

05/31 10:43, , 12F
離開魔術後的魔獸就沒有高峰過 可以說是大范捧起的
05/31 10:43, 12F

05/31 10:44, , 13F
05/31 10:44, 13F

05/31 10:45, , 14F
離開魔術後被笑剩下體能防守的草莓 可見大范組隊功力
05/31 10:45, 14F
※ 編輯: treerivers (, 05/31/2014 10:46:17

05/31 10:47, , 15F
魔獸沒有高峰過??? 啊一離開就傷了啊
05/31 10:47, 15F

05/31 10:47, , 16F
LIN有沒有比建寧好可以討論,但要Asik幹嘛 XD
05/31 10:47, 16F

05/31 10:48, , 17F
魔獸今年算是有點回來的跡象 至少低位打起來更有自信
05/31 10:48, 17F

05/31 10:48, , 18F
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05/31 10:48, , 19F
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05/31 10:49, , 20F
後場拆一拆吧 鐵成這樣
05/31 10:49, 20F

05/31 10:49, , 21F
05/31 10:49, 21F

05/31 10:51, , 22F
好控衛+2個三分射手拉空間會很威 +1
05/31 10:51, 22F

05/31 10:52, , 23F
05/31 10:52, 23F

05/31 10:56, , 24F
05/31 10:56, 24F

05/31 11:03, , 25F
找Josh來真的很蠢 嫌外線太強嗎????
05/31 11:03, 25F

05/31 11:09, , 26F
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05/31 11:24, , 27F
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05/31 11:25, , 28F
Josh + jennings 換萬用包
05/31 11:25, 28F

05/31 11:25, , 29F
我湖洗洗睡 換不到惹
05/31 11:25, 29F

05/31 11:37, , 30F
以活塞的情況還是洗洗睡吧 當初沒事簽啥Josh
05/31 11:37, 30F

05/31 11:38, , 31F
夢蘿硬要留的話 代價應該挺大的
05/31 11:38, 31F

05/31 11:50, , 32F
火箭萬用包已暖身 等著莫雷放話
05/31 11:50, 32F

05/31 11:56, , 33F
05/31 11:56, 33F

05/31 12:10, , 34F
問題是活塞沒錢又沒籤阿 XD
05/31 12:10, 34F

05/31 12:11, , 35F
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05/31 12:43, , 36F
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05/31 12:48, , 37F
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05/31 12:50, , 38F
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05/31 12:58, , 39F
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05/31 13:01, , 40F
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05/31 13:06, , 41F
活塞薪資就算硬吃monroe也不用繳豪華稅 認為活塞吃不
05/31 13:06, 41F

05/31 13:06, , 42F
下頂薪的 去洗洗睡吧
05/31 13:06, 42F

05/31 13:22, , 43F
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05/31 13:37, , 44F
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05/31 13:48, , 45F
05/31 13:48, 45F
Uber:轉錄至看板 Pistons 05/31 14:16

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05/31 17:17, , 50F
05/31 17:17, 50F

06/01 02:26, , 51F
06/01 02:26, 51F

06/01 07:59, , 52F
活塞真的簽了太多爛約 才會浮沉這麼久
06/01 07:59, 52F
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